Historia de la medicina

Medicina / Medicina: cuestiones generales / Historia de la medicina (6983)

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  • De L’electricite Du Corps Humain Dans L’état De Santé Et De Maladie ......
    Pierre Bertholon
    Pierre Bertholon, inventeur, électricien et médecin de renom, donne une étude détaillée de l’électricité dans le corps humain en bonne santé et en maladie. Avec une analyse minutieuse de la physiologie de l’électricité, cet ouvrage est une contribution importante à l’histoire de la médecine. À travers son exploration fascinante de la science de l’électricité, Bertholon démontre...

    29,72 €

  • Vorlesungen und abhandlungen von Ludwig Traube; Volume 2
    Traube Ludwig 1861-1907 / Franz Johannes 1867-1924 Boll / Paul Joachim Georg 1884-1964 Lehmann
    Dieses Buch sammelt Vorlesungen und Abhandlungen des großen deutschen Arztes Ludwig Traube. Es enthält unter anderem eine Einführung in die klinische Diagnostik und eine Untersuchung der Nierenfunktion. Darüber hinaus beschäftigt sich Traube mit der Geschichte und Philologie der Medizin. Das Buch richtet sich an Medizinstudenten und Forscher, die sich für die Geschichte der Med...

    20,98 €

  • Clínica Egregia; Apuntes Históricos
    Luís Comenge Y Ferrer
    Este libro es una recopilación de los apuntes históricos del famoso médico español Luis Comenge y Ferrer. Conoce la historia de la medicina y sus avances a través de los ojos de uno de los mayores expertos en la materia. Un libro imprescindible para los amantes de la ciencia y la historia.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the ...

    32,67 €

  • Scientific Medicine in Its Relation to Homoeopathy
    Tivadar Bakody
    Explore the complex and contentious relationship between scientific medicine and alternative therapies with this thought-provoking volume. Using homoeopathy as a case study, Tivadar Bakody traces the history of medical innovation and the struggle between orthodoxy and heterodoxy.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ...

    17,23 €

  • Die Kenntniss Von Den Krankheiten Des Herzens Im Achtzehnten Jahrhundert
    P J. Philipp
    Eine Studie über das Wissen über Herzkrankheiten im 18. Jahrhundert und die Entwicklung der medizinischen Behandlung. Der Autor betrachtet die Herausforderungen, mit denen die Ärzte dieser Zeit konfrontiert waren, und die Fortschritte, die sie erzielten.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we...

    20,19 €

  • La Chirurgie Militaire Et Les Sociétés De Secours En France Et À L’étranger
    Léon (Léon Clément 1829-189 Le Fort
    Cette étude examine l’histoire de la chirurgie militaire en France et à l’étranger, avec un accent particulier sur l’amélioration des soins aux soldats blessés pendant les guerres. Écrit par le célèbre chirurgien français Léon Clément Le Fort, cette publication est une ressource précieuse pour tous ceux qui cherchent à comprendre l’histoire de la médecine militaire.This work ha...

    27,91 €

  • Aphorisms, Definitions, Reflections
    Andrea Carlo Francisco Rabagliati
    This book is a fascinating collection of medical aphorisms, definitions, and reflections, compiled by the famous Italian physician Andrea Carlo Francisco Rabagliati. It covers a range of medical topics, from dietetics to surgery, and offers keen insights into the practice of medicine. Recommended for medical professionals and anyone interested in the history of medicine.This wo...

    26,18 €

  • A Sketch of Medicine and Pharmacy and a View of its Progress by the Massengill Family From the Fifteenth to the Twentieth Century
    Samuel Evans Massengill
    This fascinating book traces the history of medicine and pharmacy through the lens of one family’s experiences. From the days of bloodletting and leeches to modern pharmacology, the Massengills have been at the forefront of the field, and their story is both informative and entertaining.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the kn...

    20,03 €

  • On the Religious Objections to the use of Chloroform
    Francis John De Quincey
    Explore the fascinating history of anesthesia with this insightful book on the use of chloroform. Francis John De Quincey delves into the religious objections surrounding the use of this powerful anesthetic, providing a unique perspective on the history of medicine. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in medical history or the history of science.This work has been se...

