Gobierno central

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Gobierno central (5724)

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  • The Making of the Presidential Candidates 2020
    Exploring a wide range of issues including gender, money, media, voter coalitions, and the changing role of political parties, leading experts on American elections provide an indispensable guide to the 2020 presidential nomination process. ...

    108,38 €

  • Ecologically-Compatible Urban Planning
    Stefano Salata
    By providing an in-depth analysis of contemporary urbanization, an understanding of the dimension of the phenomena and its cause-effect mechanism, this book maps how ecologically-compatible planning in the contemporary city may successfully design a healthier environment. ...

    84,95 €

  • The United States and Asia
    Robert G. Sutter / Robert GSutter
    Now in a fully revised and updated edition, this cogent book provides an overview of the historical context and enduring patterns of U.S. relations with Asia. Robert Sutter offers a balanced analysis of post–Cold War dynamics in Asia and the growing U.S.-China rivalry that now dominates both regional dynamics in the Asia-Pacific and US policy in the region going forward. ...

    52,51 €

  • The United States and Asia
    Robert G. Sutter / Robert GSutter
    Now in a fully revised and updated edition, this cogent book provides an overview of the historical context and enduring patterns of U.S. relations with Asia. Robert Sutter offers a balanced analysis of post–Cold War dynamics in Asia and the growing U.S.-China rivalry that now dominates both regional dynamics in the Asia-Pacific and US policy in the region going forward. ...

    134,16 €

  • Borders and Immigration
    Laurence Armand French / Magdaleno Manzanárez
    Borders and immigration are topics dominating world affairs during the 21st century. This book examines the historical antecedents to the current crisis notably along the U.S.A./Mexico border under the Trump administration. ...

    122,36 €

  • The Making of the Presidential Candidates 2020
    Exploring a wide range of issues including gender, money, media, voter coalitions, and the changing role of political parties, leading experts on American elections provide an indispensable guide to the 2020 presidential nomination process. ...

    40,51 €

  • Safeguarding Adults
    Alison Brammer / Laura Pritchard-Jones
    Working to safeguard adults is a complex area of practice that requires careful balancing of autonomy, protection and risk. In order to make good, lawful judgements about when and how to intervene, practitioners therefore need to have a comprehensive understanding of how the law applies to safeguarding adults.In this text book best-selling author Alison Brammer brings together ...

    38,15 €

    BRICS countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (known as bloc), have been working closely together for more than a decade in areas as politics, economics, culture and security. The bloc plays a crucial role in facilitating the growth of not only emerging markets and developing countries, but also the world economy as a whole. Just as importantly, it contr...

    118,04 €

  • Congressional Lions
    J. Michael Martinez / JMichael Martinez
    Congressional Lions examines twelve trailblazing members of Congress throughout American history to understand their role in shaping the life of the nation. The book focuses on historical figures stretching from the founding of the nation into the twenty-first century. ...

    128,89 €

  • The Military as a Separate Society
    Pauline Collins
    Using the United States and Australia as examples, Collins argues that the justification for separateness weakens both the military standing and the practice of civilian control of the military on top of leading to an overall decline in morality and values in a democratic society. ...

    156,38 €

  • Governing Complexity

    132,68 €

  • Religion in Uniform
    Edward Waggoner
    The first scholarly evaluation of the contemporary US military chaplain corps, and the first to offer not only political and military but also theological analysis, Religion in Uniform shows why the military’s chaplaincy is a failing public project, and what Americans can do about it. ...

    122,32 €

  • Regimes of Responsibility in Africa
    Regimes of Responsibility in Africa ­analyses the transformations that discourses and practices of responsibility have undergone in Africa. By doing so, this collection develops a stronger grasp of the specific political, economic and social transformations taking place today in Africa. At the same time, while focusing on case studies from the African continent, the work ente...

    163,49 €

  • The Politics of Congressional Elections, Tenth Edition
    Gary C. Jacobson / Gary CJacobson / Jamie L. Carson / Jamie LCarson
    Jacobson and Carson provide students with a comprehensive introduction to congressional elections and the electoral process. The tenth edition offers an engaging examination of congressional candidates, campaigns, and elections by incorporating coverage of the most recent elections and the changing roles of voters, incumbents, challengers, and campaign contributions. It examine...

    70,20 €

  • Ostrom’s Tensions
    Elinor C. Ostrom won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009, with recognition for her path-breaking work on institutions organized to address common-pool resource settings. She and her collaborator and spouse, Vincent Ostrom, contested the scholarship of mainstream political economy, public administration, and public policy in their quest to understand how individuals resolve a v...

    30,01 €

  • Ostrom’s Tensions
    Elinor C. Ostrom won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009, with recognition for her path-breaking work on institutions organized to address common-pool resource settings. She and her collaborator and spouse, Vincent Ostrom, contested the scholarship of mainstream political economy, public administration, and public policy in their quest to understand how individuals resolve a v...

