Gobierno central

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Gobierno central (5724)

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    This book is based on lectures conducted for two classes at the Maxwell School, Syracuse University: A Public Finance Seminar for PhD students in public administration and State and Local Public Finance for master's students in public administration.Topics covered include the role of voters in a federal system, the sorting of different households into different communities,...

    93,30 €

  • Governance, Politics and the State
    B Guy Peters / Jon Pierre
    Having started out as a new and alternative way of thinking about policy making and governing more broadly, governance is now established as a dominant paradigm in understanding national, subnational and global politics.The long-awaited second edition of this textbook takes into account the significant growth and proliferation of the field in recent years and offers a state of ...

    173,68 €

  • Parliament the Mirror of the Nation
    Gregory Conti

    41,03 €

  • First Century of the International Joint Commission
    The International Joint Commission oversees and protects the shared waters of Canada and the United States. Created by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, it is one of the world's oldest international environmental bodies. A pioneering piece of transborder water governance, the IJC has been integral to the modern Canada-United States relationship.This is the definitive hist...

    51,84 €

  • For the President’s Eyes Only
    Christopher Andrew

    18,49 €

  • Energy Economics
    Thomas R. Sadler / Thomas RSadler
    Energy Economics: Science, Policy, and Economic Applications explains various energy systems from an economics perspective. Specifically, the author uses the tools of economics to analyze the development of modern energy systems, the world’s reliance on fossil fuels, and the components of a transition to cleaner energy resources. ...

    156,24 €

  • Social Protection in Africa
    Social Protection is an area of policy and development in Africa responsible for ensuring inclusive growth and the provision of social needs which sustain human well-being. This book contains essays which analyse the role of government and non-government organisations in the provision of social protection needs for citizens in Africa, and reflect the socio-political and economi...

    70,63 €

  • Legislating Morality in America
    Donald Haider-Markel

    140,83 €

  • Examining Ethics and Intercultural Interactions in International Relations
    The need for intercultural communication and understanding has never been greater. The unstoppable confluence of technology continues to unsympathetically disrupt, distort, and exert consequential changes to nation states and to the breadth, depth, and scope of sociocultural institutions. Such changes have foregrounded the need to understand and relate to the diverse ethical un...

    282,08 €

  • Organizing for Transgender Rights
    Anthony J. Nownes / Anthony JNownes
    Illuminates transgender activists’ successful strategies to organize for social and political change in the US. ...

    42,18 €

  • Neo-race Realities in the Obama Era
    Considers the impact of neo-racism during the Obama presidency. ...

    41,08 €

  • One America?
    Nathan Angelo
    Reveals how presidents deploy a rhetoric that attempts to attract many racial and ethnic groups, but ultimately directs itself to an archtypal white, Middle-American swing voter. ...

    41,80 €

  • Property Rights in Contemporary Governance
    Examines how our diverse understandings of property impact real-world governing strategies. ...

    42,18 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Public Policy and Sustainability

    216,20 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Public Policy and Sustainability
    In today’s global economy, the role of public policy in managing and ensuring sustainability is an emerging area of research considering modern day issues such as climate change and the depletion of energy resources. The impact that these environmental concerns have on human life has brought to light a new era of economic theories and initiatives to promote a better lifestyle. ...

    282,05 €

  • Assessing the Role of the Federal Government in the Development of New Products, Industries, and Companies
    Donald S. Siegel / Donald SSiegel / Sandra E. Price / Sandra EPrice
    Assessing the Role of the Federal Government in the Development of New Products, Industries, and Companies examines the role of the federal government in the development of major innovations. This is done in a purely descriptive manner, specifically identifying and describing major products, industries, and firms resulting from U.S. government funding of research in the years s...

    103,26 €

  • The American Environment Revisited
    This innovative book provides a dynamic—and often surprising—view of the range of environmental issues facing the United States today. Distinguished scholars examine the growing temporal, spatial, and thematic breadth of topics historical geographers are now exploring, giving a fascinating look at our changing relationship with nature. ...