    17,75 €

  • Die Namen Der Körperteile Im Assyrisch-babylonischen, Eine Lexikalisch-etymologische Studie
    Holma Harri
    Die akkadische Sprache des antiken Mesopotamien ist bekannt für ihre detaillierten literarischen Werke, aber auch ihre akademischen Texte zu medizinischen Themen sind von Bedeutung. In diesem Buch untersucht Harri Holma, wie die alten Assyrier und Babylonier die verschiedenen Teile des menschlichen Körpers benannt und beschrieben haben. Holma nutzt sowohl sprachliche als auch h...

    23,22 €

  • Nachricht Von Der Kriebelkrankheit Und Ihren Wahrscheinlichen Ursachen Aus Dem Genusse Des Mutterkorns...
    Samuel A. D. Tissot
    In seinem Werk Nachricht von der Kriebelkrankheit und ihren wahrscheinlichen Ursachen aus dem Genusse des Mutterkorns beschreibt der Schweizer Arzt Samuel A. D. Tissot die Symptome und Ursachen einer Krankheit, die im 18. Jahrhundert große Teile Europas befiel: die Kriebelkrankheit. Tissot ist einer der ersten, der einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verzehr von Roggenbrot und der ...

    20,11 €

  • A History of Nursing V. 2 1907, Volume 2
    Mary Adelaide Nutting
    The seminal work on the history and evolution of nursing, this groundbreaking volume by Mary Adelaide Nutting is an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the origins of modern healthcare. With meticulous attention to detail and a rigorous scholarly approach, Nutting’s work has become a cornerstone of nursing education and research.This work has been selected by schola...

    29,84 €

  • Mémoire Sur La Lèpre Observée À Constantinople
    Démétrius Alexandre Zambaco
    Découvrez le travail de Démétrius Alexandre Zambaco, médecin grec du XIXe siècle, sur la lèpre qu’il a observée lors de son séjour à Constantinople. Ce mémoire est un document précieux pour comprendre cette maladie et ses traitements à l’époque.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it....

    20,21 €

  • Harry Ingleby, Surgeon
    Frederic J. Webb
    Harry Ingleby, Surgeon is a fascinating read about the life and work of a 19th-century surgeon. It provides a detailed account of the medical practices of the time and explores the challenges faced by doctors in the Victorian era. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of medicine.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and ...

    28,05 €

  • Secrets of Wise men, Chemists and Great Physicians
    Wm K. David
    First published in 1856, this book is a compendium of medical knowledge, drawing on the wisdom of ancient philosophers, alchemists, and physicians. From the properties of plants and minerals to the principles of anatomy and medicine, this book offers a comprehensive survey of medical knowledge from ancient to modern times. A fascinating glimpse into the history and development ...

    20,09 €

  • Annual Report
    Md.) Mount Hope Retreat (Baltimore
    This annual report from the Mount Hope Retreat provides a detailed look at the activities and operations of this important mental health facility. This report is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of mental health treatment in the United States.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization ...

    14,77 €

  • Código Pharmaceutico Lusitano Ou Tratado De Pharconomia......
    Agostinho Albano da Silveira Pinto
    This treatise on pharmaceutical science and practice was published in Portugal in the 19th century, providing insight into 19th-century medical practices and the history of pharmacy in Portugal. The text covers a range of topics, including pharmaceutical compounding, drug interactions, and the regulation of pharmaceuticals. Scholars of the history of medicine and science will f...

    33,68 €

  • New York Medical Journal, Volume 85, Issues 14-26
    The New York Medical Journal was one of the premier medical publications in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This volume covers issues 14-26 and includes a wide range of medical articles, from case reports to scientific studies. It is a valuable resource for medical historians and anyone interested in the history of medicine in the United States....

    32,73 €

  • Der Doppelkalender des Papyrus-Ebers.
    Carl Riel
    Dieses Buch beschreibt den Doppelkalender des Papyrus-Ebers, eines der ältesten erhaltenen medizinischen Texte aus dem alten Ägypten. Der Autor analysiert den Kalender und seine Bedeutung für die Medizin im alten Ägypten. Das Buch enthält Fotografien und Illustrationen, die den Text und seine Bedeutung veranschaulichen.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally...

