The Three Visitors

The Three Visitors

Olga López Molina

13,31 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
13,31 €
IVA incluido
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Good things often happen during difficult times, in this case the appearance of three beings bearing truth. David, a widower living an empty, solitary life in Barcelona in 2020 is visited by the spirits of Origin, History, and Destiny. They come unannounced, one at a time, to ease his depression, lift his thoughts, and save his endangered soul.Like Dicken’s Christmas spirits the three visitors show him a universe he could never have imagined. In the midst of a pandemic, they set him on a path to divine love, of family unity, and God knowing. David’s eyes are opened to life after death, even eternal life in an infinite cosmos. Readers of this story will be transported with David to a higher level of belonging, one of transcendent values and soul-satisfying purpose!

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