Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación (25895)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Fortschritte in der Geomorphologie
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    Die Geomorphologie ist ein Teilgebiet der Naturgeografie, das untersucht, wie sich verschiedene natürliche Formen auf der Erdoberfläche bilden, und die Veränderungen verfolgt, die sich aus den inneren und äußeren Faktoren der Erde auf diese Formen ergeben, um ihr Verhalten zu erklären und ihre Zukunft vorherzusagen. Geomorphologie ist die Wissenschaft von den Formen und Unebenh...

    61,69 €

  • Progrès de la géomorphologie
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    La géomorphologie est une branche de la géographie naturelle qui étudie la façon dont les différentes formes naturelles se forment à la surface de la terre et suit les changements résultant des facteurs internes et externes de la terre sur ces formes afin d’expliquer leur comportement et de prédire leur avenir. La géomorphologie est la science qui identifie les formes et les ir...

    61,69 €

  • Avanços da Geomorfologia
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    A geomorfologia é um ramo da geografia natural que examina o modo como as diferentes formas naturais se formam na superfície da terra e segue as alterações resultantes dos factores internos e externos da terra sobre essas formas, a fim de explicar o seu comportamento e prever o seu futuro. A Geomorfologia é a ciência que identifica as formas e os desníveis da terra. Esta palavr...

    61,63 €

  • Акация черепитчатая (A. raddiana) лесостепь Туниса
    Мохаммед Сга ЗАВФУРИ
    Эта книга, 'мечта моей юности', состоит из двух частей: общего обзора и заключения. Завершает книгу библиография, включающая около 570 ссылок, относящихся к таксону Acacia tortilis в Тунисе и во всем мире, а также к лесостепи Гоммиер и ее флористической процессии в Блед-Талахе. В первой части мы рассмотрели таксономическое обозначение и систематическую классификацию вида Acacia...

    129,48 €

  • Достижения геоморфологии
    Марям Марани-Барзани / Хоссеин Гхолами / Шахиде Дехгхан
    Геоморфология - это отрасль естественной географии, которая изучает, как на поверхности Земли образуются различные природные формы, и следит за изменениями, происходящими под воздействием внутренних и внешних факторов Земли на эти формы, чтобы объяснить их поведение и предсказать их будущее. Геоморфология - это наука об определении форм и неровностей земли. Это слово заимствова...

    61,69 €

  • Progressi della geomorfologia
    Hossein Gholami / Maryam Marani-Barzani / Shahide Dehghan
    La geomorfologia è una branca della geografia naturale che esamina come si formano le diverse forme naturali sulla superficie della terra e segue i cambiamenti derivanti dai fattori interni ed esterni della terra su queste forme per spiegarne il comportamento e prevederne il futuro. La geomorfologia è la scienza che identifica le forme e le irregolarità della terra. Questa paro...

    61,63 €

  • Fazenda De Ferro
    Niquerson Neves
    Aracelly é uma agrônoma de sucesso,dona de uma beleza radiante e uma inteligência admirável,esses atributos não a impedem de ser uma pessoa boêmia e fútil,por causa da ausência de seus pais.Perdeu a mãe na época do mestrado,e seu pai nunca foi tão próximo.Tudo muda,quando Aracelly recebe a notícia do falecimento do seu pai,herdando uma grande fortuna,além de ter que enfrentar p...

    11,89 €

  • The Faith That Transcends Humanity
    Ishaq Mir
    In the universe created by nature, which embraces billions of human beings, countless elements spread hatred and hence drive away the harmony between the universe and nature. The universe is in danger due to the negative thinking of such anti-human elements. Since the universe nourishes us all equally, to spread hatred is like biting the hand that feeds us. If human beings livi...

    6,19 €

  • The Tree of Life and The Origin of The Species
    Philip Bruce Heywood
    The Tree of Life and the Origin of the Species by Philip Bruce Heywood tells the facts that he wanted to be seen published. The book has necessary content clarifying some climate questions with suitable resources. With a three-fold mission, this book ought (1) to leave not the slightest doubt that the whole of science, modern science especially, the whole of creation, the unive...

