Estudios teatrales

Artes / Estudios teatrales (6281)

  • Природа театра в Уганде
    Майкл Мухумуза
    Эта книга является адаптацией докторского исследования под названием 'Восприятие театра в Уганде: влияние на теорию и практику'. Целью исследования было установить различные представления о театре в Уганде и то, как эти представления повлияли на теоретические и практические аспекты театра. Основной целью исследования было оценить умонастроения заинтересованных сторон в отношени...

    34,77 €

  • A Natureza do Teatro no Uganda
    Michael Muhumuza
    Este livro é uma adaptação de um estudo de doutoramento intitulado Percepções de teatro no Uganda: Impacto na Teoria e Prática. O estudo visava estabelecer diferentes percepções de teatro no Uganda, e como as percepções tinham influenciado as dimensões teóricas e práticas do teatro. O principal objectivo do estudo era avaliar a mentalidade dos intervenientes em relação ao teatr...

    69,91 €

  • Das Wesen des Theaters in Uganda
    Michael Muhumuza
    Dieses Buch ist eine Anpassung einer Doktorandenstudie mit dem Titel Perceptions of theatre in Uganda: Impact on Theory and Practice. Ziel der Studie war es, die unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungen des Theaters in Uganda zu ermitteln und zu untersuchen, wie diese Wahrnehmungen die theoretischen und praktischen Dimensionen des Theaters beeinflusst haben. Der Hauptzweck der Studie be...

    70,04 €

  • La nature du théâtre en Ouganda
    Michael Muhumuza
    Ce livre est une adaptation d’une étude de doctorat intitulée Perceptions of theatre in Uganda : Impact on Theory and Practice. L’étude visait à établir les différentes perceptions du théâtre en Ouganda, et comment ces perceptions avaient influencé les dimensions théoriques et pratiques du théâtre. L’objectif principal de l’étude était d’évaluer l’état d’esprit des parties pren...

    69,97 €

  • La natura del teatro in Uganda
    Michael Muhumuza
    Questo libro è l’adattamento di uno studio di dottorato intitolato Perceptions of theatre in Uganda: Impact on Theory and Practice. Lo studio mirava a stabilire le diverse percezioni del teatro in Uganda e come tali percezioni avessero influenzato le dimensioni teoriche e pratiche del teatro. Lo scopo principale dello studio era quello di valutare la mentalità delle parti inter...

    69,91 €

  • Touch And Go
    D.H. Lawrence
    When the miners threaten to go on strike, Gerald Barlow, the colliery master in Touch and Go, behaves in accordance with form and is disdainful and unwavering. It’s not their narrative; it’s his. Gerald has modernized the pit and dehumidified the employees since his father before him was too lenient with the guys, and he has nothing but contempt for their efforts to exert autho...

    15,25 €

  • Teatro
    Miguel de Cervantes
    Más de cuatrocientos años después, el teatro del príncipe de las letras hispánicas sigue en proceso de revalorización. Si bien él mismo reconoce su doloroso fracaso, no deja su dramaturgia de ser representativa de las corrientes dramáticas de su tiempo. Es, además, una práctica teatral que ha encontrado en los siglos XX y XXI importantes adalides escénicos en La Barraca lorquia...

    28,90 €

  • Teatro
    Miguel de Cervantes
    Más de cuatrocientos años después, el teatro del príncipe de las letras hispánicas sigue en proceso de revalorización. Si bien él mismo reconoce su doloroso fracaso, no deja su dramaturgia de ser representativa de las corrientes dramáticas de su tiempo. Es, además, una práctica teatral que ha encontrado en los siglos XX y XXI importantes adalides escénicos en La Barraca lorquia...

    28,90 €

  • Studi sul teatro per bambini e ragazzi
    Luis Ahumada Zuaza
    Gli adattamenti per il teatro per bambini e ragazzi sono arrivati tardi in Spagna. Il paese pioniere in questo campo (con Shakespeare in testa grazie ai fratelli Lamb) è all’avanguardia e lì i bambini e i giovani hanno già adattamenti per manga, videogiochi, serie animate... Più tardi, gli editori spagnoli saranno incoraggiati e questi verranno alla luce grazie a grandi adattat...

