
Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Cristianismo (94437)

Libros Eliminar filtro Humanidades Eliminar filtro Religión y creencias Eliminar filtro Cristianismo Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Committed Marriage

    21,76 €

  • Holy Scripture
    G. C. Berkouwer / Jack B. Rogers

    34,98 €

  • Christ in Christian Tradition
    Aloys Grillmeier / John Bowden

    67,59 €

  • The Writings of Jonathan Edwards
    William J. Scheick / William JScheick

    22,33 €

  • A House for Hope
    William Armitage Beardslee

    30,78 €

  • Culture and Human Values
    Jacob A. Loewen / Jacob ALoewen

    25,80 €

  • People Movements in the Punjab
    Frederick Stock / Margaret Stock
    Penned in the mid-1970s, People Movements in the Punjab gives an accurate analysis of the history of the church in the Punjab. After spending 12 years ministering in Pakistan, the authors set about finding the answers to the following questions: · What caused the church in the Punjab to grow from the 1880s into the first half of the 20th century?· Which missionary methods were...

    16,60 €

  • Deep River and the Negro Spiritual Speaks of Life and Death
    Howard Thurman
    Dr. Howard Thurman explores how protest and resistance are expressed in spirituals as well as how these songs have been a 'spiritual watering hole' in his life.. ...

    14,25 €

  • The Christian Looks at Himself
    Anthony A. Hoekema
    What kind of self-image should Chritians have? Should they see themselves primarily as unworthy sinners before a holy God? The biblical view, Anthony A. Hoekema argues in this readable study, is that humanity, having been made in God's own image, was the capstone of God's creation. Even when we fell, God considered us of such worth that he gave up his only Son to redeem human...

    17,96 €

  • Man as Male and Female
    Paul King Jewett

    22,70 €

  • Sayings of the Desert Fathers
    Benedicta Ward
    ’Give me a word, Father’, visitors to early desert monks asked. The responses of these pioneer ascetics were remembered and in the fourth century written down in Coptic, Syriac, Greek, and later Latin. Their Sayings were collected, in this case in the alphabetical order of the monks and nuns who uttered them, and read by generations of Christians as life-giving words that would...

    23,33 €

  • Noah’s Stories of the Prophets - Bible and Torah
    Noah / The Hope Seeker
    In this book, the stories of the prophets are presented. God, the Creator of all things, made the mountains and the seas. He made all the animals. He made the heavens and the stars. He made the sun and the moon and He made the angels. Then God decided to make a man. He called this first man Adam. He taught him many things so that Adam had more knowledge than the angels. There w...

    39,94 €

  • The Tale of the Tell
    Paul W. Lapp / Paul WLapp

    23,70 €

  • Informal Groups in the Church
    Matthew J. O’Connell / Matthew JO'Connell / Matthew JO’Connell

    35,07 €

  • Conflict at Colossae

    21,06 €

  • Anselm
    Karl Barth
    This is one of Barth’s most important works - far more important than may appear at first sight.... Here we have not merely one great theologian taking the measure of another. That in itself would be interesting enough. But in addition to that we are here shown one great theologian clarifying and crystallizing, in conversation with another, his own ideas as to the nature of the...

    24,63 €

  • The Story of American Methodism
    Frederick A. Norwood / Frederick ANorwood

    33,24 €

  • Images of Hope
    S.J. William F. Lynch / S.JWilliam FLynch
    This is a book about hope. Part 1 is a compact but necessarily limited attempt to describe the actual structure and concrete forms of hope and hopelessness; Part 2 is an exploration of a psychology of hope, the beginning of an investigation of what psychic forms and dynamisms move most toward hope and against hopelessness; and Part 3 is an analogous effort to suggest the outlin...

    142,86 €

  • Images of Hope
    S.J. William F. Lynch / S.JWilliam FLynch
    This is a book about hope. Part 1 is a compact but necessarily limited attempt to describe the actual structure and concrete forms of hope and hopelessness; Part 2 is an exploration of a psychology of hope, the beginning of an investigation of what psychic forms and dynamisms move most toward hope and against hopelessness; and Part 3 is an analogous effort to suggest the outlin...

    42,34 €

  • The Everlasting Man
    G.K. Chesterton / G.KChesterton

    121,05 €

  • The Theology of Albert Schweitzer for Christian Inquirers, by E.N. Mozley. with an Epilogue by Albert Schweitzer.
    Albert Schweitzer / E. N. Mozley / ENMozley / UNKNOWN

    95,79 €

  • Future of the Church
    Francois C. Gerard / Francois CGerard

    26,84 €

  • A Pseudo-Epiphanius Testimony Book
    Robert V. Hotchkiss

    16,82 €

  • Freedom of God
    James Daane
    The doctrine of election is one of the most difficult in all of Christian theology. It is also one of the most prominent doctrines, for the election of Israel, Christ, and the church is a theme that runs through the Scriptures. Yet, notes James Daane, election is rarely preached from the pulpit.In The Freedom of God Daane offers an explanation for this curious silence, presents...

    20,69 €

  • The Crisis of Civilization
    Che Rawick

    69,36 €

  • The Return of Christ
    G. C. Berkouwer / James C. Van Oosterom

    43,56 €

  • Satan Is Alive and Well on Planet Earth
    C. C. Carlson / Carole C. Carlson / Carole CCarlson / CCCarlson / Hal Lindsey

    19,65 €

  • Evagrius Ponticus
    Evagrius / John Eudes Bamberger
    The living link through whom the ascetic principles of hellenistic philosophers passed into monasticism, Evagrius molded Christian asceticism through his own works and through his influcence on John Cassian, Climacus, and Saint Benedict. 3 ...

    23,80 €

  • The Creative Encounter
    Howard Thurman
    Howard Thurman writes here about the 'meaning of the religious experience as it involves the individual totally, which means inclusive of feelings and emotions.' ...

    14,26 €

  • Apocalyptic
    Leon Morris
    The study of apocalyptic - The body of ancient literature dealing with the end of the world - is vital to an understanding of the New Testament. Most of us, however, know very little about the subject - and if Leon Morris is correct, much of what we think we know is wrong.In this brief introduction to apocalyptic, Morris brings together the results of a great deal of work that ...

    14,74 €