    29,55 €

  • Restoring the Balance
    John A Vucetich
    Wolves on a wilderness island illuminate lessons on the environment, extinction, and life.For more than a quarter century, celebrated biologist John Vucetich has studied the wolves, and the moose that sustain them, of the boreal forest of Isle Royale National Park, an island in the northwest corner of Lake Superior. During this time, he has witnessed both the near extinction of...

    37,49 €

  • Calling Wild Places Home
    Laura Waterman
    Poignant and vulnerable essays that weave together seemingly disparate themes of wild places and mountain stewardship, books and reading, and building a new life after loss. ...

    26,15 €

  • The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe
    Parihar Maninder
    'The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe' is a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges surrounding migration in Europe. The book, organized into fourteen chapters, delves into critical issues shaping the region’s asylum policies. From the nexus between migration pressures and terrorism concerns to the fate of irregular migration, it navigates throu...

    66,20 €

  • Понимание причин отказа от участия в национальной системе медицинского страхования Ганы
    Фелиция Асомани
    Национальная система медицинского страхования Ганы не достигла полного охвата населения, хотя она является системой социального медицинского страхования - моделью, которая все больше набирает вес как способная охватить бедные и малообеспеченные группы населения. По аналогии с многочисленными исследованиями, посвященными отказу от участия в программе, социально-экономические фак...

    55,72 €

  • Comprendre la non-inscription au régime national d’assurance maladie du Ghana
    Felicia Asomani
    Le régime national d’assurance maladie du Ghana n’a pas atteint une couverture totale de la population bien qu’il s’agisse d’un régime d’assurance maladie sociale, un modèle qui gagne de plus en plus en importance car il a le potentiel d’intégrer les pauvres et les groupes à faibles revenus. À l’instar de nombreuses études sur la non-adhésion, les facteurs socio-économiques s’a...

    55,75 €

  • The Story is in Our Bones
    Osprey Orielle Lake
    It’s time to rewild ourselves and our dominant worldviews to build earth-centered communities for all. The dominant cultural worldview is based upon extraction and exploitation practices that have brought us to the precipice of social, environmental, and climate collapse. Braiding poetic storytelling, climate justice and deep cultural analyses, and the collective knowledge of E...

    32,76 €

  • Protecting natural capital and biodiversity in the agri-food sector
    This collection considers the importance of accounting for and protecting natural capital and biodiversity in the agri-food sector. The book reviews recent advances in natural capital, biodiversity and extinction accounting and how these methods are being applied in different sectors and regions to improve the sustainability of agri-food supply chains. ...

    269,74 €

  • How to Cope with Climate Change
    Michael Krause
    How did mankind change Earth from the beginning? How did changes in technologies change our society and the global climate? And how do we have to change to cope with climate change?Climate change is the ultimate threat in the world today, and it can only be addressed through comprehensive technological and societal transformation. This book examines the financial, technical, an...

    108,15 €

  • How to Cope with Climate Change
    Michael Krause
    How did mankind change Earth from the beginning? How did changes in technologies change our society and the global climate? And how do we have to change to cope with climate change?Climate change is the ultimate threat in the world today, and it can only be addressed through comprehensive technological and societal transformation. This book examines the financial, technical, an...

    48,03 €

  • Cartas Indigenistas
    Carlos Alberto Dos Santos Dutra
    Este livro reúne cartas, bilhetes, entrevistas e crônicas que remontam o tempo vivido pelo indigenismo praticado pelo autor e as circunstâncias que envolveram o trabaho realizado por ele junto aos indígenas Ofaié no lapso temporal dos últimos 30 anos, no município de Brasilândia/MS.Tem a singela pretensão de perenizar no tempo a trajetória indígena de um povo que, desde os anos...

    14,83 €

    Ганиев Юнусали / Муродилов Хасанбой
    Искусственный интеллект (ИИ) стремительно трансформирует различные отрасли промышленности во всем мире, и Узбекистан не является исключением. В стране реализуются различные меры по созданию прочной основы для развития ИИ. В данной монографии представлен анализ перспектив и проблем ИИ в Узбекистане. Вот некоторые дополнительные сведения об ИИ в Узбекистане: - Правительство актив...

    60,89 €

    Ganiyev Yunusali / Murodilov Khasanboy
    L’intelligence artificielle (IA) transforme rapidement diverses industries à l’échelle mondiale, et l’Ouzbékistan ne fait pas exception. Le pays a mis en œuvre diverses mesures afin d’établir une base solide pour le développement de l’IA. Cette monographie propose une analyse des perspectives et des défis de l’IA en Ouzbékistan. Voici quelques informations supplémentaires sur l...

