Ciencia: cuestiones generales

Matemáticas y ciencia / Ciencia: cuestiones generales (22656)

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  • Analysis and Applications of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics
    Ramoshweu Solomon Lebelo
    The reprint contains 19 articles that have been accepted and published in the Special Issue 'Analysis and Applications of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, 2023' of MDPI’s Mathematics journal, which covers a wide range of topics related to experimental and theoretical fluid flow processes and the analysis of heat flow in stockpiles of reactive materials. Among others, these topics i...

    108,78 €

  • Food Analysis in the 21st Century
    Gavino Sanna
    This reprint of the Special Issue 'Food Analysis in the 21st Century: Challenges and Possibilities' presents eleven regular papers that have been already published between December 2021 and February 2024 in the Molecules journal. ...

    70,23 €

  • Four Famous Numbers
    James R Warren

    47,38 €

  • La menace silencieuse
    Ruby Jindal
    'La menace silencieuse : Exploring the Depths of Water Pollution' est un examen complet des multiples facettes du problème de la pollution de l’eau. Dans une optique pluridisciplinaire, l’ouvrage explore les sources, les voies et les conséquences de la pollution de l’eau et met en lumière son impact sur les écosystèmes, la santé humaine et l’environnement. Chaque chapitre abord...

    60,32 €

  • Die stille Bedrohung
    Ruby Jindal
    'Die stille Bedrohung: Exploring the Depths of Water Pollution' ist eine umfassende Untersuchung des vielschichtigen Problems der Wasserverschmutzung. Durch eine multidisziplinäre Sichtweise erforscht das Buch die Quellen, Wege und Folgen der Wasserverschmutzung und beleuchtet ihre Auswirkungen auf Ökosysteme, die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt. Jedes Kapitel befasst sic...

    60,38 €

  • A Ameaça Silenciosa
    Ruby Jindal
    'The Silent Threat: Exploring the Depths of Water Pollution' é uma análise abrangente da questão multifacetada da poluição da água. Através de uma perspetiva multidisciplinar, o livro explora as fontes, as vias e as consequências da poluição da água, lançando luz sobre os seus impactos nos ecossistemas, na saúde humana e no ambiente. Cada capítulo analisa aspectos específicos d...

    60,26 €

  • La minaccia silenziosa
    Ruby Jindal
    'La minaccia silenziosa: Exploring the Depths of Water Pollution' è un esame completo del problema multiforme dell’inquinamento idrico. Attraverso una lente multidisciplinare, il libro esplora le fonti, i percorsi e le conseguenze dell’inquinamento idrico, facendo luce sul suo impatto sugli ecosistemi, sulla salute umana e sull’ambiente. Ogni capitolo approfondisce aspetti spec...

    60,26 €

  • Déchets solides produits par une micro-entreprise dans la ville de Manaus
    Isabelle de Oliveira Cardoso
    Le secteur alimentaire produit inévitablement des déchets solides, tels que l’aluminium, le papier et les déchets organiques. Selon l’Association brésilienne des bars et restaurants, les repas pris à l’extérieur représentent 30 % des dépenses des Brésiliens. Ces données montrent qu’il existe une pratique ou une coutume qui consiste à manger à l’extérieur, que ce soit pour le tr...

    49,74 €

  • Feste Abfälle eines Kleinstunternehmens in der Stadt Manaus
    Isabelle de Oliveira Cardoso
    Der Lebensmittelsektor produziert unweigerlich feste Abfälle wie Aluminium, Papier und organische Abfälle. Nach Angaben des brasilianischen Verbands der Bars und Restaurants entfallen 30 Prozent der Ausgaben der Brasilianer auf das Essengehen. Diese Daten zeigen, dass es eine Praxis oder Gewohnheit ist, auswärts zu essen, sei es aus beruflichen Gründen oder einfach in der Freiz...

    49,74 €

  • Solid waste produced by a micro-enterprise in the city of Manaus
    Isabelle de Oliveira Cardoso
    The food sector inevitably produces solid waste, such as aluminum, paper and organic waste. According to the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants, eating out accounts for 30% of Brazilians’ spending. This data shows that there is a practice or custom of eating away from home, whether for work or simply for leisure. The aim of this study is to analyze the types of solid...

