Gobierno central

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Gobierno central (5667)

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  • Local Government Shared Services Centers
    Pawel Modrzynski
    Built on independent research and financial audits of a number of newly created Shared Service Centers (SSCs) in Poland, Local Government Shared Services Centers: Management and Organization is the first book to thoroughly examine the organization, development and effectiveness of the shared service market in the Polish public sector. ...

    84,56 €

  • Predicting the Next President
    Allan J. Lichtman / Allan JLichtman / Allan Lichtman
    In the updated 2020 edition of this classic text, Allan J. Lichtman applies his trademark 13 keys to predicting the outcome of presidential elections to every election since 1860 and shows readers the current state of the 2020 race, dispelling much of the mystery behind electoral politics. An indispensable resource for political junkies! ...

    33,60 €

  • Achieving Person-Centred Health Systems

    53,37 €

  • Legislative Development in Africa
    Ken Ochieng’ Opalo

    37,98 €

    The book aims to promote greater understanding of social cohesion amidst existing complexities of faith and identity, and what this portends for our future. The emphasis is on the importance of engagement across beliefs and cultures, the different generations and segments of population, and the diverse interests of people in a digital and interconnected world. The policy offici...

    120,21 €

  • Family Separation and the U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis
    Laurie Hillstrom

    55,40 €

    India is undergoing a great transition, as the post-reform generation strikes out into the world. The thinking, attitudes, culture, political preferences, consumption patterns and ambitions of the post-reform generations differ greatly from that of the earlier generations. As a consequence, the country is also witnessing rapid changes not only on the socio-political and economi...

    105,84 €

  • The Laws and Usages of War at Sea
    Charles Herbert Stockton / US DEPT OF THE NAVY
    “The general object of war is to procure the complete submission of the enemy at the earliest possible period, with the least expenditure of life and property.” —Article 1, The Laws and Usages of War at Sea—A Naval War CodeThe current laws of war are based on a number of historical codes that regulated the conditions for war and the conduct of warring parties. One of those code...

    12,06 €

  • The COVID-19 Impact on Philippine Business
    Asian Development Bank
    This report draws on a survey of Philippine businesses to provide initial facts and ideas to help the government develop evidence-based policies to support enterprises hurt by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.It includes key findings from ADB’s Philippine enterprise survey carried out in April and May 2020 to gauge the impact of COVID-19 on the business community. Th...

    36,91 €

  • Investigating Assassination
    Church Committee
    Throughout the Cold War, the United States felt impelled to respond to threats which were, or seemed to be, skirmishes in a global war against Communism. Castro’s Cuba raised the spectre of a Soviet outpost at America’s doorstep. Events in the Dominican Republic appeared to offer an additional opportunity for the Russians and their allies. The Congo, freed from Belgian rule, oc...

    65,50 €

  • Bureaucracy’s Masters and Minions
    Eleanor L. Schiff / Eleanor LSchiff
    In Bureaucracy’s Masters and Minions the author argues that political control of the bureaucracy from the president and the Congress is largely contingent on an agency’s internal characteristics of workforce composition, workforce responsibilities, and workforce organization. ...

    115,54 €

  • The Hybrid Age
    Brin Najžer
    Humankind has always sought out innovative and new ways of waging war, establishing new forms of warfare. Set against a background of global strategic instability this process of innovation has, over the last two decades, produced a new and complex phenomenon, hybrid warfare. Distinct from other forms of modern warfare in several key aspects, it presents a unique challenge that...

    160,84 €

    Graciela Chichilnisky / GRACIELA CHICHILNISKY & PETER BAL / Peter Bal
    The Kyoto Protocol capped the emissions of the main emitters, the industrialized countries, one by one. It also created an innovative financial mechanism, the Carbon Market and its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which allows developing nations to receive carbon credits when they reduce their emissions below their baselines. The carbon market, an economic system that created...

    132,71 €

    Graciela Chichilnisky / GRACIELA CHICHILNISKY & PETER BAL / Peter Bal
    The Kyoto Protocol capped the emissions of the main emitters, the industrialized countries, one by one. It also created an innovative financial mechanism, the Carbon Market and its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which allows developing nations to receive carbon credits when they reduce their emissions below their baselines. The carbon market, an economic system that created...

    60,30 €

  • Public Policy and Governance Frontiers in New Zealand
    New Zealand is widely regarded as a leader in public policy and governance reforms and innovations, being an early adopted of New Public Management, a leader in e-government and transparency. Discussing reforms including those in policy areas such as well-being, sustainability, environmental management, agriculture and indigenous development. ...

    182,51 €

  • Rhetoric and Governance under Trump
    Bernd Kaussler / Jeffrey Delbert / Lars J. Kristiansen / Lars JKristiansen
    This book analyzes the rhetoric of Donald Trump to argue that Trump embraces conflicting populist and Republican values, and as a result has relied on populist and polarizing rhetoric, along with fabricated crises, to reconcile these combating ideals and uphold his image of an “anti-status quo politician.” ...

