
Humanidades (859659)

  • Anne Frank’s Tree. Nature’s Confrontation with Technology, Domination, and the Holocaust
    Eric Katz
    In this highly original interdisciplinary work, well-known environmental philosopher Eric Katz explores technology’s role in dominating both nature and humanity. He argues that technology dominates, and hence destroys, the natural world; it dominates, and hence destroys, critical aspects of human life and society. Technology causes an estrangement from nature, and thus a loss o...

    105,03 €

  • The Progressive Alef-Bet ~ Psalm 119
    Ahava Lilburn
    The Progressive Alef-Bet: Reading to Learn Hebrew ~ Book OneThe Progressive Alef-Bet is an English-based translation of Psalm 119. This instructional book covers all the Hebrew letters, as well as the vowels.The Progressive Alef ~Bet uses the unique and dynamic Reading to Learn approach. It crosses the English-Hebrew barrier by progressively substituting the English letters for...

    34,72 €

  • A Study of Prehistoric Soapstone Vessels of the Middle Atlantic Region of the United States
    Gary D. Shaffer / Gary DShaffer
    This study began with an intensive search to identify all prehistoric sites with soapstone artifacts in Maryland and the District of Columbia. A review of published and unpublished records and interviews with avocational archaeologists found that the number of (precisely and imprecisely mapped) is at least 340. Avocational archaeologists had collected most of the reported soaps...

    97,59 €

  • Prison Break
    Nikkyea Williams
    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to yo...

    12,03 €

  • The Price They Paid
    Michael Putzel
    The Price They Paid is the stunning and dramatic true story of a legendary helicopter commander in Vietnam and the flight crews that followed him into the most intensive helicopter warfare ever-and how that brutal experience has changed their lives in the forty years since the war ended. ...

    11,07 €

  • Die Wikingergräber auf der Isle of Man
    Dirk H. Steinforth / Dirk HSteinforth
    Die Isle of Man besitzt außergewöhnlich viele und interessante 'Wikingergräber', von reich ausgestatteten Schiffs- und Hügelgräbern zu einfachen Flachbestattungen. Doch während über 150 Jahren altertumskundlicher Forschung sind etliche nur schlecht dokumentiert oder schwer zugänglich publiziert, so daß ein fundierter Einblick kaum zu erlangen ist. Die Publikation stellt...

    88,73 €

  • Life and Death in the Korean Bronze Age (c. 1500-400 BC)
    Sunwoo Kim
    This research focuses on the Bronze Age in selected areas of Korea; Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi province. Two forms of evidence - settlements and monuments - are taken into account to identify their relationship with landscape and the social changes occurring between ca. 1500 to 400 cal BC. Life and death in the Bronze Age in Korea has not been synthetically investigated befor...

    108,34 €

  • Estudios Arqueológicos del Área Vesubiana I
    These archaeological studies offer to provide an alternative tour through Vesuvian cities. One way to see Pompeii, for example, is via its hydraulic systems, from the higher parts to waterlogged landfills at the mouth of Sarno. They invite you to walk the streets amidst the traces of regulation issued in municipal law and the free initiative of those who built and maintained th...

    91,60 €

  • Variación Esqueletal Humana y Contexto Arqueológico
    María Carolina Barboza
    South American Archaeology Series No 23Reliable sex and age estimate on human bone remains is a fundamental aspect in bioarchaeological investigation since such estimates represent the basis on which supplementary studies aiming at contributing to the knowledge of biological and cultural aspects of prehistoric populations are structured. However, since many features, both metri...

    100,21 €

  • Somewhere Beyond The Sea Les îles bretonnes (France)
    The Seminar on the Archaeology of Western France, which focused on the islands of Brittany, was held on 1 April 2014 at the University of Rennes 1. The desire to organize this seminar arose spontaneously from the dynamism which currently animates archaeological research on island spaces of the western seaboard of France. Indeed, the seminar took place during a pivotal period of...

