Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

142259 Catálogo de libros: Biografía e historias reales

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  • 34 Days
    Anita Waller
    An abused woman decides to escape her marriage—and learns how much a life can change in just thirty-four days—in this taut psychological thriller.Anna and Ray have been married for thirty-five years. Their three children are grown; they have grandkids; and to outsiders they appear to be a normal couple. But behind closed doors, something isn’t right. On the day of their wedding...

    11,48 €

    Marilee Wein
    Surprise adoptee, Grandfather was a coal picker in Scotland, at 29, and Chief Inspector of Mines for British Columbia, at 43. He had shared his date and place of birth, or so, it seemed. This genealogy embraces late 18th to early 20th Century, Scotland, with US implications. His family is lovingly presented in “who done it”, under evaluation, as his potential birth parents. His...

    20,57 €

  • Worship in Spirit and Truth
    Jaerock Lee
    God tells us, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:45; 1 Peter 1:16), and desires each of us to wholly understand the laws on offerings recorded in Leviticus and lead a sacred life. I hope you will come to understand every aspect of offering in Old Testament times and worship in New Testament times. I also hope that you will examine the manner in which you worship, ...

    10,26 €

  • Heaven II
    Jaerock Lee
    “In order for us to receive the honor of staying close to God’s throne in New Jerusalem, our hearts have to resemble His heart that is as clear and beautiful as crystal.” In Heaven II you will find a great deal of secrets concerning heaven, such as the appearance of God who has existed from prior to the beginning of time, the throne of God, and the like. I believe that such det...

    11,06 €

  • Life’s Little Stories and The Colored Glasses
    Tommy Papantonio
    Prepare yourself to have fun! Yes, fun. Life’s Little Stories and The Colored Glasses is a whimsical combination of people wearing Tommy Papantonio’s collection of colored glasses from the dollare store and short stories he wrote from experiences he had in life from childhood to the present. The pictures are of smiling faces of people from all walks of life...real estate broker...

    35,00 €

  • Buhay Ko, Pananalig Ko Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Ang mga turo niya ukol sa ebanghelyo ng kabanalan, dahil sa kahulugan nito ay lampas pa sa hangganan ng pagiging isang iglesya; ito ay nagiging espirituwal at panlipunang pananampalataya at doktrina sa buong mundo. Si Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee ay isang kahanga-hangang ministro na tumanggap ng tungkuling magligtas at manggamot ng napakaraming tao sa buong mundo. Ang librong ito na ta...

    12,70 €

  • Hayatım ve İmanım Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Karanlık dalgaların, buz gibi esaretin ve en derin çaresizliklerin ortasında Tanrı için eşsiz bir sevgiyle filizlenen yaşamdan çekip çıkarılan en güzel kokulu ruhani bir aroma.  3 ...

    12,83 €

  • Jeta Ime, Besimi Im Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    “Unë i dua ata që më duan; dhe ata që më kërkojnë me kujdes më gjejnë.” (Fjalët e Urta 8:17) ‘Jeta Ime, Besimi Im I dhe II,’ autobiografia e Dr. Xherok Li, gjithashtu ofrojnë aromën më të këndshme shpirtërore për lexuesit. Kjo ndodh pasi që jeta e tij është shkëputur nga dashuria e Perëndisë, një jetë e cila ka përjetuar dallgët e errëta, zgjedhën e ftohtë dhe dëshpërimin më të...

    14,91 €

  • Môj Život, Moja Viera Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Môj život, moja viera I a II podáva jasnú odpoveď na otázku: „Ako by sme mali viesť kresťanský život?“ A preto je to kniha pre všetkých tých, ktorí prijali Ježiša Krista a veria v jeho krv z kríža.Keď mám byť úprimný, Dr. Jaerock Lee, predstavený pastor Centrálneho kostola Manmin, je človek, ktorého som nepoznal veľmi dobre. Jedného dňa mi jeden z mojich kolegov daroval jeho au...

