
Humanidades / Filosofía (76905)

  • O mundo e a África, entre esperança, excessos e pessimismo ambiental
    Oumarou LANKOANDE
    O mundo e a África estão em má situação. O mundo vive conflitos, divisões e crises de segurança, de saúde e climáticas que minam a sua unidade e ameaçam a sua viabilidade. A ordem mundial unipolar do Ocidente é contestada pelo conjunto russo-chinês que está a trabalhar para estabelecer uma alternativa. A Europa, que tanto dominou o mundo, está em declínio e a Françafrique está ...

    143,21 €

  • The world and Africa, between hope, excesses and ambient pessimism
    Oumarou LANKOANDE
    The world and Africa are in bad shape. The world is experiencing conflicts, divisions and security, health and climate crises which undermine its unity and threaten its viability. The unipolar world order of the West is contested by the Russian-Chinese tandem which is working to establish an alternative. Europe, which has dominated the world so much, is declining and Françafriq...

    143,21 €

  • Die Welt und Afrika, zwischen Hoffnung, Exzessen und Stimmungspessimismus
    Oumarou LANKOANDE
    Der Welt und Afrika geht es schlecht. Die Welt erlebt Konflikte, Spaltungen sowie Sicherheits-, Gesundheits- und Klimakrisen, die ihre Einheit untergraben und ihre Lebensfähigkeit gefährden. Die unipolare Weltordnung des Westens wird vom russisch-chinesischen Tandem in Frage gestellt, das an einer Alternative arbeitet. Europa, das die Welt so sehr dominiert hat, befindet sich i...

    143,07 €

  • Мир и Африка
    Оумароу Ланкоанде
    Мир и Африка находятся в плохом состоянии. Мир переживает конфликты, разногласия и кризисы в области безопасности, здравоохранения и климата, которые подрывают его единство и угрожают его жизнеспособности. Однополярному мировому порядку Запада противостоит российско-китайский тандем, работающий над созданием альтернативы. Европа, которая так сильно доминировала в мире, приходит...

    143,05 €

  • Il mondo e l’Africa, tra speranza, eccessi e pessimismo ambientale
    Oumarou LANKOANDE
    Il mondo e l’Africa sono in cattive condizioni. Il mondo sta attraversando conflitti, divisioni e crisi legate alla sicurezza, alla salute e al clima che ne minano l’unità e ne minacciano la vitalità. L’ordine mondiale unipolare dell’Occidente è contestato dal tandem russo-cinese che lavora per stabilire un’alternativa. L’Europa, che tanto ha dominato il mondo, è in declino e l...

    143,24 €

  • Além Da Separação
    Valdir Panace Junior
    Muitas vezes, o rompimento de um relacionamento afetivo nos joga em um mar de águas tempestuosas e imprevisíveis. Esse mar pode ser ainda mais agitado quando envolvem filhos e uma vida com a expectativa de construir uma família feliz.Nem sempre as coisas acontecem como esperávamos, e chegou a hora de enfrentarmos as mudanças. Essas mudanças envolvem um vulcão de sentimentos que...

    9,60 €

  • Modelo Daisugi. Persona, valor y riqueza
    Pablo Enrique Moch Leiferman
    El MODELO DAISUGI está inspirado en una palabra japonesa que designa un sistema de silvicultura del siglo XIV, con el que se produce madera de alta calidad sin deterioro del medio ambiente y que se basa no sólo en la técnica del silvicultor sino en el entendimiento, la experiencia y la transformación del ser vivo que tiene en sus manos. Para Pablo Moch, este concepto es una ale...

    33,80 €

  • Modelo Daisugi. Creando vínculos significativos
    Pablo Enrique Moch Leiferman
    Esta obra nos invita a reflexionar en torno al propósito de la vida y acerca de nuestra responsabilidad, como personas en continuo proceso de mejora, de alcanzar la anhelada plenitud, que es la misión y el sentido de la existencia. En estas páginas, Pablo Moch propone que el camino hacia la plenitud es la construcción de vínculos significativos y nutrientes por medio de relacio...

    31,20 €

  • Liderazgo Daisugi
    Pablo Enrique Moch Leiferman
    Alcanzar la plenitud es, sin lugar a dudas, una de las más altas aspiraciones humanas. En esta obra, Pablo Moch hace un llamado a conquistarla por medio de un trabajo consciente y libre de ejercer un LIDERAZGO DAISUGI, el cual es un camino para liberarnos de las limitaciones y el desaliento, convirtiéndonos en uno de esos cedros japoneses que dan trascendencia y vida a otros co...