    163,23 €

  • Insufficient Representation
    Patrick Fisher
    This book analyzes the demographic disconnect between the American public and congressional representation. The fact that Congress does not equally represent all citizens is critical to understanding the disillusionment most Americans hold toward the contemporary Congress. ...

    54,42 €

  • Diary of Gideon Welles, Volume III
    Gideon Welles
    “Of course in the Andrew Johnson drama the spectacular act is the impeachment. Americans who so lately had been holding their breath as they watched the great strugglewaged by Grant and Sherman against Robert E. Lee, now had to watch with more painful feelings the assault of Benjamin F. Butler and Thaddeus Stevens against the President of the United States.” —John T. Morse, Jr....

    38,93 €

  • Globalization and the High-Tech Policy Response
    Gregory Tassey
    Globalization and the High-Tech Policy Response makes the case that U.S. economic growth policy has not responded to the growing competitive pressures from globalization. Specifically, the federal government has placed excessive reliance on business-cycle management and recently on trade barriers in the form of tariffs to allegedly force access to foreign markets for U.S. firms...

    136,14 €

  • Leading Local Government
    John Fenwick / Lorraine Johnston
    Leading Local Government: The Role of Directly Elected Mayors provides a critical assessment of the role occupied by directly elected mayors in the leadership of English local government. Built on original research and historical analysis, the book examines the impact of elected mayors upon public engagement, devolution and local leadership. ...

    85,05 €

  • Gringo - 2020 Revised Edition
    Frank Kyle
    Gringo is Jeffrey Thomas’ memoir, which he wrote while in jail awaiting trial for shooting and killing a Mexican illegal immigrant. Before the shooting, Mr. Thomas had been a high school English teacher. However, though the specific focus of the memoir is the man Mr. Thomas and the incident of his killing of a Mexican illegal immigrant, the larger social issue that emerges in t...

    26,87 €

  • The Art of the Watchdog
    Daniel L. Feldman / Daniel LFeldman / David R. Eichenthal / David REichenthal
    Expert advice on how any citizen can fight government fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption. ...

    27,14 €

  • Racial Inequality in New York City since 1965
    A comprehensive exploration of racial inequality in New York City since 1965. ...

    46,48 €

  • Black Women, Work, and Welfare in the Age of Globalization
    Sherrow O. Pinder / Sherrow OPinder
    Pinder examines the interrelatedness of globalization and workfare and how this interrelatedness is impacting black single mother welfare recipients. The book builds on these insights and seeks to illuminate a crucial but largely overlooked aspect of the negative impact of workfare on black women and the American economy. ...

    54,45 €

  • Urban Crisis, Urban Hope
    Urban Crisis, Urban Hope is an urgent, informed, and passionate critique at the crisis that has been allowed to develop in our cities, and a wide-ranging agenda for change to challenge all political and government institutions. ...

    180,60 €

  • Urban Crisis, Urban Hope
    Urban Crisis, Urban Hope is an urgent, informed, and passionate critique at the crisis that has been allowed to develop in our cities, and a wide-ranging agenda for change to challenge all political and government institutions. ...

    57,83 €

  • Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field - General Order No. 100
    Francis Lieber / US Dept. of War / US Deptof War
    “The United States acknowledge and protect, in hostile countries occupied by them, religion and morality; strictly private property; the persons of the inhabitants, especially those of women; and the sacredness of domestic relations. Offenses to the contrary shall be rigorously punished.” —Article 37, Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field—G...

    13,78 €

  • Evolution of Ireland’s Industrial, Science and Technology Policy
    James A. Cunningham / James ACunningham / Majella Giblin / Patrick Collins
    Evolution of Ireland’s Industrial, Science and Technology Policy examines the evolution of industrial, science and technology policy from a small country perspective. In particular, the monograph focuses on the evolution of Irish industrial development, the develop of Irish industrial cluster with a distinct focus on the case of the medical technology cluster in the West of Ire...

    130,79 €

  • Mongolia’s Economic Prospects
    Declan Magee / Hal Hill / Matthias Helble
    This book examines Mongolia’s recent economic development and outlines reforms that would help the country take advantage of its many opportunities.Mongolia is a resource-rich country that, despite being landlocked, is well-placed to take advantage of trade with its two giant neighbors. To maximize the country’s potential, the government can improve macroeconomic management, en...

    40,40 €

  • Free Speech Law and the Pornography Debate
    Lynn Mills Eckert
    By examining the highly contested legal debate about the regulation of pornography through an epistemic lens, this book analyzes competing claims about the proper role of speech in our society, pornography’s harm, the relationship between speech and equality, and whether law should regulate and, if so, upon what grounds. ...

    129,13 €