The Bible Bluff

The Bible Bluff

The Bible Bluff

Mariana Stjerna

22,83 €
IVA incluido
SoulLink Publisher
Año de edición:
El más allá, reencarnación y vidas pasadas
22,83 €
IVA incluido
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The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of the crucified Jesus in it? Where is the Grail now and what mission will it have for humanity in the future? Who was the real Mary Magdalene – a whore or a saint? Was she perhaps the mother of the women’s liberation movement?You will find the answers to these questions and much more in this book. Here is a new version of the life of Jesus and what happened in biblical times. The author’s spiritual contact has visited these times and has amazing things to tell. It is time for the Truth to be revealed the way it has been told to those who listen. But it is up to the reader to listen to their inner Truth, which is hidden in their heart.

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