Historias reales

Biografía e historias reales / Historias reales (3362)

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  • Richard Speck and the Eight Nurses
    Late on the night of July 13, 1966, eight of nine student nurses were brutally murdered in their townhouse. They never screamed, they never fought, they never tried to run, and no one could understand why. The eight horrific murders were attributed to Richard Speck, a 24-year-old unemployed seaman with a long rap sheet. One nurse survived by hiding under a bed. She was the crux...

    23,71 €

  • Jacques maritain y carlos de foucauld
    José Luis Vázquez Borau
    Conocemos a Jacques Maritain principalmente por su aportación humanista y social, pero no leconocemos tanto en su dimensión espiritual y mística. En el libro se muestra como, desde su conversión, junto con su esposa Raïsa, y su búsqueda de nuevas realidades evangélicas en la línea de pequeñas comunidades contemplativas y solidarias, esto se va concretando gracias al testimonio ...

    12,48 €

    Esad Jaganjac
    The novel 'Emir Mateo' was inspired by actual events describing the suffering and senselessness of the war in the Balkans in 1992 - 1995, in which the author and his family found themselves. It is a true event with real main characters, while the other characters are described according to the author’s memory. The novel’s main character is a twelve-year-old boy, Edvin, who find...

    21,89 €

  • Retrato coloreado
    Antonio Perales
    Retrato coloreado es la historia de una familia pobre, que no humilde.Supervivientes, no agraciados con la fortuna material, pero ricos en la dichade vivir con la prioridad de ser felices.Novela urbana y muy madrileña que transcurre entre los años 1940 y 1958.Las imágenes que rescatadas del baúl de los recuerdos, acompañan al texto,ayudan a introducir al lector en la época y en...

    15,00 €

  • Murder on Federal Street
    Sean Nam
    'Journalist Nam delivers a knockout debut that shines a light on the underbelly of the boxing industry in 1970s Philadelphia. ...Nam brings ’70s Philly to vivid life and manages to reignite interest in a decades-old mystery. The result is a remarkable melding of true crime and sports history.' -- Publishers Weekly'Nam has been one of this era’s best boxing writers for quite som...

    17,27 €

  • The Gang Bible
    Jonah Sanders
    Street gangs have taken over our communities to the point that many people believe that they must join the gang to be safe due to lack of knowledge. This book is to highlight some of the most dangerous street gangs and to give the reader information on the gangs code of conduct, history etc so that a sense of understanding can be made and that fear eradicated so that our commun...

    10,23 €

  • Unbelievable Crimes Volume Three
    Daniela Airlie
    Take a journey with me into the depths of human malice in Unbelievable Crimes Volume Three.In this third installment, I delve into some of the most appalling (yet lesser-known) crimes of our time, walking with you through a truly shocking odyssey of wickedness. I’ve delved deep into the annals of true crime, and compiled an anthology of tales even the most knowledgeable of crim...

    6,27 €

  • The Girl on the Grill
    Ron Mueller
    The River Front: Introduces Alex as Cincinnati’s first Black female detective.The Girl on the Grill: The murder of a young woman by a local drug distributor.Missing: Alex solves a fifteen year old abduction cold caseMaggot: Alex has a Mexican Drug cartel boss attacking her.Racist: Alex is targeted to be killed by a racist.Votive Candles: A local priest gives Alex a new perspec...

    11,29 €

  • A Buck Thirty
    RayShawn CharlesEdward Abram
    After losing DB, Rah and Sauce slip into a dark realm, which leads o chaos and bloodshed. Unfortunately though, with agony clouding their vision, their ill-will was misdirected. As a result, unnecessary conflicts sprang forth, and the duo began spiraling down a path of self-destruction...with no regards of the consequences. However, an emotional occurrence eventually brings lif...

    20,00 €

  • A Buck Thirty
    RayShawn CharlesEdward Abram
    After serving separate prison terms, two brothers (DB and Rah-Rah) are finally reunited. With their cousin (Sauce) always by their side, the trio takes you on a vivid journey of life on the inner streets of Omaha, NE. Through the camaraderie-coated lens of the trio, they somehow reveal the tranquility, as well as the turmoil that’s weaved into the subpar conditions of their env...

