
Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Cristianismo (94420)

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  • The Imitation of Christ
    Thomas à Kempis
    Complete and unabridged 15th century text by Thomas à Kempis and translated by William Benham in 1886.  This book is a classic for comfort and understanding of living the spiritual life of Christ in a physical world. ...

    8,34 €

  • The Doctrine of Endless Punishment
    William Greenough Thayer Shedd
    William G. T. Shedd published this defense of the doctrine of endless punishment in 1885, citing the Biblical references to the realm of Sheol as evidence of the existence of a hellish afterlife for the wicked.As a believer in the existence of hell, Shedd seeks to convince readers of the nature of the afterlife for the sinful. He considered it to be a manifestation of God’s wil...

    12,49 €

  • The Blood Covenant
    Henry Clay Trumbull
    The early history of Christianity was marked by blood covenants – rituals involving the blood of believers or animals, which was used to bond worshippers and to symbolize the life of Jesus.Use of blood in religious rites and ceremonies has a long history, with examples present in the Middle East and Africa, and even in parts of Europe. While many of these practices pertained to...

    13,72 €

  • Humility
    Andrew Murray
    Complete edition of Humility by Andrew Murray. First published over 100 years ago, this Sermon is as useful today as it was then, teaching us to humble ourselves in the example of Christ. For many, it is the classic treatise on humility.Though short, it is deep and thought provoking. “(Humility) is the displacement of self by the enthronement of God. Where God is all, self is n...

    15,28 €

  • Humility
    Andrew Murray
    Complete edition of Humility by Andrew Murray. First published over 100 years ago, this Sermon is as useful today as it was then, teaching us to humble ourselves in the example of Christ. For many, it is the classic treatise on humility.Though short, it is deep and thought provoking. “(Humility) is the displacement of self by the enthronement of God. Where God is all, self is n...

    6,10 €

  • A Confession
    Leo Tolstoy
    A Confession or My Confession, is a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion by the acclaimed Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. It was written in 1879 to 1880, when Tolstoy was in his early fifties.The book is a brief autobiographical story of the author's struggle with a mid-life existential crisis. It describes his search for the answer to the ultimat...

    21,40 €

  • The Ministry of Healing
    A. J. Gordon / AJGordon
    “Have any healing miracles taken place since the Biblical era?” is the central question of this thesis by theologian and preacher A. J. Gordon.The author expresses curiosity about whether the miracles of the Middle Ages and later can be relied and verified as a continuation of Christ’s spirit in the Christian church. Through deep study and inquiry of the established history, he...

    8,67 €

  • The Art of Questioning
    Joshua G. Fitch / Joshua GFitch
    How can teachers effectively give religious lessons? This is the question pondered, and answered, in this Sunday School classic.A great primer on how to teach lessons on Christianity, the author seeks to show how religious virtues and principles can be taught with the use of the Socratic method. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, would use long series of questions to learn...

    8,79 €

  • Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
    Orson Spencer
    Author and theologian Orson Spencer was a prominent early intellectual of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints: in this book, he explains the spiritual tenets of Mormonism in a series of fifteen letters.We find here a spirited effort by Orson Spencer to detail the theology of Mormonism for the reader, with reference to the most prominent figures within the denomination. He felt ...

    12,55 €

  • Lectures on Preaching
    Phillips Brooks
    Phillips Brooks, a veteran minister with years of experience at the pulpit, shares guidance on preaching and serving in the ministry in these lectures delivered at Yale University.The nineteenth century was a time of great expansion in the United States, and by extension the churches and Christian movements. Demand for new preachers and ministers burgeoned, that the many new co...

    12,58 €

  • Missions
    Alexander Duff
    Alexander Duff explains how missionary work is the very heart and purpose of the organized Christian church.For the author, the establishment and undertaking of church missions is a pursuit which must be undertaken with greater energy and priority. The aim of the mission - to spread the word of Jesus Christ across the world - is encapsulated in the Bible quotations that populat...

    10,09 €

  • Mormonism Unveiled
    John D. Lee
    Mormonism Unveiled is John Doyle Lee’s confessional exposé of malpractices in the Mormon Church, including his own role as an assassin responsible for several murders.In chronicling his years as a member of the church, Lee discusses how he came to meet and associate with Joseph Smith; the founder and prophet of Mormonism. The processes by which the charismatic Smith drew in fol...

    14,93 €

  • Lectures on Preaching
    Phillips Brooks
    Phillips Brooks, a veteran minister with years of experience at the pulpit, shares guidance on preaching and serving in the ministry in these lectures delivered at Yale University.The nineteenth century was a time of great expansion in the United States, and by extension the churches and Christian movements. Demand for new preachers and ministers burgeoned, that the many new co...

    24,29 €

  • The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life
    Hannah Whitall Smith
    Complete edition of The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith.  This is the early 1885 edition, and has the rarely included 19th chapter, “The Baptism of The Holy Ghost.” The Christian's Secret is a great benefit to us today, as much as it was over 100 years ago.“Can you not remember, some of you, the shout of triumph your souls gave when you first ...

    8,27 €

  • The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life
    Hannah Whitall Smith
    Complete edition of The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith.  This is the early 1885 edition, and has the rarely included 19th chapter, “The Baptism of The Holy Ghost.” The Christian's Secret is a great benefit to us today, as much as it was over 100 years ago.“Can you not remember, some of you, the shout of triumph your souls gave when you first ...

    17,52 €

  • Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism
    Thomas Inman
    The relationship between Christian symbols and those of ancient religions is storied and complex; in this illustrated work, surgeon and mythologist Thomas Inman discusses many examples.This competent and extensively illustrated analysis was born of the authors’ interest in archaeology and advancements in the understanding of ancient cultures. Though a hobbyist antiquarian, Inma...