    61,51 €

  • Hamlet and Macbeth (Royal Collector’s Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
    William Shakespeare
    Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, Hamlet dramatises the revenge Prince Hamlet is called on to wreak upon his uncle, Claudius. Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlet’s father King Hamlet, and subsequently seized the throne, marrying his deceased brother’s widow. Hamlet is Shakespeare’s longest play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature, ...

    47,60 €

  • Borderless Thalia
    Catalina Florina Florescu
    Borderless Thalia: A Multilingual, Pandemic Comic Collection was born out of a need to use comedy as a tool to cope with, at the time, the vast unknown of COVID-19 and to show how, through writing in English as well as in translation, we can be together, we can laugh, and we can show solidarity, thus moving forward. There is the famous Phoenix myth, the bird that manages to get...

    32,31 €

  • Borderless Thalia
    Catalina Florina Florescu
    Borderless Thalia: A Multilingual, Pandemic Comic Collection was born out of a need to use comedy as a tool to cope with, at the time, the vast unknown of COVID-19 and to show how, through writing in English as well as in translation, we can be together, we can laugh, and we can show solidarity, thus moving forward. There is the famous Phoenix myth, the bird that manages to get...

    19,83 €

  • Digging Deep Into Auspicious Coincidences
    Karl Baumann
    Karl Baumann defied all odds when he became an artist with Cirque du Soleil. With no background in the circus arts his chances were slim to land such a high-flying job. In Part I of his book, we follow Baumann’s impossible journey starting with his modest  beginnings in Salzburg, Austria, uncovering a path to the big stage. In Part II Baumann takes us behind the scenes, discuss...

    26,64 €

  • Balthazar!
    Hagop Baronian / Beyon Miloyan / Kimberley McFarlane
    First published in 1886 and long considered one of Hagop Baronian’s masterpieces, Balthazar! presents a farcical insight into the trials and tribulations of marital life in Constantinople’s Armenian upper-class. When Balthazar discovers that his wife, Anush, has been seen with another man, he hires a lawyer to initiate a divorce and appeals to his best friend Gibar to discover ...

    15,74 €

  • Christian Shakespeare
    Christian Shakespeare? The question was put to each contributor to this collection of essays. They received no further guidance about how to understand the question nor how to shape their responses. No particular theoretical approach, no shared definition of the question was required or encouraged. Rather, they were free to join, in whatever way they thought useful, the extensi...

    61,61 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    Die Monographie 'Die Rolle der Chorszenen bei der Lösung der dramaturgischen Linie in aserbaidschanischen Opern' ist der Untersuchung der musikalisch-dramaturgischen Merkmale der Chorszenen in der Dramaturgie der Opern aserbaidschanischer Komponisten gewidmet. In der Monographie wurden die Entwicklung der nationalen Operngattung und die dramaturgischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Cho...

    107,92 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    La monographie 'Le rôle des scènes de chœur dans la résolution de la ligne dramaturgique des opéras azerbaïdjanais' est consacrée à l’étude des caractéristiques musicales-dramaturgiques des scènes de chœur dans la dramaturgie des opéras des compositeurs azerbaïdjanais. Dans la monographie, le développement du genre de l’opéra national et les régularités dramaturgiques des scène...

    107,94 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    La monografia 'Il ruolo delle scene corali nella risoluzione della linea drammaturgica nelle opere azerbaigiane' è dedicata allo studio delle caratteristiche musicali-drammaturgiche delle scene corali nella drammaturgia delle opere dei compositori azerbaigiani. Nella monografia, lo sviluppo del genere operistico nazionale e le regolarità drammaturgiche delle scene corali sono s...

    107,97 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    A monografia 'O papel das cenas corais na resolução da linha dramatúrgica nas óperas do Azerbaijão' é dedicada ao estudo das características musico-dramatúrgicas das cenas corais na dramaturgia das óperas dos compositores do Azerbaijão. Na monografia, o desenvolvimento do género operático nacional e as regularidades dramatúrgicas das cenas corais foram estudadas de forma compar...

    107,97 €

    Айтен Бабаева
    Монография 'Роль хоровых сцен в решении драматургической линии в азербайджанских операх' посвящена исследованию музыкально-драматургических особенностей хоровых сцен в драматургии опер азербайджанских композиторов. В монографии проведено сравнительное изучение развития жанра национальной оперы и драматургических закономерностей хоровых сцен в рамках творчества азербайджанских к...