    20,16 €

  • Gunshot in Croatia
    Xiapin Jiang / Xiaping Jiang / Anthony Roberts
    Due to differences of political convictions, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions, the Republic of Yugoslavia broke up in 1991, as Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia fought for autonomy and independence. Under Milosevic’s rule, Serbian military and paramilitary forces carried out a carefully planned 'ethnic cleansing' in Bosnia an...

    33,35 €

  • Escaping The Devil’s Nest
    Chalonda Moore
    This is the story of Chalonda Moore, and the journey of how she grew up in foster care, aged out of the system, and then became married to one of America’s most demonic serial killers-Nikko Jenkins. This story depicts the turmoils that she experienced throughout her childhood, and how those experiences crafted her into a person who accepted harsh treatment from Nikko Jenkins, a...

    24,24 €

  • Balancing the Scales
    Will Jäger
    Balancing the Scales sees the formation of 3G, introduces the individual members of the group and sees the group proving its value to authorities and laying the foundation for relationships with the French police and Interpol. In support of Interpol, the FBI and other national law enforcement agencies, 3G’s relentless investigations and fearless interventions target crimes such...

    18,66 €

  • La caja. Crónica de un secuestro de 290 días
    Alberto de la Fuente y de la Concha
    Cuando fue secuestrado, a plena luz del día, en mitad de una de las ciudades más pobladas de México, la vida del empresario Alberto de la Fuente cambió para siempre. El que comenzaba como uno más de las decenas de miles de secuestros cometidos cada año en un país en el que este delito de codicia se ha convertido en una lucrativa industria terminaría siendo uno de los más largos...

    22,78 €

  • The Secret Life of An Assassin
    This book is a fictional novel about a family of assassins. A young girl named Jewel from the south decides to attend college upstate. She is faced with financial hardship as she struggles to find her way. She finds herself in an unforeseen tragedy that will forever change her life. The tragedy teaches her things about herself that she never otherwise would have known. Jewel me...

    16,56 €

  • HIT
    James Walker
    A hard-hitting true story of addiction, recovery, and lossHIT: ONCE UPON A FIELD explores the struggles of addiction and epilepsy with a gripping narrative that seamlessly shifts from coming-of-age biography to true crime page-turner.This is the story of Stephen Reding, an artist from Manchester whose life takes a dramatic turn following an unprovoked assault in 1995. One week ...

    18,66 €

  • Dirty Money in the Delta
    Jane Flowers
    In the riveting true crime story of Jane’s fight for justice. Readers are taken on a journey through the corrupt judicial system of Northern Mississippi. For three long years. Jane has been fighting tirelessly to receive justice, but it seems that justice cannot be served if the organized criminals running the system are not held accountable for their heinous crimes.Jane’s stor...

    18,37 €

  • Comerica, Conduent and the U.S. Treasury Betrayed Veterans and Other Victims
    J.B. Simms
    The Social Security Administration, in conjunction with the Bureau of Fiscal Service (U.S.Treasury), dispenses Social Security payments on debit cards if recipients do not have bank accounts or simply choose to use the debit card (which is highly promoted by Social Security). Most of these recipients are financially poor and challenged, and the loss of half or all of a monthly ...

    35,91 €

  • Los Dictadores y las Mujeres
    Rosa Gómez
    Después de mi último libro de poemas, el número quince: 'Aparejo de Fortuna y la COVID-19, me he decidido a escribir este libro en prosa sobre Adolf Hitler y su relación con las mujeres.Un personaje tan inquietante y polémico me ha dado para muchas horas y muchos meses de trabajo, buscando información por distintas fuentes y que coincidieran todos los datos, aunque parece que t...

    14,98 €

  • White Slaves
    Nicholas Kinsey
    June 1631 - Baltimore, Ireland'Malcolm woke up just before dawn broke over the cove. He heard a loud crash and climbed out of bed. He sniffed the air and smelled smoke. He was barely six years old, but he knew something bad was happening. He heard a knock at the door and went to open it. Standing on the threshold was a fierce-looking Turkish janissary wearing a long red tunic a...

    22,03 €

  • The Bruno-Scarfo Mafia Crime Family
    Mafia Library
    The Bruno-Scarfo crime family reigned over Philadelphia for over a century before a series of internal and external events led to their downfall.This book will teach you all you need to know about what the crime family was up to during their time in power, including illegal gambling, loansharking, extortion, and bootlegging throughout the prohibition era.It will cover ruthles...