    27,56 €

  • The Senses and The Mind
    Timothy D Vance
    There are few, at least among the reflecting portion of society, who have not either mentally or verbally asked the question: Is the sun, is the moon, are the planets with their satellites, are the stars, those suns of other systems, tenanted, as is our planet, the earth, by living beings, which declare the omnipotence of God? This is one of many questions which cannot be answe...

    13,34 €

  • The Untroubled Mind
    Herbert James Hall
    The Untroubled Mind is written by Herbert J. Hall, a physician. This book explores the effects of diseases on human health in proportionate to mind’s conception of a disease.  The author humbly says, though many books on this subject have been written by experts, his writings will have its own audience who were unable to find those part or failed to receive from experts writing...

    9,06 €

  • The Morning of Spiritual Youth
    John Church
    I need make no apology far publishing the following Letters, as the Subject was first delivered in several Discourses, and is now by the particular desire of many friends, published to the Church in the form of familiar Letters, appearing in the homely dress of plain speech, they will, doubtless, meet the censure of the carnal critic, but my mind is fully made up on that point-...

    10,70 €

  • Treatises on Friendship and Old Age
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    To his contemporaries Cicero was primarily the great forensic and political orator of his time, and the fifty-eight speeches which have come down to us bear testimony to the skill, wit, eloquence, and passion which gave him his pre-eminence. But these speeches of necessity deal with the minute details of the occasions which called them forth, and so require for their appreciati...

    10,40 €

  • Inspiration and Interpretation
    John William Burgon
    'Inspiration and Interpretation' is a work by John William Burgon, an English Anglican divine and scholar of the 19th century. Burgon was a prominent figure in the Oxford Movement, which sought to emphasize the Catholic elements within the Church of England. Published in 1861, 'Inspiration and Interpretation' addresses topics related to biblical inspiration and the methods of i...

    14,31 €

  • Nina E Lupe No Mundo Da Filosofia
    Valdira Abreu Magalhães Nina Lee De Sá
    Nina e Lupe no mundo da filosofia é uma história encantadora que conta a jornada de Nina, uma garotinha curiosa e seu amigo, o macaco Lupe. Juntos, eles exploram terras mágicas e enigmas filosóficos, desvendando os mistérios da amizade, verdade e imaginação. Ao enfrentar desafios divertidos e jogos inteligentes, Nina e Lupe aprendem lições valiosas sobre respeito, empatia e pen...

    10,56 €

  • O Raio Da Criação
    Instituto Nokhooja
    Este livro traz à luz as principais leis do Quarto Caminho apresentadas por Gurdjieff, incluindo a Lei de Três, a Lei de Sete, a Lei das Oitavas e o Eneagrama. Essas leis são consideradasferramentas básicaspara o desenvolvimento do ser e da consciência do homem na atualidade. O livro ensina e solicita do leitor uma diferente maneira de encadear ideias de forma a possibilitar qu...

    26,40 €

  • Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen
    Immanuel Kant
    'Das Erhabene rührt, das Schöne reizt.' - I. Kant'Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen' ist eine philosophische Abhandlung von Immanuel Kant aus dem späten 18. Jahrhundert. In diesem Werk untersucht Kant die Natur von Schönheit und Erhabenheit. Er argumentiert, dass Schönheit subjektiv ist und im Gefühl der Harmonie und Symmetrie liegt, während das Erhabene e...

    11,23 €

  • Thoughts I Met On The Highway
    Ralph Waldo Trine
    'Thoughts I Met on the Highway' by Ralph Waldo Trine is a collection of inspirational essays that explore themes related to personal growth, spirituality, and the power of thought. First published in 1898, this book reflects Trine’s belief in the transformative potential of positive thinking and the laws of mind.Ralph Waldo Trine was an influential American philosopher, writer,...

    8,12 €

  • The Harvard Classics
    Charles W Eliot
    This is a 100% accurate reproduction of Volume Two of the landmark Harvard Classics series. This volume contains 'The Apology, Phaedo, and Crito,' by Plato, 'The Golden Sayings of Epictetus,' by Epictetus, and 'The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius,' by Marcus Aurelius.The Harvard Classics went out of print more than fifty years ago. Here is your chance to own a brand new copy!The...

    29,56 €

  • Die Realität der menschlichen Evolution
    Callixte Yadufashije
    Dieses Buch beschreibt die menschliche Evolution durch die Ontologie der physischen Welt. Es beschreibt auch das Verständnis des Christentums über das Thema der Evolution, es zeigt, wie die Evolution den Planeten leitet und wie Veränderungen keinen anderen Führer außer der Evolution unter Kontrolle haben. Jedes Kapitel hat eine Zusammenfassung, die den Lesern des Buches helfen ...

