
Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Prácticas de adivinación / Astrología (1329)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Prácticas de adivinación Eliminar filtro Astrología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Valmiki’s Astropalmistry
    Sulabh Jain
    The Ramayana was written by Valmiki, a famous monk, astrologer and palmist. He wrote a system of astropalmistry into his classic, and kept the details of his system hidden in plain sight using mythic symbols. This leads to many questions about the characters in the Ramayana that cannot be answered, but become obvious once the code of astrology and palmistry is uncovered. Why di...

    39,89 €

  • The Ascendant Vol 1
    The Ascendant, the official journal of the Association for Young Astrologers (AYA). The first issue, released in 2014, welcomed previously unpublished work around the topic of ‘New Frontiers for Astrology’ and featured work by emerging astrologers and culminating veterans of the celestial art. ...

    27,14 €

  • Planets in Solar Returns
    Mary Fortier Shea
    Here’s everything you need to know about Solar Returns!●    Information is based on the author’s experience interpreting hundreds of Solar Return charts for clients.●    An explanation of the significance of interceptions, retrogrades, aspects, hemispheric or quadrant emphasis, and preponderance or lack of an element or mode in a Solar Return.●    An interpretation of each plan...

    26,20 €

  • 13 Moon Synchronometer
    Vasumi Zjikaa
    Organise your life according to a more Cosmic Blueprint! This book is a Synchronometer, a daily planner based on Mayan Dreamspell cosmology of time, energy and consciousness. It carries basic teachings from the Galactic Maya, including codes for deciphering your personal Dreamspell signature, as well as a practical layout designed to help you STAY IN THE FLOW! ...

    21,83 €

  • 13 Moon Synchronometer
    Vasumi Zjikaa
    Welcome to YOUR Mayan Dreamspell Workbook! Your very own place of connection, wonder and discovery of the world of the harmonic matrix. Just as the Matrix movie asked us to choose the red or the blue pill... This is the red pill that introduces you to a world of harmony, gifting you back your free will... This is a daily planner based on the 13 Moons x 28 day calendar, based o...

    28,11 €

  • Journey through Astrology
    This book offers a unique perspective on what it means to be a student of astrology and what happens when we immerse ourselves in the process of learning this ancient art and craft - the journey through astrology.The book consists of ten chapters, each written by a different author. The first eight chapters each seek to explore some aspect of the journey through astrology whils...

    20,55 €

  • The Astral World
    Joel Tiffany
    The relations of man to his God have occupied the first minds of every age, but without rendering those relations so understandable to the mass of mankind as to be admitted as true. It has been evident to many, although not to all, that some minds so engaged have been inspired to write beyond the current knowledge of their day, indeed to foretell truths which could only be reco...

    14,29 €

  • 2034 Podcast Com Um Et
    Helius Arrais
    Esta obra é o registro das entrevistas realizadas no decurso de três meses, na cidade de Nova York, com um ser extraterrestre e sua peculiar forma de se manifestar.Tal viajante das estrelas veio cumprir a missão dada pela Confederação Intergaláctica, na retirada do véu que impede esta humanidade de perceber o sistema de controle que domina nossas vidas.Além de vastas informaçõe...

    12,37 €

  • A Cura Da Alma
    Geisi Resende Chaing
    Esse livro vai conversar o tempo todo com o seu inconsciente, ele vai te contar coisas sobre você que você nem imagina ser possível. Então, já te aviso, é real! São elementos que compõem a sua vida.As histórias que compõemA cura da Alma são relatos dosespíritos que habitam a luz e a verdade. O foco de todas as entrevistas foi captar a essência de como cada espírito se tratoue s...

    21,28 €

  • Reflexões Sobre Ramatís E Sua Egrégora
    Dalton Campos Roque
    Descubra a verdade por trás de Ramatís e sua egrégora!Se você aprecia Ramatís, esta é sua obra.Se você detesta Ramatís, tem recado para você lá dentro.REFLEXÕES SOBRE RAMATÍS E SUA EGRÉGORA desafia dogmas e convida você a uma jornada de autoconhecimento livre de clubismos e exclusividades.Mergulhe em reflexões profundas sobre:Universalismo e Espiritualismo: transcendendo barrei...

    17,47 €

    Читателю, интересующемуся мировоззренческими вопросами, безусловно, будет полезно прочесть эту книгу, так как в ней критикуется непогрешимость научной формы познания и научного знания. В книге обсуждаются такие темы, как источники наших знаний, вселенная, грубая материя, человек, дух, материальная природа, творение материи и оценка истинности научного знания. ...

