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Cathedrals of North America, Part I

Cathedrals of North America, Part I

Andrej Margarin

41,44 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
Edificios religiosos
41,44 €
IVA incluido
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Cathedrals of North America Part I: Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Bermuda, St. Pierre and Miquelon is the second book of the book series 'Cathedrals of the World'.This unique full-colored book presents all of the cathedrals, one by one, from different Christian denominations, located in the northern part of the continent of the North America; in the state of Canada, U.S. State of Alaska, Greenland - autonomous territory of the Kingdom of Danmark, Bermuda - a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Territorial Collectivity of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, which is a self-governing territorial overseas collectivity of France.Beside more than 220 illustrations and photos of almost all cathedrals in Canada, Alaska, Bermuda, Greenland and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, facts and descriptions about them, readers will find facts about hierarchy and territorial organization of churches on the continent, as well as their dioceses. Readers will also find the facts about 104 places in North America, from megacities like Toronto and Montreal, to some small villages where these cathedrals are situated. In the introduction of the book is given a brief overview of North America and then readers are introduced to the definition and types of cathedrals, their parts and cathedral architecture. The next chapter of the book, which is also the largest one, deals with the cathedrals of Canada. An overview of all Canadian cathedrals of various Christian denominations - Catholic, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox and others, as well as their dioceses and the cities where these cathedrals are located, is given. In the third chapter, the author writes about the cathedrals of Alaska, the northernmost state of the United States of America, as he presents information about the dioceses and places where these cathedrals are located. The last three chapters of the book deal with cathedrals located in three dependent territories located in the northern part of North America - Greenland, Bermuda and St. Pierre and Miquelon.The book is intended for anyone interested in church architecture, church organization, cultural heritage as well as the area and cities of the northernmost part of the continent of North America. It can also be used as a guide for religious tourism.

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