Finanzas y contabilidad

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Finanzas y contabilidad (16067)

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Finanzas y contabilidad Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Law of Financial Success
    Edward E. Beals
    Unlock the principles of financial abundance and prosperity with Edward E. Beals’ enlightening guide, 'The Law of Financial Success.' In this transformative book, Beals reveals the timeless laws and strategies for achieving financial freedom, security, and success.With clarity and insight, Beals delves into the mindset and habits of financially successful individuals, offering ...

    10,19 €

  • Der Rechtsrahmen für den elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    Das Zeitalter der Globalisierung erfordert den effizienten Einsatz von Technologien, um mit der modernen Welt und ihren Besonderheiten zurechtzukommen. Ohne die Technologie kann keine Nation an eine Entwicklung denken. In der Geschäftswelt bedeutet Entwicklung wirtschaftliches Wachstum und das Streben nach seinem Höhepunkt. Dieser Gipfel ist nur nach angemessenem Einsatz einzig...

    49,68 €

  • Le cadre réglementaire du commerce électronique
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    L’ère de la mondialisation exige une utilisation efficace des technologies pour faire face au monde moderne et à ses caractéristiques. Sans la technologie, aucune nation ne peut envisager de décoller vers le développement. Dans le monde des affaires, le développement est synonyme de croissance économique et de progression vers son apogée. Ce sommet ne peut être atteint qu’après...

    49,68 €

  • Il quadro normativo del commercio elettronico
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    L’era della globalizzazione richiede un uso efficiente delle tecnologie per far fronte al mondo moderno e alle sue caratteristiche. Senza la tecnologia nessuna nazione può pensare di decollare verso lo sviluppo. Nel mondo degli affari, sviluppo significa crescita economica e corsa verso l’apice. Questo picco è raggiungibile solo dopo un uso appropriato di tecnologie uniche. La ...

    49,68 €

  • O quadro regulamentar do comércio eletrónico
    K. M. Anwarul Islam / Mahbuba Zaman
    A era da globalização exige a utilização eficiente das tecnologias para fazer face ao mundo moderno e às suas características. Sem a tecnologia, nenhuma nação pode pensar em descolar para o desenvolvimento. No mundo dos negócios, desenvolvimento significa crescimento económico e corrida para o seu pico. Este pico só pode ser atingido após a utilização adequada de tecnologias ún...

    49,68 €

  • Нормативно-правовая база электронной коммерции
    K. М. Анварул Ислам / Махбуба Заман
    Эпоха глобализации требует эффективного использования технологий, чтобы справиться с современным миром и его особенностями. Без технологий ни одна страна не может думать о взлете к развитию. В мире бизнеса развитие означает экономический рост и движение к своей вершине. Этот пик достижим только при правильном использовании уникальных технологий. Технологии экономят время и моби...

    49,68 €

  • Nachhaltigkeit der Segmentierung von Nischenmärkten im Bankensektor
    Grace den Dulk
    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Nachhaltigkeit der Nischenmarktsegmentierung im Bankensektor am Beispiel des Barclays Bank Premier Account zu untersuchen. Die Studie wurde von den folgenden Forschungsfragen geleitet: Welche Auswirkungen hat die Nischensegmentierung auf die Kundenakquisition? Was sind die Auswirkungen der Nischensegmentierung auf die Kundenzufriedenheit? und Was ...

    69,85 €

  • Устойчивость сегментации нишевого рынка в банковской отрасли
    Грейс ден Дулк
    Целью данного исследования было изучение устойчивости сегментации нишевого рынка в банковской отрасли на примере Barclays Bank Premier Account. В ходе исследования были поставлены следующие исследовательские вопросы: Каково влияние нишевой сегментации на привлечение клиентов? Каково влияние сегментации ниш на удовлетворенность клиентов? и, Каково влияние сегментации ниш на удер...

    69,91 €

  • Durabilité de la segmentation des marchés de niche dans le secteur bancaire
    Grace den Dulk
    L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner la durabilité de la segmentation des marchés de niche dans le secteur bancaire en utilisant le cas du compte Premier de la Barclays Bank. L’étude a été guidée par les questions de recherche suivantes : Quels sont les effets de la segmentation de niche sur l’acquisition de clients ? Quels sont les effets de la segmentation de niche sur ...

