Secrets of the Cyber Underworld

Secrets of the Cyber Underworld

Bolakale Aremu

13,78 €
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Indy Pub
Año de edición:
Delito y criminología
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This book is the culmination of my 7-year research project, delving into the world of human cyber crime. It’s a vital resource for anyone seeking to stay ahead of the latest cyber crime techniques and protect their organization or business from cyber threats, especially in the context of remote work. To gather insights, I traveled to 20 cyber crime hotspots globally, including Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Nigeria, Brazil, the USA, and China. Through 240 interviews with law enforcement officials, private sector experts, and cyber criminals themselves, I aimed to understand the inner workings of cyber crime organizations and separate fact from fiction. This book presents my findings, offering a comprehensive and informed perspective on cyber crime, and empowering readers with the knowledge to stay safe in the digital world.

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