    4,85 €

  • Der Mars-Hypothese
    Anthony von Boston
    Der Mars-Hypothese stellt vor Daten aus dem Jahr 1896, die zeigen, wie der Dow Jones zu Zeiten funktionierte, als sich der Mars innerhalb von 30 Grad des Mondknotens befand. Die Daten enthalten die täglichen prozentualen Veränderungen des Dow Jones seit 1896. Diese Informationen wurden aus Quellen, die in Bezug auf Börsendaten als zuverlässig erachtet werden, extrapoliert und p...

    25,40 €

  • The Complete Guide to Astrology - Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life
    Sorens Books
    A delightful smorgasbord of three dozen essays on a wide variety of astrological topics ranging from practical, hands-on advice to technical issues to humor and satire. Topics in Astrology is chock-full of original tips and guidelines for experienced practitioners (it may be a bit advanced for beginners; but even they will find parts of the book fascinating).  This book is a c...

    16,18 €

  • The Mars/Shmita Year Hypothesis
    Anthony of Boston
    Back in 2020, I came up with the idea that the Federal Reserve can set interest rates based on the movements of the planet Mars and then wrote  a book explaining how it was feasible. In the earlier versions of that book entitled "The Mars Hypothesis," I formulated an algorithm based on solar and planetary positions. But over the course of applying it to the actual price movemen...

    50,60 €

  • Cosmic Secrets
    Eleanor Haspel-Portner
    Consciousness is a state of being that we often take for granted. But true consciousness-and all the multidimensionality that comes with it-is the key to unlocking a deeper and more meaningful relationship with our own personalities. Here to guide the way is author Eleanor Haspel-Portner, PhD, whose groundbreaking study-encompassed for the first time in Cosmic Secrets-is the on...

    21,56 €

  • The Deus Armaaruss
    Anthony of Boston
    In ancient Greece and Rome, it was believed that the planets influenced the affairs of men. This book revives that paradigm by taking the reader through a three-step process. First is an explanation of the law as it pertains to how the planet Mars influences man. This is followed by evidence and demonstration that a belief that Mars influences humans and events is a plausible a...

    22,91 €

  • Guia Básico De Astrologia
    Mara Castro
    O Guia Básico de Astrologia auxilia você a elaborar e interpretar mapas astrológicos. Utilize-o para aprender os conceitos fundamentais da astrologia moderna. Elaborado minuciosamente para interessados, iniciantes e para profissionais que queiram aprimorar e ampliar seu vocabulário. Com ênfase na compreensão dos pilares da astrologia contemporânea. Contém referências de autores...

    9,34 €

  • Mapas estructurales innatos
    Jose Luna
    El propósito de este ensayo no es más que presentar los nuevos hallazgos relacionados con la medicina, la psicología, la genética molecular y la epigenética e interrelacionar de forma innovadora y singular todos estos conocimientos científicos y racionales con otros aspectos más espirituales y por tanto más sutiles y resbaladizos de la vida, como la espiritualidad, el desarroll...

    16,64 €

  • The Lore of Pluto
    Steve Judd
    Offering a more complete, contemporary, and thorough understanding of this most mysterious of astrological influences.Discovered in 1930, Pluto has always been the most enigmatic of astrological influences. Its astrological meanings have been almost prised out of the Hadean depths, eventually leading astrologers world wide into a greater understanding of how astrology and psych...

    22,63 €

  • Simon Evolução Da Consciência Divina, O Poder Interior
    Manoel Mozena Cavalcante
    Este livro contém informações que canalizo com um ser da Luz, multidimensional som o nome de Simon, que me ensina desde a minha infância até os dias de hoje, com informações que elevam a dignidade e a postura mental dos seres humanos perante uma vida nova,a Evolução da ConsciênciaO Poder Interior, que foram me ensinado e provados a realidade de um poder jamais imaginado pelos s...

    21,38 €

  • Desarrollo personal para Tauro
    Eve Stars
    Tauro ¿Te imaginas un libro que combine la sabiduría de la Astrología con la ciencia de la Psicología? ¿Un libro que te guíe como ningún otro ha hecho antes en el campo de la superación y el desarrollo personal? ¿Que gracias al conocimiento profundo de tus cualidades como signo Tauro pueda llevarte a alcanzar el máximo Poder al que estás destinado?No imagines más, este es tu li...