    12,77 €

  • Minha Vida, Minha Fé Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    A autobiografia do Dr. Jaerock Lee exala o mais fragrante aroma espiritual para seus leitores através de sua vida extraída do amor de Deus florescido em meio a ondas fortes, um jugo pesado, e profundo desespero. 3 ...

    12,67 €

  • Recharged
    Lin Woolmington
    My story begins with my amazing conception against all the odds. I have an idyllic childhood in post WW2 Britain and grow up in a lovely Surrey village. I enjoy my school days, complete a secretarial course at college and find myself a good job in London. I become a teenage bride in the swinging sixties! My daughter is born in 1971 and life is good for over 44 years. In 2008 I ...

    14,89 €

  • Un Homme Qui Poursuit Les Vraies Bénédictions
    Jaerock Lee
    Le message de Jésus intitulé «Béatitudes» nous aide à réaliser ce qu’est la vraie bénédiction pour que nous puissions non seulement jouir de tous les bienfaits de ce monde, y compris la richesse, la santé, la renommée et l’autorité, mais encore que nous possédions la Nouvelle Jérusalem. 3 ...

    10,76 €

  • Refuge-e
    John Michael Koffi
    "And miraculously, just like your God—the smuggler—had told you, you get a lift to the police station, straight to the Refugee Camp, or to the Ministry of Home Affairs to declare yourself . . . you think—wish—it was your time to relax. But no, there is much more coming your way." Travel with a young refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo on a journey of resilience and gr...

    27,35 €

  • Vicissitudes
    Tholakele Langeni
    This is a story of Sisi, a young woman who, while on vacation in a far away country, meets a young couple, complete strangers. This encounter brings her face to face with a "ghost" from her past and evokes memories of what she went through in her past. In this book Sisi shares some of the issues young women and men experience and find difficult to talk about; and how if left un...

    15,28 €

  • BLU
    Cindy Mackey
    Old Blu was once the brightest fish in the sea. But as time passed, his color began to fade away.  Everyone tries to  help Blu be his old self again: the cleaner fishes clean him, the nurse fishes nurse him and the eels bring him nutritious food to eat.  But nothing seems to work until a fish named “Puffer” tries a new approach.“Blu” is a commentary on the importance of happine...

    13,90 €

  • The Fight of My Life
    Thomas Beavers

    24,27 €

  • Weaving Bateman Blend
    Margaret Franklin
    'Weaving Bateman Blend, The Companion Book' is a 'workshop to go'! The book is an Intermediate weaving resource emphasizing the role of ties and tie groups in weaving. It introduces Dr. William Bateman’s weave systems, but zeroes in on one of them, Bateman Blend. The book is named The Companion Book as it compliments the original Monograph # 36, of Virginia Harvey’s set of publ...

    50,18 €

  • Manusia Daging, Manusia Roh Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Kitab Ayub adalah salah satu Kitab yang paling sulit dalam Alkitab. Biasanya, orang memikirkan Ayub dalam konteks tentang seseorang yang jujur dan saleh; yang sedang diuji oleh Allah tanpa alasan sama sekali; ia tidak mengeluh; dan ia melewati semua pencobaan dengan sangat baik serta menerima jumlah berkat dua kali lipat dari harta yang sebelumnya ia miliki. Namun, dengan pemah...

    15,30 €

  • Homme de Chair, Homme d’Esprit Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Le Livre de Job est l’un des livres les plus difficiles de laBible. La plupart du temps les gens pensent à Job dansle contexte d’un homme qui était droit et intègre; qui a été testépar Dieu sans aucune raison; il ne s’est pas plaint, et il a très bienpassé tous les tests et a reçu une double portion des bénédictionsqu’il avait possédées auparavant. Mais avec ce type de vaguecom...

    11,29 €

  • A Lifetime At War
    Gordon L. Ewell
    Master Sergeant Gordon L. Ewell is a combat engineer and expert in the tactics and techniques the enemy used in Iraq to assemble, disguise, and detonate deadly improvised explosive devices (IEDs). He became part of the first special two-solider team whose mission was to find and render safe the IEDs, before they could unleash their deadly force upon other soldiers, convoys, civ...