    69,85 €

  • Sostenibilità della segmentazione del mercato di nicchia nel settore bancario
    Grace den Dulk
    Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di indagare la sostenibilità della segmentazione del mercato di nicchia nel settore bancario, utilizzando il caso del Premier Account della Barclays Bank. Lo studio è stato guidato dalle seguenti domande di ricerca: Quali sono gli effetti della segmentazione di nicchia sull’acquisizione dei clienti? Quali sono gli effetti della segmentaz...

    69,85 €

  • Sustentabilidade da segmentação de nichos de mercado no sector bancário
    Grace den Dulk
    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a sustentabilidade da segmentação de nichos de mercado no sector bancário, utilizando o caso da Conta Premier do Barclays Bank. O estudo foi orientado pelas seguintes questões de investigação: Quais são os efeitos da segmentação por nichos de mercado na aquisição de clientes? Quais são os efeitos da segmentação por nichos de mercado na sat...

    69,85 €

  • Broke, Not Broken
    Broadus Spivey / Jesse Sublett
    Homer Maxey was a war hero, multimillionaire, and pillar of the Lubbock, Texas, community. During the post-World War II boom, he filled the West Texas horizon with new apartment complexes, government buildings, hotels, banks, shopping centers, and subdivisions. On the afternoon of February 16, 1966, executives of Citizens National Bank of Lubbock met to launch foreclosure proce...

    16,97 €

  • Bankruptcy, bubbles and bailouts
    Aeron Davis
    Based on unprecedented interviews with key figures, this book reveals how the Treasury has been the major institution driving socio-economic disparities in the UK, as well as the Brexit paralysis ...

    35,39 €

  • Everybody’s Guide to Money Matters
    William Cotton
     The Author, emboldened by a Banking experience of over forty years, offers this little work to the public in the hope that, elementary though it be, it may prove acceptable to many persons of both sexes. The work has been prepared chiefly for the use of women, a vast proportion of whom are brought up in utter ignorance of money matters in the simplest form, though otherwise th...

    12,11 €

  • Impatto della microfinanza islamica sulla povertà
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Rahil Arif Tarar
    Negli anni ’70 la microfinanza è stata introdotta per la prima volta e ora la microfinanza islamica si è dimostrata uno strumento di successo per la riduzione della povertà. Lo scopo di questo studio è valutare l’impatto della microfinanza islamica sulla povertà in Pakistan. Questo progetto di ricerca è stato concepito per studiare le istituzioni di microfinanza islamica e l’im...

    68,29 €

  • Impacto do Microfinanciamento Islâmico na Pobreza
    Fahad Ahmed Qureshi / Mubeen Butt / Rahil Arif Tarar
    Na década de 1970, o microfinanciamento foi introduzido pela primeira vez e atualmente o microfinanciamento islâmico tem-se revelado um instrumento eficaz de redução da pobreza. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o impacto do microfinanciamento islâmico na pobreza no Paquistão. Este projeto de investigação foi concebido para estudar as instituições islâmicas de microfinanciament...

    68,35 €

  • Unlocking Capital
    Discover the Secrets of Financial Mastery with Expert Insight into Wall Street’s Complex WorldEmbark on an illuminating journey through the intricate landscape of finance with 'Unlocking Capital: How to Speak the Language of Wall Street'. This compelling read is not just a book; it’s your personal guide to understanding and navigating the complex mechanisms that drive the world...

    43,72 €

  • Unlocking the Power of the Email Lists
    Unlocking the Power of the Email Lists' is your essential guide to leveraging the full potential of email marketing. This Book provides actionable strategies and expert tips to help you build, grow, and monetize your email lists effectively. From crafting compelling content to mastering segmentation and automation, this resource equips you with the tools you need to harness the...

    57,24 €

  • Lombard Street
    Walter Bagehot
    Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market book is one of the all-time classics of finance and monetary policy, and is still relied upon today by central banks world-wide for its statement of broad principles in times of financial calamity.  Written in 1873 in reaction to the Bank of England’s response to a financial meltdown, the collapse of a bank, which induced a pani...

    17,04 €

  • Other People’s Money, And How The Bankers Use It
    Louis Dembitz Brandeis
    In Other People’s Money And How The Banks Use It, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis denounces corporatism, monopolies, investment bankers, and above all, the total consolidation of American wealth into the hands of a privileged few. Completely uncensored, there are few indictments of the American banking system as incendiary. LOUIS D. BRANDEIS was an Associate Justice Of The...