    86,11 €

  • Kingdoms in Conflict
    David Pawson
    A ’kingdom’ is a group of people ruled by one person, the ’king’, who makes all the laws himself without their votes or approval. The concept is anathema to contemporary democracy and its confidence in government by the people, the naive assumption that majorities will always get it right. History does not encourage optimism. There have been more bad kings than good, even in Go...

    14,10 €

  • Excavations of Prehistoric Settlement at Toomebridge, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland 2003
    Colin Dunlop / Peter Woodman
    In 2002-2003, the construction of a new road to bypass the village of Toomebridge, Co Antrim, through which the main Belfast to Derry Road (A6) passed, was commenced by Roads Service; an Agency within the Department of Regional Development. As part of the overall planning permission for the Toomebridge Bypass, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) raised a requirement ...

    77,11 €

  • Artefactos Domésticos de Casas Posclásicas en Cuexcomate y Capilco, Morelos
    This book is the second volume of the report on excavations at the Aztec-period sites of Cuexcomate and Capilco, carried out in 1986. This book is the first complete report of the entire range of artefacts excavated from Aztec domestic contexts. It is a descriptive report that focuses on the artefacts in addition to reporting the system of analysis and the artefact sampling pro...

    150,81 €

  • El Vaso de Largo Bordo Horizontal
    L. Nonat / LNonat / M. P. Prieto Martínez / MPPrieto Martínez / P. Vázquez Liz / PVázquez Liz
    In this paper the authors study a specific type of pottery from the northwest Iberian Peninsula, known as the Wide Horizontal Rim (WHR) vessel. One of its distinctive aspects is precisely the fact that it is exclusively found in this region, which now comprises the Spanish region of Galicia and northern Portugal, as far south as the River Duero. This type of pottery, of which t...

    115,71 €

  • Love Your Bible
    Gary Neal Hansen
    To be a competent, confident follower of Jesus, you need more than a few Bible basics. You need Scripture to lead you to growth and new life, consistently, for a lifetime. Lectio divina, the ancient Christian practice of moving through the Bible into the presence of God, will give you exactly that. This book brings you a faithful modern version of the practice as taught by the ...

    5,71 €

  • Entheosonic Whistling Vessels
    Denis Casarsa / Timothy Robbins
    Entheosonic Whistling Vessels are transformation tools using the inherent power of sound to unlock our creative powers. The universal and sacred language of sounds produced by the vessels are used as a doorway to synchronize acoustic resonance with Gaia, our mother Earth. The vessels produce 'phantom tones' or 'beat frequencies' inducing shamanic sound ecstasy to tune our manif...

    21,73 €

  • Étude archéozoologique des grands mammifères du gisement Paléolithique moyen d’Érd (Hongrie)
    Éva J. Daschek / Éva JDaschek
    This work deals with Neanderthal subsistence behaviours during the Middle Palaeolithic in Hungary, through the example of Érd site. Very discreet, hunting and mainly scavenging, activities are shown by zooarchaeological study for meat procurement. This is different for carnivores, except for cave bears. The latter, using the place for hibernation, meant a high number of their r...

    101,86 €

  • L’etá del Bronzo Media e Recente in Liguria (Italia nord occidentale)
    Davide Delfino
    Liguria, North-West Italy, is a region sited between the Mediterranean and the Alps. Between XVI and XIII c. BC the region experienced continuity and discontinuity in material culture and land occupation strategy. That chronological period, known as Middle and Late Bronze Age, coincided with movements throughout the Central Mediterranean (Aegean Sea to Sardinia-Sicily-Southern ...

    158,93 €

  • Publicola
    John Quincy Adams
    The letters of Publicola, a fascinating window into the debate that occurred in the early days of the French Revolution, before significant blood had been shed in France, before the French people had beheaded their king and queen, before the Reign of Terror, before Napoleon was a name of any significance, and before all of Europe became engulfed in war, written anonymously by J...