    38,69 €

  • A Companion to British-Jewish Theatre Since the 1950s
    The first of its kind, this companion to British-Jewish theatre brings a neglected dimension in the work of many prominent British theatre-makers to the fore. Its structure reflects the historical development of British-Jewish theatre from the 1950s onwards, beginning with an analysis of the first generation of writers that now forms the core of post-war British drama (includin...

    50,97 €

  • The Rise and Fall of the Royal Shakespeare Company
    Simon Trowbridge
    In this fully illustrated book, Simon Trowbridge tells the story of the Royal Shakespeare Company. He begins by making a comparison between the RSC and France’s national theatre company, the Comédie-Française. Like their colleagues in Paris, Peter Hall and his successors Trevor Nunn and Terry Hands believed in the artistic and wider cultural value of a permanent troupe, motivat...

    14,31 €

  • Basic On Stage Survival Guide For Amateur Actors
    Lee Mueller
    A revised edition of the amateur actors must-have guidebook! Here are helpful tips, tricks, and trivia for any novice actor or anyone wanting to set foot on the theatrical stage for the first time. What to expect at an audition for a play. What are directors looking for in an actor and what are they trying to avoid? How does the rehearsal process work? How do you know where to ...

    16,89 €

  • Weber and Fields
    Felix Isman
    The first and best biography of this pioneering comic duo and Broadway Stars--in a new edition! ...

    121,94 €

  • Weber and Fields
    Felix Isman
    The first and best biography of this pioneering comic duo and Broadway Stars--in a new edition! ...

    29,56 €

  • Stay As Dead As You Are
    Lee Mueller
    A Comedy Mystery Play - Haldeman High’s Class of ’82 has gathered for their reunion. Everyone is there; Babs and Guy Gleeson-the couple with the most school spirit, Marty "Budman"Budinski - formerly known as "Party-Hearty-Marty", Dick Alantra- former captain of the football, baseball and track teams, Gabrielle "The Fox" Fatelle- formerly every boy’s fantasy, now every boy’s nig...

    16,56 €

  • Papier zur Theatertechnik
    Ekemini Akaninyene Effiong
    Die architektonischen Unzulänglichkeiten und die unzureichende Ausstattung nigerianischer Theater sind ein Hindernis für die heutigen Theaterdesigner, wenn es darum geht, überzeugende Entwürfe im Einklang mit den Trends des weltweiten technischen Fortschritts zu entwerfen. Diese Behauptung steht im Widerspruch zu dem, was Molinta Enendu bei der erfolgreichen Inszenierung von No...

    64,43 €

  • Реферат по театральной технологии
    Экемини Акан Эффионг
    Архитектурные недостатки и нехватка оборудования в нигерийских театрах мешают современным театральным дизайнерам создавать убедительные проекты в соответствии с тенденциями всеобщего технологического прогресса. Это утверждение противоречит тому, что сделал Молинта Эненду, успешно поставив спектакль 'Ной построил ковчег' в 1995 году. Это произошло потому, что на тот момент сущес...

    25,24 €

  • Carta della tecnologia teatrale
    Ekemini Akaninyene Effiong
    Le carenze architettoniche e l’inadeguatezza delle attrezzature nei teatri nigeriani sono un ostacolo per i teatranti di oggi, che devono progettare in modo convincente e in linea con le tendenze del progresso tecnologico universale. Questa affermazione contraddice ciò che Molinta Enendu ha fatto producendo con successo Noah Built the Ark nel 1995. Questo perché all’epoca esist...

    64,37 €

  • Papel de Tecnologia de Teatro
    Ekemini Akaninyene Effiong
    As deficiências arquitectónicas e as insuficiências de equipamento nos teatros nigerianos são obstáculos para os projectistas de teatro de hoje em dia, pois concebem de forma convincente em conjunto com as tendências do avanço tecnológico universal. Esta afirmação contradiz o que Molinta Enendu fez ao produzir Noé Construiu a Arca com sucesso em 1995. Isto porque, como na altur...

    64,37 €