


Jonas Nilsson

16,11 €
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Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn deals with a multitude of important current issues, and presents a controversial and constructive starting point for an intellectual discussion on how the West can regain control of its own destiny. The book can rightly be described as a polemical pamphlet, built on solid arguments and full of references to other works, for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the subjects discussed. The author does not shy away from issues that are considered taboo in contemporary society, as these subjects are crucial to future developments.The title “Anarcho-Fascism” might seem contradictory at first glance, bearing in mind the classical view on anarchism and fascism. Is there really anything that unites these ideologies, and can offer a solution to the problems facing the West? Based on the author's bachelor's thesis in political science, the book goes beyond the strict limits of ideologies and gives alternative answers to many questions. It invites the reader to partake in a discussion of the false perceptions that are influential today, and what the consequences of this will be. It also offers possible solutions to avoid this likely future scenario.

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