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Glimpses of Oneness, Facets of the Unity Perspective

Glimpses of Oneness, Facets of the Unity Perspective

Glimpses of Oneness, Facets of the Unity Perspective

Lee Temple

12,66 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Estudios parapsicológicos
12,66 €
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This overview volume-Glimpses of Oneness- presents a series of brief essays that sketch various facets of my own life’s awakening. These often playful fables share inspiringnuances of the unity perspective, as seen in a daily life context that is easily recognizable to all. Each represents a pivotal moment in or aspect of my evolutionary development.Some are experience-based, and are presented more or less chronologically as they appeared during a fifty-year arc of my life’s trajectory. Others chronicle some of the formsthat have emerged for me as a direct result of these important oneness experiences: Archetypal sketches, structural diagrams, integrative exercises and techniques, and relationalrevelations of some of unity’s deeper truths. I also share how I’ve put these gifts into practice as my work has unfolded over the past few decades. My hope is that these brief, faceted glimpses will work well with our contemporary time constraints and attention spans, and that their diversity of content will effectively engage an equally diverse audience.My life’s teaching has revealed many ways to experience 'becoming the mountain' of oneness-from individual internal integration and uniting with the world at large, touniting various aspects of our world. I’ve found that each way has an important role to play, especially when we turn our attention toward uniting to heal ourselves and our world.The deepest essence of the unity vision that drives the broader and powerful healing impulse for the complete series, and how it came to be seated in me, is in these pages.The implicit and, I hope, inspiring message to readers of this and other volumes is simply this: The insights, inspirations, and innovations that I share here can come to you as easily as they’ve come to me.ENDORSEMENTS 'We are in a tremendous fix. We burn a lot of coal and gas and oil on a daily basis in this world-as a result, the atmospheric concentration of co2 has zoomed past the maximum safe level of 350 parts per million, and now nudges 400 ppm. As a result, the Arctic, and most of the other ice on the planet, is melting swiftly; as a result, the oceans are 30% more acidic than they were a generation ago; as a result, we see a steady and devastating increase in both flood and drought. This is the first truly global problem that we’ve ever faced. The sources of the trouble aren’t found everywhere-many people on earth burn little or no fossil fuel-but the effects can now be found in every corner of the planet. In fact, many of the hardest hit places are ones that have done little to cause the crisis. Big crises can lead to big, powerful changes. Let’s hope we can make that happen here!' -From the Foreword by Bill McKibben, Founder of 'Your email series is so great- I love the positivity and hopefulness of the project. The issues we collectively face are so grave, but that doesn’t by any stretch mean that positivity and hopefulness aren’t appropriate. In fact, I think it’s the opposite - that the urgent issues of our time demand the most positivity we can muster. Prima Mundi is clearly going to help establish that path, and give people a way to express their willingness to hope and to help.' -Madeline Cantwell, Director of Development, The Orion Society (Orion Magazine) 'Lee Temple is a modern day renaissance man. His command of so many fields such as cosmology, science, philosophy, psychology, spirituality, ecology and systems thinking is truly impressive. He puts all this knowledge together in a lyrical, informative and practical presentation designed to provide us with all we need to make informed choices and take wise action to save our planet. His mapping has a moral imperative: we must transform our consciousness and act.' -James O’Dea, author of Cultivating Peace: Becoming a 21st Century Peace Ambassador

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