    66,02 €

  • The Paradox of Fiscal Austerity
    Justin Vélez-Hagan
    When financial crises initiated a global recession in 2008, massive public debt forced policymakers in the developed world to impose tough fiscal consolidations to counter growing deficits. The most effective solutions, however, were often the ones most counterintuitive and least politically feasible, catching policymakers in a fiscal paradox. ...

    129,05 €

  • Character and Consequence
    Robert A. Strong / Robert AStrong
    In this book Robert A. Strong reviews six case studies of significant foreign policy decisions during the presidency of George H. W. Bush and explores the ways in which the president’s personality and character influenced those decisions. ...

    122,49 €

  • The 2016 American Presidential Campaign and the News
    This book examines issues such as fake news, media bias, visual meme depictions of the candidates, and social media as news during the 2016 presidential campaign. The contributors offer insights into how the campaign coverage affected the health of the American republic. ...

    54,28 €

  • Feminist Praxis against U.S. Militarism
    Feminist Praxis against U.S. Militarism provides critical feminist and womanist analyses of U.S. militarism that challenge the ongoing U.S. neoliberal military-industrial complex and its multivalent violence that destroys people’s lives, especially women and other vulnerable populations. ...

    129,31 €

  • Republican Minority Report
    Devin Nunes / Jim Jordan / Michael T. McCaul / Michael TMcCaul
    On November 8, 2016, nearly 63 million Americans from around the country chose Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States. Now, less than a year before the next presidential election, 231 House Democrats in Washington, D.C., are trying to undo the will of the American people.* As one Democrat admitted, the pursuit of this extreme course of action is because t...

    21,30 €

  • Republican Minority Report
    Devin Nunes / Jim Jordan / Michael T. McCaul / Michael TMcCaul
    On November 8, 2016, nearly 63 million Americans from around the country chose Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States. Now, less than a year before the next presidential election, 231 House Democrats in Washington, D.C., are trying to undo the will of the American people.* As one Democrat admitted, the pursuit of this extreme course of action is because t...

    12,68 €

  • The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report
    Adam Schiff / US House Intelligence Committee
    Report of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Pursuant to H. Res. 660 in Consultation with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the House Committee on Foreign AffairsThis report reflects the evidence gathered thus far by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, in coordination with the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee...

    18,75 €

  • The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report
    Adam Schiff / US House Intelligence Committee
    Report of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Pursuant to H. Res. 660 in Consultation with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the House Committee on Foreign AffairsThis report reflects the evidence gathered thus far by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, in coordination with the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee...

    27,12 €

  • A Human Garden
    Paul-André Rosental
    Well into the 1980s, Strasbourg, France, was the site of a curious and little-noted experiment: Ungemach, a garden city dating back to the high days of eugenic experimentation that offered luxury living to couples who were deemed biologically fit and committed to contractual childbearing targets. Supported by public authorities, Ungemach aimed to accelerate human evolution by...

    177,35 €

  • Agriculture Development in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program Member Countries
    Asian Development Bank
    This report takes a comprehensive look at agricultural and food systems in member countries of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program.The CAREC region covers Central Asia, the South Caucasus, Mongolia, and the People’s Republic of China. Agriculture in the region has undergone extensive country-specific policy, institutional, and structural changes. Thes...

    37,07 €

  • Taxation
    David Dieterle

    55,21 €

  • The Presidency in Times of Crisis and Disaster
    Brian Harward

    140,89 €

  • Age of Anxiety
    Anthony M. Wachs / Anthony MWachs / Jon D. Schaff / Jon DSchaff
    Age of Anxiety: Meaning, Identity, and Politics in 21st Century Film and Literature applies historical and contemporary political and rhetorical theory to current popular culture to discuss the problem of the displaced autonomous self and the quest for a meaningful life. ...

    129,02 €