    13,64 €

  • A Broken Man
    Trevor Stewart
    This is a story about a broken man. That broken man was me. I was unable to see the signs of a broken marriage and kept believing with my body and soul along with my Christian beliefs in one hand that everything would sort itself out! It is certainly true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. I was blinded for not reading the signs of a failing marriage. Now ...

    8,39 €

  • The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing
    Oliver Markus Malloy
    Dear Indie Author,Forget everything you think you know about writing and self-publishing. Chances are it's complete bullshit.Nowadays there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who dream of being a professional writer. And thanks to self-publishing and print-on-demand, there's nothing stopping you or anyone else from publishing whatever you want. Even if it'...

    3,72 €

  • The Pilgrim’s Progress
    John Bunyan
    The Pilgrim’s Progress is an engaging allegory of the Christian Life which has instructed and entertained countless adults and children over the past three hundred years.  As befitting a highly imaginative work, its style is simple and accessible.  This edition, complete and unabridged, containing Parts I and II, makes an ideal gift.“This wonderful work is one of the few books ...

    20,12 €

  • Grimenna
    N. K. Blazevic
    When Courage finds Hope…It was in the great forest Grimenna that the first spirits were born, created from the beliefs of men and nourished by thoughts both good and evil. As time unfolded men began to shun these spirits, he turned away from their guidance and plundered the forest for his own means without giving thanks. It was then dark creatures rose from the earth, conjured ...

    11,26 €

  • Tales from the Riverside
    Larry Landgraf
    Tales from the Riverside tells true and unique stories about one man’s struggle with alligators, snakes, killer bees, and hordes of nasty critters on a daily basis in his swamp. Experience the danger without the need for professional medical services. Life in a swamp is not for everyone. ...

    22,79 €

  • Spirito, Anima e Corpo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Inizio del viaggio su Spirito, Anima e CorpoQuesto libro è pieno di conoscenza spirituale della quarta dimensione e offre risposte chiare alle domande su spirito, anima e corpo.Category SermonAuthor Dott. Jaerock LeePrint Length 260 Pages 3 ...

    11,80 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тяло II
    Jaerock Lee
    Посланията от „Дух, Душа и Тяло“ хвърлят светлина върху най-дълбоката същност на нашето „аз“ и ни учат за произхода на хората. Ние също ще бъдем способни да разбираме всички хора след като добре научим и разберем посланието. Ще научим начините за побеждаване на силите на тъмнината, които ни възпрепятстват, за да водим успешен християнски живот. Част 2 на Дух, Душа и Тяло по-спе...

    11,98 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тело Ⅱ
    Jaerock Lee
    С того времени как я принял Иисуса Христа и стал читать Библию, я начал молиться о том, чтобы глубоко познать сердце Бога. Бог ответил мне после семи лет многочисленных молитв и постов. После того как я открыл церковь, Бог, через водительство Святого Духа, разъяснял мне трудные для понимания отрывки из Библии и, в частности, дал детальные объяснения по теме «Дух, душа и тело». ...

    11,94 €

  • Duch, Duše a Tělo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Poselství o „Duchu, Duši a Těle“ házejí světlo na hluboko skrytou část našeho ‚já‘ a učí nás o původu člověka. Jakmile se o tomto poselství dozvíme a důkladně ho pochopíme, budeme rovněž moci porozumět jakémukoliv člověku. Také se naučíme, jakými způsoby porazit síly temnoty, které na nás působí, a tak budeme moci vést vítězný křesťanský život. 3 ...

    11,90 €

  • Duch, Dusza i Ciało I
    Jaerock Lee
    Historia tajemniczych poszukiwań własnego „ja”  Jaki jest mój początek?Kiedy człowiek otrzymuje ducha?Czym jest ziarno życia, które stanowi źródło życia?Książka zawiera głęboką duchową odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące tego, kim tak naprawdę jest istota ludzka oraz wgląd w świat czterowymiarowy.Dlaczego ci, którzy otrzymali Słowo Boga, nazwani są bogami?Niniejsza książka pomaga cz...

    11,90 €