    15,88 €

  • Exposicion De Los Aforismos De Hipócrates, Volume 1...
    Ignacio Montes / Hipócrates
    Este libro ofrece una interpretación útil y accesible de los aforismos de Hipócrates. Un must-read para cualquier médico o estudiante en ciencias de la salud.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other ...

    26,03 €

  • Examen Impartial Des Contestations Des Médecins Et Des Chirurgiens Considérées Par Rapport À L’intérêt Public
    François Quesnay
    Ce livre offre une analyse approfondie des conflits entre les médecins et les chirurgiens de l’époque. Quesnay se penche sur les intérêts économiques et politiques qui sous-tendent ces conflits, ainsi que sur les arguments avancés par chaque camp. Il offre une analyse détaillée des enjeux et des conséquences de ces conflits pour la santé publique. Ce livre est une lecture indis...

    23,17 €

  • The New York Polyclinic; Volume 1
    New York Polyclinic Medical School an...
    This pioneering medical textbook offers a comprehensive overview of the state of medical knowledge at the turn of the 20th century. With detailed descriptions of diseases and treatments, as well as essays on medical ethics and practice, this book is an invaluable resource for historians and medical professionals alike.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally ...

    20,98 €

  • The New-york Medical And Physical Journal; Volume 1
    John Brodhead Beck
    This journal contains a variety of medical articles and case studies from the early 19th century. Its topics range from the treatment of fevers and cholera, to discussions on the anatomy and physiology of the human body. It provides a fascinating look into the state of medical knowledge during this time period.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally importan...

    29,66 €

  • History of Medicine
    Nathan Smith Davis
    This book is a comprehensive history of medicine, from its earliest origins in ancient times to the cutting-edge innovations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Drawing on a wealth of historical sources and primary documents, the author offers readers a deep and nuanced understanding of the evolution of medical knowledge, practices, and systems, as well as the challenges...

    23,17 €

  • Dictionnaire Historique De La Médecine Ancienne Et Moderne
    Ce dictionnaire traite de toutes les branches de la médecine, depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIème siècle. L’auteur, Dezeimeris, y décrit les connaissances médicales de diverses cultures et époques, ainsi que les théories et les pratiques des médecins. Cette œuvre est une référence pour les professionnels de la santé et les amateur(trice)s d’histoire de la médecineThis...

    26,98 €

  • A Practical Treatise On the Medical and Surgical Uses of Electricity
    Alphonso David Rockwell / George Miller Beard
    This classic text is a seminal work on the medical applications of electricity. It covers a wide range of topics, from the physics of electrical currents to the therapeutic uses of electromagnetism. The book includes detailed descriptions of various devices and techniques, as well as case studies and clinical applications. A must-read for historians of medicine, as well as prac...

    34,53 €

  • On Ovarian Dropsy and Ascites
    Richard Epps
    This book provides a detailed explanation of ovarian dropsy and ascites, as well as their diagnosis and treatment. It also includes information on prolapsus of the uterus. A must-have for anyone interested in the history of medicine.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is...

    20,05 €

  • Relation De La Peste Dont La Ville De Toulon Fut Affligée En 1721, Avec Des Observations Instructives Pour La Postérité...
    Ce livre fournit une relation détaillée de l’épidémie de peste qui a frappé la ville française de Toulon en 1721, ainsi que des observations sur la manière de prévenir et de traiter la maladie. Cet ouvrage peut être d’un intérêt historique et médical pour les chercheurs.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of c...

    27,99 €

  • Études Médico-Philosophiques Sur Joseph Guislain
    Adolphe Burggraeve
    Adolphe Burggraeve propose une étude médico-philosophique approfondie sur Joseph Guislain, considéré comme le fondateur de la psychiatrie belge. Il explore les influences philosophiques et médicales qui ont façonné la pensée de Guislain, en analysant ses principales contributions à la psychiatrie moderne.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and...

    29,84 €

  • Report On the Medical Topography and Epidemics of the State of New York
    Joseph Mather Smith
    This landmark publication is a seminal study of the medical geography and disease patterns of New York State in the mid-19th century. It includes comprehensive maps, charts, and statistical analyses of epidemics such as cholera, smallpox, and yellow fever, as well as recommendations for public health interventions. A must-read for historians of medicine, public health officials...

    23,22 €