    17,48 €

  • Relationships and How to Survive Them
    Liz Greene
    Relationships are and always have been the greatest of human mysteries and the chief source of both our joy and our suffering. Astrology offers many profound insights which can help us understand why we become involved with particular individuals, and why we sometimes enact compulsive patterns which work against our conscious wishes and expectations. The two seminars in this re...

    24,16 €

  • Curso De Alquimia Espagírica
    Jean Dubuis
    São 24 aulas de espagiria com descrições detalhadas dos processos práticos de laboratório e filosofia hermética.Com sua vasta experiência em alquimia e esoterismo, Dubuis nos presenteia com uma obra singular, que certamente encantará aqueles que buscam compreender e aplicar os princípios da alquimia. Ao longo dos capítulos, Dubuis explora de forma clara e concisa os conceitos e...

    13,48 €

  • Mondkalender 2024
    Giovanni da Rupecisa
    Mondkalender 2024Astrologischer Kalender mit Mondphasen Tag für Tag mit Tierkreiszeichen,- auch für Grüne Hexen und Gärtner geeignet ! -Wenn Sie hier sind, haben Sie wahrscheinlich die Anwesenheit bestimmter astrologischer Frequenzen in Ihrem Leben gespürt und sich über deren Bedeutung und Verbindung zu Ihren Erfahrungen gewundert, aber Sie stecken wahrscheinlich immer noch in ...

    13,78 €

  • Moon Calendar 2024
    Giovanni da Rupecisa
    Moon Calendar 2024Astrological Calendar with Moon Phases day by day with Zodiac Signs,suitable also for Green Witchcraft and GardenersIf you are here, it is likely that you have sensed the presence of certain astrological frequencies in your life and wondered about their meaning and connection to your experiences, but you are probably still stuck in old patterns that prevent yo...

    14,03 €

  • Calendario Lunar 2024
    Giovanni da Rupecisa
    Calendario Lunar 2024Calendario Astrológico con las Fases de la Luna día a día con los Signos del Zodiaco,adecuado también para la Brujería Verde y los JardinerosSi estás aquí, es probable que hayas percibido la presencia de ciertas frecuencias astrológicas en tu vida y te hayas preguntado por su significado y conexión con tus experiencias, pero probablemente sigas atascado en ...

    13,78 €

  • Calendario lunare 2024
    Giovanni da Rupecisa
    Calendario lunare 2024Calendario astrologico con fasi lunari giorno per giorno e segni zodiacali,adatto anche a streghe verdi e per la cura del giardinoSe siete qui, è probabile che abbiate percepito la presenza di alcune frequenze astrologiche nella vostra vita e vi siate interrogati sul loro significato e sul loro legame con le vostre esperienze, ma probabilmente siete ancora...

    16,04 €

  • Horoskop 2024
    Giovanni da Rupecisa
    Horoskop 2024Die Astrologie ist der Schlüssel zu Ihrem LebenswegWenn Sie hier sind, haben Sie wahrscheinlich die Anwesenheit bestimmter astrologischer Frequenzen in Ihrem Leben gespürt und sich über deren Bedeutung und Verbindung zu Ihren Erfahrungen gewundert, aber Sie stecken wahrscheinlich immer noch in alten Mustern fest, die Sie daran hindern, sich in die Richtung zu beweg...

    16,40 €

  • Astrologie für Anfänger
    Giovanni da Rupecisa
    Astrologie für Einsteiger'Entdecken Sie jetzt das komplette Handbuch der Astrologie für Anfänger!'Wenn Sie hier sind, dann wahrscheinlich, weil Sie die Anwesenheit bestimmter astrologischer Frequenzen in Ihrem Leben gespürt und sich über deren Bedeutung und Verbindung zu Ihren Erfahrungen gewundert haben, aber Sie stecken wahrscheinlich immer noch in alten Problemen fest, die S...

    16,68 €

  • The Mars Hypothesis
    Anthony of Boston
    The Mars Hypothesis presents the idea that the Federal Reserve can set interest rates based on the movements of the planet Mars. In this book, data going back to 1896 shows that as of April 2020, percentage-wise, the Dow Jones rose 857%. When Mars was within 30 degrees of the lunar node since 1896, the Dow rose 136%. When Mars was not within 30 degrees of the lunar node, the Do...

    27,70 €