    14,24 €

  • Impatto informativo delle forze dinamiche sull’andamento del prezzo delle azioni
    M. M. Mofiz Uddin
    Gli investitori del nostro mercato azionario non sanno quali siano le forze dinamiche che stimolano effettivamente il trading in borsa. Pertanto, il ricercatore sta cercando di accertare le principali forze dinamiche e il loro ruolo informativo nel movimento del prezzo delle azioni. Le informazioni sulle forze dinamiche del mercato azionario forniscono agli investitori un quadr...

    48,51 €

  • Performance d’une sélection de fonds communs de placement sectoriels en Inde
    P. Karthikeyan
    Les fonds communs de placement sont considérés comme l’un des meilleurs investissements disponibles, car ils sont très rentables et faciles à investir. Ainsi, en regroupant leur argent dans un fonds commun de placement, les investisseurs peuvent acheter des actions ou des obligations à des coûts de transaction beaucoup moins élevés que s’ils essayaient de le faire seuls. Le plu...

    68,29 €

  • Performance ausgewählter sektoraler Investmentfonds in Indien
    P. Karthikeyan
    Fonds auf Gegenseitigkeit gelten als eine der besten verfügbaren Anlagen im Vergleich zu anderen, da sie sehr kosteneffizient und auch einfach zu investieren sind. Indem sie ihr Geld in einem Fonds auf Gegenseitigkeit bündeln, können Anleger Aktien oder Anleihen mit viel geringeren Handelskosten erwerben, als wenn sie es auf eigene Faust versuchen würden. Der größte Vorteil von...

    68,29 €

  • Performance di alcuni fondi comuni settoriali in India
    P. Karthikeyan
    I fondi comuni di investimento sono considerati uno dei migliori investimenti disponibili rispetto ad altri, in quanto sono molto efficienti dal punto di vista dei costi e anche facili da investire: mettendo insieme il denaro in un fondo comune di investimento, gli investitori possono acquistare azioni o obbligazioni con costi di negoziazione molto più bassi rispetto a quelli c...

    68,22 €

  • Desempenho de regimes sectoriais seleccionados de fundos mútuos na Índia
    P. Karthikeyan
    Os fundos mútuos são considerados como um dos melhores investimentos disponíveis em comparação com outros, uma vez que são muito eficientes em termos de custos e também fáceis de investir. Assim, ao juntar dinheiro num fundo mútuo, os investidores podem comprar acções ou obrigações com um custo de negociação muito mais baixo do que se o tentassem fazer sozinhos. A maior vantage...

    68,29 €

  • Результаты деятельности отдельных отраслевых паевых инвестиционных фондов в Индии
    П. Картикеян
    Паевые инвестиционные фонды считаются одним из лучших вариантов инвестиций по сравнению с другими, поскольку они очень экономичны, а также просты в инвестировании. Объединив деньги в паевой фонд, инвесторы могут приобретать акции или облигации с гораздо меньшими торговыми издержками, чем если бы они пытались сделать это самостоятельно. Самым большим преимуществом взаимных фондо...

    68,35 €

  • International Finance
    Hartley Withers
    Responsibility for the appearance of this book, but not for its contents, lies with the Council for the Study of International Relations, which asked me to write one 'explaining what the City really does, why it is the centre of the world’s Money Market'. In trying to do so, I had to go over a good deal of ground that I had covered in earlier efforts to throw light on the machi...

    11,87 €

  • Of Banks and Crises
    Cristina Peicuti / Jacques Beyssade
    A professor of economics, who predicted the subprime mortgage crisis in her doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne between 2006 and 2009, and the general secretary of a major bank analyse the role of banks in triggering the Great Depression and the Great Recession, as well as in helping companies out of the COVID-19 crisis and into the New Environmental Cycle. The book focuses on the ...

    69,20 €

  • Of Banks and Crises
    Cristina Peicuti / Jacques Beyssade
    A professor of economics, who predicted the subprime mortgage crisis in her doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne between 2006 and 2009, and the general secretary of a major bank analyse the role of banks in triggering the Great Depression and the Great Recession, as well as in helping companies out of the COVID-19 crisis and into the New Environmental Cycle. The book focuses on the ...

    33,68 €

  • Analyse von Szenarien für Risikokapitalinvestitionen
    Tales Tozatti
    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, das Verhalten von Anlageportfolios aufzuzeigen, die für sechs Einzelanleger mit niedrigem, mittlerem und hohem Risikoprofil konzipiert wurden. Die Arbeit wurde aufgrund des gestiegenen Interesses der Brasilianer an Investitionen, der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Anlagemöglichkeiten durch Finanzinstitute und der größeren Leichtigkeit, mit der normale An...

    68,55 €