    9,94 €

  • The Martyrs of the Coliseum
    A. J. O’Reilly / AJO’Reilly
    Over centuries, the Christian martyrs of Ancient Rome were put to death in the coliseum, their horrific demise serving as bloodthirsty entertainment for the Roman population.The persecutions of early Christians took place over centuries, as the pagan Roman Empire sought to suppress and extinguish belief in God and Christ. While many Christians were simply executed and their hom...

    16,00 €

  • The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa
    St Catherine of Genoa
    The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa consists of three separate works: The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa (which includes her sayings) as compiled by her confessor, Don Cattaneo Marabotto, and two works by St. Catherine herself The Spiritual Dialogue (between the Soul and the Body), and the famous Treatise on Purgatory. Treatise on Purgatory sets th...

    13,53 €

  • Twelve Mormon Homes
    Elizabeth Wood Kane
    Published in the 1870s, this account of Mormon families and their homes offers historical insight into Mormonism and life in the fledgling communities of the era.Presented as a kind of travelogue through the states of Arizona and Utah, this book recounts the appearance and status of various settlements founded or occupied by adherents of the Latter Day Saint movement known as M...

    12,33 €

  • The Table Talk of Doctor Martin Luther
    Martin Luther / William Hazlitt
    Martin Luther’s explanations of various aspects of religious belief, including the more difficult to understand elements of Biblical lore, remain an excellent point of reference for scholars and believers alike.Writing in the early 16th century, Luther was all too mindful of the fact that the Bible had only recently begun to be printed and distributed among the Christian laity....

    12,70 €

  • Christian Perfection
    P. T. Forsyth / PTForsyth
    P. T. Forsyth describes the nature of Christian perfection, and the qualities of character required for a person to attain a state of spiritual maturity and closeness to God.In the first chapter, Forsyth strives to clear up several misconceptions concerning Christian perfection, namely that it is a state of sinlessness. A state of utter sinlessness is impossible for a human bel...

    10,59 €

  • The Second Death and the Restitution of All Things
    Andrew John Jukes
    Inspired by scripture and many years of Bible study, scholar Andrew Jukes details the scriptural passages that support the idea that all mankind - even the sinful - will find reconciliation with God.The very destiny of humankind is something which fascinates many readers, whether or not they subscribe to Christianity. Keen to shed light on the Biblical lore, the author investig...

    9,88 €

  • God’s Way of Holiness
    Horatius Bonar
    With informed readings of scripture, Horatius Bonar discusses the teachings central to Christianity, and the good Christian’s relationship to the divine.Various topics are covered in this book’s chapters, such as the importance of strengthening the soul to guard against sin, the symbolism and holy power of the crucifix, and how Christ’s spirit dwells within Christians, lending ...

    6,90 €

  • The Life and Miracles of Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr
    Unknown Author
    This book is an anonymously written biography of Saint Philomena, a young consecrated virgin whose remains were discovered in Italy in 1802.The name Philomena means ‘daughter of light’; this led to the appreciation of the young girl’s bones as an artifact of Christian Rome. The significance of her life and deeds, plus the various miracles which were purported to have occurred i...

    9,25 €

  • God’s Way of Peace
    Bonar Horatius
    In this manual of Christian faith, Scottish minister and author Horatius Bonar investigates the words of God with respect to humanity and the human condition.Throughout the Bible, God’s words are relayed by messengers and prophets. In the various dialogues received from the Lord, the views of the divine regarding His creation mankind are revealed. It is through these descriptio...

    8,07 €

  • Saint Paul in Britain
    R. W. Morgan / RWMorgan
    R. W. Morgan proposes that St. Paul introduced Christianity to Celtic Britain, and that the Christian church and the first ancestors of the modern royal family were established several centuries prior to what is conventionally thought.Although the ideas and theories of R. W. Morgan are discredited and unpopular in the modern day, his investigations into the early church history...

    8,38 €

  • History of the Sabbath
    J. N. Andrews / JNAndrews
    The history of the Sabbath is fascinating: beginning with its origins in the Biblical Old Testament, we are taken through millennia of changing traditions concerning the day of rest.Spanning more than six thousand years, this investigation of Sabbath traditions traverses the earliest manifestations which followed the story of God creating Earth. The Genesis story describes God ...

    18,46 €

  • Scenes Beyond the Grave
    Marietta Davis
    Marietta Davis was a young woman who, aged twenty-five, went into a deep slumber that lasted nine days: upon waking, she told those present of religious visions she had experienced whilst asleep.The visions Marietta attested to have experienced were wide-ranging. They included scenes from the Bible; baby Jesus at Bethlehem, an adult Christ suffering upon the cross, and His resu...

    15,23 €

  • The Devil’s Pulpit, or Astro-Theological Sermons
    Robert Taylor
    Taylor’s sermons on Christian history were controversial for challenging the established doctrines of the Church of England, and for introducing topics hitherto deemed blasphemous.Armed with years of scholarly experience and a keen eye for insight, Taylor tackles his subjects with energy and vigor. He preached at the Rotunda of Blackfriar’s Road from 1830 to 1832, a time when t...

    18,53 €

  • Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
    W. C. Brownlee
    This edition of the Secret Instructions of the Jesuits includes both the original Latin text and the translation of its chapters into English.The chapters include various methods by which the Society of Jesus are to gain influence. The manual covers all manner of aspects; recruiting men for the order, how to acquire wealth for the order, and gaining rank and influence in the wi...

    10,96 €