Don’t read this book by my mother, she’s crazy

Don’t read this book by my mother, she’s crazy

Don't read this book by my mother, she's crazy

Linda Ruth Brooks / Tony Attwood

35,16 €
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Linda Ruth Brooks
Año de edición:
Hacer frente a la enfermedad y a determinados trastornos y dolencias
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Living with someone on the autism spectrum is like watching a child trying to play hopscotch when they can’t see the squares, and everyone else can. Linda’s book takes us to the heart of living with a child with on the autism spectrum, inviting us to see life through the eyes of others. Brooks chronicles her life with her son from his birth, covering the early years, and the teen years through to adulthood—ending with his fearless flight into manhood. The last section focuses on the struggles faced by adults on the spectrum and their families with an informative, scientific approach. In an unflinching account Brooks poignantly captures the struggle of living with a child who appears to see the world through broken glass.  A roller coaster ride from the bizarre to the obscene, encompassing the poetic and the hilarious, heartache and joy. The narrative embraces the muddled stumbling between two worlds—worlds that seem so desperately different at first glance. This is a story bout a boy obsessed with the unfathomable and a mother obsessed with understanding him. This book is about celebration. This book is also published as I'm not broken, I'm just different & Wings to fly. I am very pleased to be involved with Linda’s book. I think we both have a very important message and I certainly endorse Linda’s positive approach. I know it will change the lives of many families.  Professor Tony AttwoodAs a counsellor I have discovered a number of special pearls, a couple of which are found in Linda and Bronson’s journey. This is a timely book with a special message. I believe Linda and I met for a purpose. I have read the manuscript and feel this is her gift to other parents. Dr Steele FitchettThis is a long awaited book. Linda and Bronson have a great relationship; it’s entertaining to watch them bounce off each other. I once remarked to Linda, describing her parenthood—‘You enjoy him and that is one of the finest assets of a mother that you offer, regardless of how he reacts.’ Dr Jay 

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