50 Ways to Engage Students with Google Apps

50 Ways to Engage Students with Google Apps

Alice Keeler / Heather Lyon

29,14 €
IVA incluido
Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
Año de edición:
Equipamiento y tecnología educativas, aprendizaje asistido por ordenador (CAL)
29,14 €
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Student engagement . . . Everyone says it, but what does that mean? It’s very easy for one person to say a lesson is engaging while another person might view that same lesson as disengaging. Tech companies promise to 'engage students' and 'measure student engagement' when they are really only measuring the number of minutes students spend online. Some or all of those students, however, may have been bored out of their minds. Despite the ubiquitous use of the word engagement, there is little to no agreement on what that word means. Alice Keeler and Heather Lyon know a few important things about engagement: The first is that do not teach. The second key is that it’s only when people are interested or absorbed that they are really engaged. So how do you create tasks that students want to do? That’s where the fifty strategies that the engagement and Google tools experts share here come in.  This book is full of templates, tips, tricks, and hacks for shifting engagement levels from disengaged to engaged using tools everyone can try. Learn how to use:Google Docs and Slides as collaboration toolsSpreadsheets in ways that are fun and creative. Google Classroom to recognize students as individuals Google Forms to quickly see where students are struggling.

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