    49,74 €

  • Rifiuti solidi prodotti da una microimpresa nella città di Manaus
    Isabelle de Oliveira Cardoso
    Il settore alimentare produce inevitabilmente rifiuti solidi, come alluminio, carta e rifiuti organici. Secondo l’Associazione brasiliana dei bar e dei ristoranti, i pasti fuori casa rappresentano il 30% della spesa dei brasiliani. Questi dati dimostrano che esiste una pratica o un’abitudine di mangiare fuori casa, sia per lavoro che per semplice svago. Lo scopo di questo studi...

    49,74 €

  • Твердые отходы, производимые микропредприятием в городе Манаус
    И де Оливейра Кардозу
    Пищевой сектор неизбежно производит твердые отходы, такие как алюминий, бумага и органические отходы. По данным Бразильской ассоциации баров и ресторанов, на питание вне дома приходится 30 процентов расходов бразильцев. Эти данные свидетельствуют о существовании практики или обычая питаться вне дома, будь то по работе или просто для отдыха. Цель данного исследования - проанализ...

    49,81 €

  • Тихая угроза
    Руби Джиндал
    Книга 'Тихая угроза: Exploring the Depths of Water Pollution' - это всестороннее исследование многогранной проблемы загрязнения воды. С помощью междисциплинарного подхода книга исследует источники, пути и последствия загрязнения воды, проливая свет на его воздействие на экосистемы, здоровье человека и окружающую среду. Каждая глава посвящена отдельным аспектам кризиса, от поним...

    60,38 €

  • The Global Deception
    Walter Hensley
    Probably the most common reason for not finding truth in our lives is that we think we have already found it. Regardless of one’s inclination to ponder a possible world-conspiracy, there is likely not a person on Earth who has not felt cheated and lied to by the powers that be. This book is for those intellectually honest readers who, in the light of proper evidence, are not af...

    24,61 €

  • Dietary Patterns and Nutritional Value in Non-communicable Diseases
    It is well known that the quality of human nutrition is fundamental to human health and affects the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The global food system has been dramatically changing in recent years, which results in negative consequences concerning the nutritional quality of foods, and consequently, the risk of NCDs. Therefore, the need for diagnostic tools to use...

    80,65 €

  • GIS Applications in Green Development
    Yannis Maniatis
    This Special Issue delves into the realm of geographic information systems (GIS) and their pivotal role in fostering green development. Featuring a collection of rigorous research articles authored by esteemed experts in the field, this compilation offers insights into the applications of GIS within the domain of sustainable development. These contributions underscore GIS as an...

    60,83 €

  • Process Design and Sustainable Development
    Peter Glavič
    Process design deals with the most important long-term engineering decisions in the chemical and process industries. It determines process economics, environmental impacts, and workers’ wellbeing-the three pillars of sustainable development. The United Nations’ resolution of 2015 defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); among the most important ones is Goal No. 12: 'Ens...

    99,49 €

  • The Absolute and Fundamental Law of Order and Truth
    John Constantine Capleton
    This book describes the fundamental laws and principles that were necessary to develop an ordered system like the universe in which we live. Without these laws, there can be no order. Together they set the foundation for the development of ordered systems that exist in harmony with each other.    Any ordered system must have a fixed reference, otherwise it will not remain order...

    13,73 €

  • Clinical Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers
    In this Special Issue, we finally included 20 papers, focused on multiple clinical diseases, including cancers, infectious diseases (COVID-19, pancreatitis, etc.), autoimmune diseases, and metabolic diseases. In terms of the types of biomarkers, they include non-coding RNA, inflammatory factors, cytokines, etc. These papers have explored the clinical biomarkers in diagnosis, ri...

    99,43 €

  • Manual Do Investigador Principal
    Marcelo Rodrigues Bacci
    O manual do pesquisador principal é o livro que traz luz para uma área nebulosa da formação médica : a pesquisa clínica patrocinada.O médico ao longo de sua formação tem pouco contato com a maneira profissional com que a indústria farmacêutica conduz as pesquisas clínicas de medicamentos experimentais.O manual abrange todas as nuances que permeiam a atuação nesta área para que ...