    9,60 €

  • Gringo Lessons
    Bill Whaley
    Gringo Lessons: Twenty Years of Terror in Taos is a tale of modern adventure about a young man, who experienced the local culture from 1966 to 1987. There he met the community: skiers, La Gente, los vato locos, Chicano activists and their Spanish contemporaries, the artists, drug dealers, fellow soldiers, tempting sirens, the occasional movie star, and a host of con artists. Fi...

    20,16 €

  • Bridgwater
    David Sivier
    Bridgwater: Personality, Place and the Built Environment traces the history and development of the town of Bridgwater as a physical entity from its origins to 1700. This includes not only the physical layout of the town as a whole, but also the plan and structure of its individual plots and buildings. These have been reconstructed through the hundreds of leases from the medieva...

    102,27 €

  • A Strand of Hope
    Ruth Cooper
    Long before the cold winter at Valley Forge, to the bleak graynessof 9-11, there have been many times when it seemed all hope waslost. Woven throughout the history of America, an unbreakablestrand of hope has pulled us through. The Strand of Hope beganlong ago, and Ruth Cooper not only identifies what and who it is,but how to connect with that hope, and let America’s DNA rebuil...

    19,12 €

  • In the Meantime
    Yvonne A Rupende
    In this book of poems, survivor and working mother, Yvonne Rupende, opens up her heart. She shares how God rescued her from death and an abusive relationship and brought her to a faith-filled trust in Him. It was after leaving the abusive relationship that Yvonne's burning passion to express her creativity was reignited. In communion with the Holy Spirit she took time and s...

    14,50 €

  • Luoghi e Architetture della Transizione
    Maria Antonietta Breda
    I sistemi difensivi di confine e la protezione antiaerea nelle città. Storia conservazione riuso / Border defense system and air raid protection in the cities. History conservation reuseThis book collects the papers presented at the Second International Congress on Conoscenza e valorizzazione delle opere militari moderne - Knowledge and development of modern military structures...

    139,91 €

  • The Mockingbird Devotional
    As long as it has been available, people have turned to the Bible to address the problems and anxieties of everyday life. We look to it for comfort in the midst of suffering, clarity in times of confusion, or simply to learn about God. Thankfully, what we find in its pages is not a collection of rules or demands but a message of unbending honesty and unspeakable compassion: the...

    33,29 €

  • Perfectly Loved
    Rhana A. Gittens
    Love is one of the most consumed terms in the human language. It's probably the most wrongly used word, but the word that is most necessary when used correctly. With an inaccurate definition of love we find ourselves searching for something to fulfill us, but in all of our searching we miss it. We miss it because unfortunately we don't recognize that we are already perfectly lo...

    17,08 €

  • The System
    Lincoln Steffens
    The 'muckraker' Lincoln Steffens dug deep into business criminality and political corruption in a powerful series of articles written for McClure's magazine. Establishment newspapers and 'System' politicians dismissed his work as just another example of the decrepit modern journalism that could never pass for genuine writing. But Steffens' dogged quest for truth and justice set...

    23,66 €

  • Christianity Explained
    David Pawson
    The author explains, clearly and accessibly, man’s need for God, and he teaches the basic Christian beliefs. A proven tool for evangelism, this key book is ideal for enquirers, new Christians and all who see David Pawson on broadcast media. ...

    10,99 €

  • Not by Love Alone
    Margaret Mehl
    Suzuki Shin'ichi, the Tokyo String Quartet, Midori - How did Japanese violinists manage to revolutionize violin teaching, win international competitions, conquer Western concert stages, study at world-famous conservatoires and take up positions in leading orchestras and prestigious music faculties? What enabled the Japanese to master Western classical music within a few decades...

    29,32 €

  • A Damn Close-Run Thing (Large Print)
    Russell Phillips
    In 1982, the average Briton didn't know the Falkland Islands existed, let alone their status as a disputed British territory just off the coast of Argentina. That changed when the Argentinians invaded the islands and overwhelmed the small defending force. Both nations claimed the islands were theirs, but now Argentina thought the British would give them up without a fight.T...

    16,43 €