    21,75 €

  • ¿Qué has soñado?
    Sheila L. Laínz / Sheila López Laínz
    Los sueños son como los copos de nieve, nunca hay dos iguales. Pero, ¿y si no fueran sólo frutode nuestra imaginación?Un inquietante sueño desencadena esta colección de 17 apasionantes sucesos reales, queacompañados por vibrantes ilustraciones, no dejan indiferentes los límites de la imaginación.Pues en la vida de Víctor Laínz, la realidad supera la ficción. ...

    13,99 €

  • Los secretos que guardaban mis genes
    María Guillén Sagasti
    En los sanfermines de 1967, Amaia y Juan se conocen y empiezan un noviazgo que nacimiento de una niña, quien, por ser hija de madre soltera, será dada en adopción. Años más tarde y a muchos kilómetros de Pamplona, esta misma niña emprenderá una compleja búsqueda que le ocupará años para saber quiénes fueron en realidad sus padres y poder reencontrarse con ellos y el resto de su...

    25,00 €

  • Prometimos no olvidar
    Jesse san Román Bustamante
    ¿Hasta qué punto somos los dueños de las riendas de nuestro destino? ¿Las decisiones que tomamos son verdaderamente elección nuestra o solo caminos ya escritos?Prometimos no olvidar es una historia real y documentada, llena de misticismo, que nos traslada a la Cantabria de finales del siglo XVIII, a través de un recorrido en el tiempo por lugares emblemáticos de esta mágica reg...

    15,75 €

  • Manolete, natural(mente)
    Cristina Padín
    Es un homenaje al toreo y concretamente a Manolete. Un libro con datos, con la biografía del torero y con cuentos intercalados, algo frecuente en mis obras. Mi defensa de la tauromaquia y también de muchas cosas que me gustan: la libertad, la valentía, la literatura, el vino, el sol, el teatro, la verdad, Galicia, Andalucía, los viajes Es un libro muy musical y es un conjunto d...

    10,00 €

  • Los 5 de Adelante
    Diego Pacheco
    Diego Pacheco o Pache, como lo conocen los cercanos, nos introduce en el rugby a través de su mirada y de las anécdotas vividas junto a innumerables compañeros de aventuras. Desde sus comienzos en el colegio La Salle Florida hasta su llegada al Hindú Club de Don Torcuato, su segundo hogar, donde descubrió que este deporte era motor de cosas imposibles que con el paso del tiempo...

    16,00 €

  • Estampas de un pueblo andaluz (1960-1974)
    Jesús Ezequiel Pérez Dorado
    Levantar el latido de una identidad histórica que, aunque viva, parece diluirse en el tráfago de la rapidez de la modernidad; dejarme llevar por el profundo amor con que nuestra tierra y nuestros hombres han dejado impregnado, como sin querer, mi torpe espíritu; mostrar, humilde y algo avergonzado, mi gratitud a cuanto la vida, un punto en su divina eternidad, con sus luces y s...

    14,98 €

  • Who Really Killed Claire?
    Alan Jackaman
    Who Really Killed Claire? re-investigates the brutal yet apparently motiveless murder of 16-year-old Claire Tiltman in Greenhithe, Kent in 1993.It describes how police investigations faltered for almost 20 years until Colin Ash-Smith, due to be released from a long prison sentence for attacks on young women, was belatedly charged with this cold case murder.One of the UK’s very ...

    33,60 €

  • Nobody Important Just A Renegade Cop
    Mervin Korolek
    Police work isn’t all traffic tickets and chasing robbers. In his thoughtful and highly entertaining memoir, Merv Korolek tells the stories of his life and career in British Columbia’s RCMP. Between the 1970s and 1990s, Korolek’s experiences included working undercover, facing active gunfire, meeting famous elites, and helping people through the most difficult parts of their li...

    30,24 €

  • Código Cattleya
    Marián de la Fuente
    'Tienes tres minutos para decidir que quieres hacer con tu vida, regresar al Cartel y salir quizá en una bolsa de plástico, pasarte muchos años en una presión federal en EEUU o colaborar con nosotros y luchar por tu libertad'... Nunca una mujer joven y ambiciosa había visto pasar su vida ante sus ojos de una forma tan clara y contundente como Cattleya al ser interceptada por el...

    18,14 €