    60,83 €

  • Employabilité des jeunes déscolarisés
    Matthieu Ettien Afforo Guy
    Après la prospérité économique des années 1960-1980 où l’emploi abondait, la Côte d’Ivoire plonge dans une crise de récession économique à partir des années 80. Aussi, la succession de crises (Crise militaro-politique de 2002, crise post-électorale de 2011) va ralentir la lancée économique et réduire considérablement les opportunités d’emplois dans le pays. Cette situation occa...

    111,74 €

  • Impact of Climate Change on Mental Health and Well-Being
    Climate change has far-reaching consequences beyond its environmental impact. It also significantly affects human social and mental well-being, both at individual and community levels. Addressing the social and mental well-being impacts of climate change requires a multi-faceted approach that includes both mitigation and adaptation strategies. This involves reducing greenhouse ...

    242,21 €

  • Avaliação da Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos em Imperatriz-MA
    Elza Ribeiro Dos Santos Neta / Jhonatan Oliveira Silva
    A destinação adequada dos rejeitos oriundos das diversas atividades humanas constitui um grande desafio para a sociedade. Assim, esta pesquisa investiga sobre a atuação da gestão de resíduos sólidos no município de Imperatriz de 2016 e 2017. Para tanto, fez-se inicialmente um levantamento bibliográfico, em seguida, foi realizada pesquisa de campo na Secretaria Municipal de Infr...

    60,20 €

  • Os Lava-Jatos e os Impactos Ambientais na Zona Urbana de João Lisboa
    Elza Ribeiro Dos Santos Neta / Willames Pereira Do Nascimento
    A água é recurso natural essencial para sobrevivência do ser humano, vem se tornando um bem de alto valor social e econômico. Em João Lisboa ao longo dos anos vários problemas relacionados ao consumo e desperdício de recursos hídricos oriundas das atividades desenvolvidas pelos lava-jatos no perímetro urbano da cidade. Assim, este trabalho objetivou analisar os lava-jatos e os ...

    60,32 €

  • Ambiente, Saúde e Qualidade de Vida
    Elza Ribeiro Dos Santos Neta / Reijane Sousa Almeida / Rozana Sousa Almeida
    Esta pesquisa aborda a temática ambiente, saúde e qualidade de vida com ênfase no abastecimento público de água no bairro Vila Vitória em Imperatriz-MA. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar a qualidade da água oferecida a população do bairro Vila Vitória, bem como identificar os motivos pelos quais os moradores não possuem água em suas torneiras durante todo o dia. P...

    60,44 €

  • Environmental Factors and Economic Development
    Huda Abdul Rahim Abdul Kadir
    Environmental factors around us are numerous, human, animal and plant affected by, and affect the activity and production capacity, and the economics of life affected by it in different aspects. The effect of these factors is reflected clearly on the General agriculture and include many kinds of products including greens, where it is most influenced by environmental conditions....

    60,26 €

  • The Great Physician
    Stephanie Mines
    The Great Physician: Medicinal Poetry for the Anthropocene is Dr. Mines’ first major collection of poems. Poetry, she says, helps make possible 'the spaciousness needed to match our inner experience to the outer catastrophe that is accelerating before our eyes. It helps us to understand.' These poems are inner experiences through which she, and indirectly the reader, find a way...

    20,51 €

  • The Snake Traders
    Brenda M. Spalding
    Inspired by true events.The finding of a body in a Florida wildlife preserve, Florida Fish and Wildlife officers are told the man died from a poisonous cobra bite. How did the man come into contact with such a dangerous reptile?Officers Seth Grayson and Liz Corday join forces with Special Agent Pat Miller from the Federal Wildlife commission. Together they try to track down the...

    15,18 €

  • Urban Economics, Real Estate, Transportation and Public Policy
    Jeffrey P Cohen
    The chapters of this book synthesize papers on the inter-related topics of urban economics, real estate, transportation and public policy and include applied and empirical research on a variety of sub-topics. These include innovative econometric techniques that are applied to timely problems, such as impacts of flooding in Vancouver, BC Canada on property values; and the determ...

    105,66 €