    20,91 €

  • Policies to Support Investment Requirements of Indonesia’s Food and Agriculture Development during 2020-2045
    Asian Development Bank
    This report provides analysis and policy recommendations on the investments needed in Indonesia’s agriculture sector to boost food security and enhance economic development.Agriculture continues to play a vital role in Indonesia’s economic development. The sector contributes significantly to the country’s gross domestic product, provides jobs for nearly 30% of the workforce, an...

    40,03 €

  • Climate-Smart Practices for Intensive Rice-Based Systems in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication presents the outcomes of initiatives promoting climate-smart agricultural practices and technologies in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal.It emphasizes learnings from a technical assistance project that aimed to (i) identify constraints on and support for scaling up water-saving mechanized technologies; (ii) demonstrate agricultural practices that can improve cro...

    28,92 €

  • Information and Communication Technology for Agriculture in the People’s Republic of China
    Asian Development Bank
    This report presents the findings of an assessment on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve food production and distribution in the People’s Republic of China.The analysis focuses on e-commerce in rural areas of the country and provides policy recommendations to promote the use of ICT in the agricultural supply chain. The report documents the tren...

    30,41 €

  • Ending Hunger in Asia and the Pacific by 2030
    Asian Development Bank
    This report analyzes the impacts of agricultural challenges in Asia and the Pacific. It also identifies investments required in different subsectors to achieve food security in the region by 2030.About 518 million people in Asia and the Pacific suffered from hunger in 2017—1 million more than in the previous year. Farmers face challenges such as shrinking natural resources, deg...

    40,45 €

  • Private Military Security Companies’ Influence on International Security and Foreign Policy

    44,44 €

  • What the Hell is Going On?
    Cameron Lee Cowan
    What the Hell is Going On? is an essay collection to help you understand the world around us. Politics, the media, and even the environment are increasingly difficult places. Humanity is facing some big problems but the reality is that some of these problems aren’t new. Everyone is living in a story that started 40 years ago and that story is reaching its zenith. Don't get ...

    19,65 €

  • Food Insecurity and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa
    Habib Ayeb / Ray Bush
    ’Food Insecurity and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa’ examines the political economy of agrarian transformation with case studies of Egypt and Tunisia. It critiques the dominant tropes of food security offered by the international financial institutions and promotes the importance of small-scale family farming in developing sustainable food sovereignty. ...

    180,35 €

  • Food Insecurity and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa
    Habib Ayeb / Ray Bush
    ’Food Insecurity and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa’ examines the political economy of agrarian transformation with case studies of Egypt and Tunisia. It critiques the dominant tropes of food security offered by the international financial institutions and promotes the importance of small-scale family farming in developing sustainable food sovereignty. ...

    57,57 €

  • Treason & Betrayal
    Kenneth Foard McCallion
    This book not only takes an in-depth look at both Trump’s entire history from his childhood to the present, but also provides a detailed analysis as to how and why Trump is now a co-opted agent for Russia who presents a clear and present danger to the U.S. as long as he is permitted to occupy the White House. The author is also in a relatively unique position to explain and com...

    14,65 €

  • Cuando la voluntad general se equivoca: un examen de los dos últimos procesos de descentralización en el Perú
    Ricardo Vergara
    Cuando la voluntad general se equivoca explora las razones que llevaron al fracaso nuestros dos últimos procesos de descentralización. Tanto el intento de la década de 1980 como el de inicios del siglo XXI jamás generaron los beneficios que prometieron. ¿Por qué fracasaron? Ricardo Vergara, viejo lector de Hegel, responde desde el mundo de las verdades afectivas. Las reformas d...

    13,52 €

  • The Economic Impacts of the Advanced Encryption Standard, 1996-2017
    David P. Leech / David PLeech / John T. Scott / John TScott / Stacey Ferris
    The Economic Impacts of the Advanced Encryption Standard, 1996-2017 evaluates the net social benefits of advanced encryption standards (AES). This is one of many areas where the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has promoted innovation and industrial competitiveness to ensure that public and private computer systems can protect the confidentiality, availabi...

    123,92 €

  • SDG16 - Peace and Justice
    Vesela Radovic
    This book details how interested parties can, must and are getting ahead of the curve to promote peace, provide access to justice and build accountable institutions for all. It envisions a hopeful future in which the impacts of SDG16 are likely to be far more positive, transformational, and visible much more quickly, than we might have imagined. ...

    85,11 €

  • Smart Hybridity
    Joop Koppenjan
    In our current society, governments face complex societal issues that cannot be tackled through traditional governance arrangements. Therefore, governments increasingly come up with smart hybrid arrangements that transcend the boundaries of policy domains and jurisdictions, combine governance mechanisms (state, market, networks and self-governance), and foster new forms of coll...

    69,87 €

  • It is all about Integrity, Stupid
    Gjalt De Graaf
    This book contains 26 studies on the integrity of governance, by scholars from around the world. The studies are on, about or inspired by Leo Huberts, the famous integrity scholar. ...

    78,87 €