    22,20 €

  • Introduction à l’Archeologie Générale et Africaine
    Emmanuel Ruzuzi
    Depuis les années 1980, l’archéologie est devenue l’une des sciences les plus importantes dans la vie courante des sociétés en ce sens où elle fait revivre les sociétés disparues au présent. Elle regorge de nombreuses techniques et méthodes afin de découvrir tous les vestiges y relatifs enfouis sous la terre ou des monuments oubliés. Cet ouvrage présente ainsi quelques notions ...

    60,13 €

  • Wasserwissenschaft und -technologie
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    Die Hydrologie ist die Grundlage für die Entscheidungsfindung im Bereich der Wasserressourcen und für die Bewertung der damit verbundenen Risiken wie Überschwemmungen, Dürren und Verschmutzung. Trotz der lebenswichtigen Bedeutung dieser Wissenschaft für die Gesellschaft ist dieser Wissenschaftsbereich mit einem gravierenden Mangel an Daten in räumlicher und zeitlicher Hinsicht ...

    61,94 €

  • Science et technologie de l’eau
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    La science de l’hydrologie est à la base de la prise de décision en matière de ressources en eau et de l’évaluation des risques connexes tels que les inondations, les sécheresses et la pollution. Malgré l’importance vitale de cette science pour la société, ce domaine scientifique est confronté à un grave manque de données dans les domaines spatiaux et temporels. Les pays du tie...

    61,88 €

  • Scienza e tecnologia dell’acqua
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    La scienza dell’idrologia è alla base del processo decisionale in materia di risorse idriche e della valutazione dei rischi correlati, come inondazioni, siccità e inquinamento. Nonostante l’importanza vitale di questa scienza per la società, questo campo scientifico sta affrontando una grave mancanza di dati in ambito spaziale e temporale. Nei Paesi del terzo mondo e a basso re...

    61,82 €

  • Наука и техника о воде
    Марья Марани-Барзани / Хоссейн Голами / Шахиде Дехгхан
    Наука гидрология является основой для принятия решений в области водных ресурсов и оценки связанных с ними рисков, таких как наводнения, засухи и загрязнение. Несмотря на жизненно важное значение этой науки для общества, данная научная область испытывает острую нехватку данных в пространственной и временной областях. В странах третьего мира и странах с низким уровнем дохода из-...

    61,94 €

  • Ciência e tecnologia da água
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    A ciência da hidrologia é a base para a tomada de decisões no domínio dos recursos hídricos e para a avaliação dos riscos conexos, como as inundações, as secas e a poluição. Apesar da importância vital desta ciência para a sociedade, este domínio científico está a enfrentar uma grave falta de dados nos domínios espacial e temporal. Nos países do terceiro mundo e nos países com ...

    61,82 €

  • Off The Grid Prepper’s Water Survival Plan
    Andrew Raines
    Your Ultimate Guide to Water Self-Sufficiency!Are you a prepper, homesteader, or just someone looking to save money and live more sustainably?Do you constantly worry about your ability to find and prepare safe drinking water in an emergency or for off-grid living?Are you seeking independence from the grid but unsure how to secure a sustainable water supply?Transform Uncertainty...

    16,20 €

  • Biosorbents for the treatment of liquid radioactive waste
    Tania Regina de Borba
    This book presents some alternative biological treatments for liquid radioactive waste containing americium-241. We use bacteria, fungi and algae products as biosorbents in the treatment of these tailings, which can and must be treated in such a way as not to allow environmental contamination. Liquid radioactive waste is extremely dangerous because it can leak through cracks in...

    56,47 €

  • Biosorbants pour le traitement des déchets radioactifs liquides
    Tania Regina de Borba
    Ce livre présente quelques traitements biologiques alternatifs pour les déchets radioactifs liquides contenant de l’américium 241. Nous utilisons des bactéries, des champignons et des produits d’algues comme biosorbants pour le traitement de ces résidus, qui peuvent et doivent être traités de manière à ne pas contaminer l’environnement. Les déchets radioactifs liquides sont ext...

    56,47 €

  • Биосорбенты для обработки жидких радиоактивных отходов
    Таня Регина де Борба
    В этой книге представлены некоторые альтернативные способы биологической обработки жидких радиоактивных отходов, содержащих америций-241. Мы используем бактерии, грибы и водоросли в качестве биосорбентов для обработки этих хвостов, которые могут и должны быть обработаны таким образом, чтобы не допустить загрязнения окружающей среды. Жидкие радиоактивные отходы чрезвычайно опасн...

    56,53 €