Vegetarianism’s Advantages

Vegetarianism’s Advantages

J. Steele / JSteele

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There are three primary reasons to become a vegetarian. To begin, a vegetarian diet is beneficial to your health. Second, it contributes to animal welfare. Thirdly, vegetarianism is environmentally friendly. Let’s begin with your physical well-being. Consume far less saturated fat on a vegetarian diet than on a traditional meat-based diet. This will benefit your heart’s wellness. Regular nut consumption has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart attacks in adults. Vegetarians rely on nuts as one of their protein sources. Cardiovascular disease has become a leading cause of death in all modern industrialized civilizations. That alone would be a compelling argument to choose vegetarianism. However, the health benefits are far larger. Vegetarians are infrequently obese. Obesity and the associated health concerns have emerged as a major public health concern. The majority of vegetarians take a high quantity of complex carbs. These are the so-called "healthy carbohydrates" that have been touted for their ability to prevent fast changes in blood sugar levels. When our blood sugar levels rise, we must create additional insulin. If this process is continued, our bodies can develop an insensitivity to their own insulin, resulting in type 2 diabetes in severe cases. Type 2 diabetes is growing more prevalent, especially among relatively young people, as a result of the current diet. Cancer is another lethal disease that is increasing in prevalence. A vegetarian diet may help reduce the chance of developing certain malignancies since it is high in fiber and anti-oxidants that fight free radicals.

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