    48,37 €

  • La réalité de l’évolution humaine
    Callixte Yadufashije
    Ce livre décrit l’évolution humaine à travers l’ontologie du monde physique. Il décrit également la compréhension du christianisme sur le sujet de l’évolution, il montre comment l’évolution guide la planète et comment les changements n’ont pas d’autre leader sous contrôle que l’évolution, ce livre comporte huit chapitres et tous les chapitres sont corrélés. Chaque chapitre cont...

    48,37 €

  • La realtà dell’evoluzione umana
    Callixte Yadufashije
    Questo libro descrive l’evoluzione umana attraverso l’ontologia del mondo fisico. Descrive anche la comprensione del cristianesimo sul tema dell’evoluzione, mostra come l’evoluzione guidi il pianeta e come i cambiamenti non abbiano altri leader sotto controllo se non l’evoluzione. Ogni capitolo ha un sommario che può aiutare i lettori del libro a comprendere l’intero capitolo i...

    48,37 €

  • A realidade da evolução humana
    Callixte Yadufashije
    Este livro descreve a evolução humana através da ontologia do mundo físico. Descreve também a compreensão do cristianismo sobre o tema da evolução, mostra como a evolução guia o planeta e como as mudanças não têm outro líder sob controlo a não ser a evolução, este livro tem oito capítulos e todos os capítulos estão correlacionados. Cada capítulo tem um resumo que pode ajudar os...

    48,37 €

  • Реальность человеческой эволюции
    Калликст Ядуфашидже
    Эта книга описывает эволюцию человека через онтологию физического мира. Она также описывает понимание христианства на тему эволюции, показывает, как эволюция направляет планету и как у изменений нет другого контролируемого лидера, кроме эволюции. Эта книга состоит из восьми глав, и все главы взаимосвязаны. В каждой главе есть резюме, которое поможет читателям книги понять всю г...

    48,37 €

  • Por las cosas que nunca te dije
    Fernando García-Morcillo Rubio / Francisco Ruiz Risueño
    Descubre el apasionante mundo interno de un adolescente en 'Por las Cosas que Nunca te Dije', el nuevo poemario de Fernando García-Morcillo Rubio. Este libro revela con valentía y sinceridad las emociones intensas y los pensamientos profundos de un joven en su viaje hacia el autodescubrimiento. A través de versos que oscilan entre el caos y la calma, Fernando nos ofrece una ven...

    15,60 €

  • Indoctrination Impedes Mind Maturation
    B.A. Roméo Gauvreau
    When we observe the sociological progress of civilization for the last two hundred years and that we compare it to the technological progress for the same period, we can notice a very significant time lag. And if the sociological progress is falling behind the strong and very efficient lead of technology, it’s because of limiting factors which are too numerous to all be dealt w...

    12,19 €

  • Zen - The Religion of the Samurai
    Kaiten Nukariya
    Zen was uniquely suited to the Samurai of Japan. The high moral principles of Buddhism, when adopted and adapted by the Japanese warriors who became the Samurai, created an austere philosophy of singular beauty and depth. Its characteristic requirements of strict control over body and mind was exemplified by ancient warrior monks whose serene countenance, even in the face of ce...

    17,01 €

  • Morals and the Evolution of Man
    Max Simon Nordau
    The fact so often observed, that man in many cases does that which he passionately desires to leave undone, and refrains from doing that which all his instincts urge him to do - this phenomenon of Morality is a generalization upon a huge scale of the above experiment on animals with the pane of glass in a tank.Jean Jacques Rousseau thought out a theoretical human being who was ...

    14,31 €

  • Philosophy in Sport
    John Ayrton Paris
    Tell me, gentle Reader, whether thou hast not heard of the box of Pandora, which was no sooner opened by the unhappy Epimetheus, than it gave flight to a troop of malevolent spirits, which have ever since tormented the human race.--Behold!--I here present you with a magic casket, containing a GENIUS alone capable of counteracting their direful spells. Thou mayest, perhaps, say ...

    15,23 €

  • What and Where is God
    Richard La Rue Swain
    The foreground of this book has largely to do with the answering of vital questions that have sprung from the suffering souls of men and women with whom the author has been sympathetically associated. Considerable attention has been given to the natural sequence of these questions in order that the answers might form a more or less orderly line of discussion. While the method o...

    16,09 €