God Will Be All in All

God Will Be All in All

Anna Case-Winters

29,61 €
IVA incluido
Presbyterian Publishing
Año de edición:
29,61 €
IVA incluido
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The early Christians saw in Jesus the focus and fulfillment of the conviction that God is with us. Over time, they learned to speak of that presence in terms of divine incarnation. That one theological affirmation raises questions for practically all other Christian beliefs. If God is incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, how does that change our understanding of God’s presence in all things? What does it mean to be human if the life of God has been so intimately joined to human life? How can we say 'God is with us' when there is so much suffering and evil in the world? What do we mean by 'us'? Just us Christians or all of us? Just human beings or also the whole creation? If we find life in the wider cosmos, is God with them too? Looking through the lens of the incarnation, how wide is the divine embrace?In this volume, Anna Case-Winters demonstrates that the doctrine of the incarnation of God in Christ is not simply one belief among others; it is the cornerstone on which all other Christian convictions are built. Throughout, she carefully lays out the consequences for Christian belief and Christian life of the ancient confession that in Christ, 'the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily.'

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