
Lenguas / Lingüistica (31091)

  • Pragmatique et politesse linguistique
    Abderrahmane Ismaili Alaoui
    La recherche sur la politesse est un domaine académique relativement jeune. La politesse en tant que théorie a commencé à susciter un intérêt sérieux dans les années 1970 avec les travaux de Lakoff (1973), Leech (1977) et Brown et Levinson (1978) dans le cadre de la pragmatique. Un large éventail de concepts de politesse nécessite une certaine forme de preuve que les interlocut...

    106,37 €

  • Pragmatica e gentilezza linguistica
    Abderrahmane Ismaili Alaoui
    La ricerca sulla politeness è un campo accademico relativamente giovane. La politeness come teoria ha ottenuto un serio interesse da parte degli studiosi per la prima volta negli anni Settanta con il lavoro di Lakoff (1973), Leech (1977) e Brown e Levinson (1978) nell’ambito della pragmatica. Un’ampia varietà di concetti di cortesia richiede un qualche tipo di prova che gli int...

    106,30 €

  • Pragmática e polidez linguística
    Abderrahmane Ismaili Alaoui
    A investigação sobre a polidez é um campo académico relativamente jovem. A polidez, enquanto teoria, começou a suscitar grande interesse académico na década de 1970, com os trabalhos de Lakoff (1973), Leech (1977) e Brown e Levinson (1978) no âmbito da pragmática. Uma grande variedade de conceitos de polidez requer algum tipo de evidência de que os interactantes prestam atenção...

    106,30 €

  • Прагматика и лингвистическая вежливость
    Абдерр Исмаили Алауи
    Исследования вежливости - относительно молодая научная область. Впервые вежливость как теория вызвала серьезный интерес ученых в 1970-х годах благодаря работам Лакоффа (1973), Лича (1977) и Брауна и Левинсона (1978) в рамках прагматики. Широкое разнообразие концепций вежливости предполагает наличие неких доказательств того, что собеседники обращают внимание на чувства и заботы ...

    106,43 €

  • From Bubbling to Fluency
    Nikhil Vani
    மொழிக்கு முன்னோடிகள்: எதிர்வினைகள், பேச்சுக்கு முந்தைய குரல் சத்தங்கள், சமூக உறவுமுன்னுரைமொழி என்பது மனித இனத்தின் மிக முக்கியமான பண்புகளுள் ஒன்றாகும். இது நம் சிந்தனை, உணர்வு, மற்றும் சமூக உறவுகளை வெளிப்படுத்தவும், புரிந்துகொள்ளவும் உதவுகிறது. மொழி எவ்வாறு தோன்றியது என்பது ஒரு நீண்ட காலமாக அறிவியலாளர்களால் ஆராய்ச்சி செய்யப்பட்டு வரும் ஒரு கேள்வி.Language is one of the most imp...

    35,20 €

  • 荒原·情歌The Waste Land/The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
    T.S. Eliot / Tao Zhijian / Zhijian Tao / 陶志健
    中英对照,世纪译本,纠正了前人译本众多误解误译,挖掘出前人未能深入理解的内容;对原作的韵律做了深入的探讨,获得新的认识做出新的发现,并在译作中用中文韵律等值展现原作情绪和风貌;附文探讨翻译要点及对诗歌翻译的思考和实践。欢迎诗歌爱好者、英美现代诗歌研究者、文学和诗歌翻译者以及翻译研究者及广大读者共同探讨。In both Chinese and English, century version, corrects misunderstandings and mistranslations in previous versions, and unearths content that previous version failed to percieve; conducts an in-depth study of the rhythm of the or...

    12,22 €

  • Zweisprachigkeit und zweisprachige Erziehung
    Patrícia Guimarães / Priscila Melo Merenciano
    In diesem Beitrag werden Konzepte im Zusammenhang mit Zweisprachigkeit und zweisprachigem Unterricht in Brasilien vorgestellt und das pädagogische Angebot einer zweisprachigen Einrichtung im Landesinneren des Bundesstaates São Paulo anhand der Informationen auf der Website der Einrichtung sowie von Interviews mit zwei Lehrern der Einrichtung analysiert, um die Konzepte der Zwei...

    50,99 €

  • Bilinguisme et éducation bilingue
    Patrícia Guimarães / Priscila Melo Merenciano
    Cet article présente les concepts liés au bilinguisme et à l’enseignement bilingue au Brésil et propose une analyse de la proposition pédagogique d’une institution bilingue située à l’intérieur de l’État de São Paulo à travers les informations contenues dans son site web et des entretiens menés avec deux enseignants de l’institution en vue d’identifier les concepts du bilinguis...

    50,99 €

  • Der Alienist, von Machado de Assis
    Marcos Matias
    Indem er sich mit den von Michel Foucault in Die Geschichte der Sexualität entwickelten Anstoßfragen zur disziplinären Biomacht auseinandersetzte: Wille zum Wissen (1976) entwickelt hat, hat Marcos Rocha in diesem Buch nicht nur festgestellt, dass sich die Disziplinarmacht auf immanente Weise als neuer historischer Ort der souveränen Macht innerhalb der Moderne konstituiert, so...

    79,25 €

  • The Alienist, by Machado de Assis
    Marcos Matias
    By engaging in dialogue with these instigating questions relating to disciplinary biopower, developed by Michel Foucault in The History of Sexuality: Will to Know (1976) Marcos Rocha not only deduced, in this book, that disciplinary power, in an immanent way, constituted itself as the new historical site of sovereign power, within modernity, but also that State racism is, or ca...

    79,12 €

  • Алиенист, автор Мачадо де Ассис
    Маркос Матиас
    Вступая в диалог с этими провоцирующими вопросами, касающимися дисциплинарной биовласти, разработанными Мишелем Фуко в книге 'История сексуальности: Воля к знанию' (1976) Маркос Роша не только сделал в этой книге вывод о том, что дисциплинарная власть имманентным образом конституирует себя как новое историческое место суверенной власти в рамках современности, но и о том, что го...

    79,25 €

  • L’alienista, di Machado de Assis
    Marcos Matias
    Entrando in dialogo con queste domande stimolanti relative al biopotere disciplinare, sviluppate da Michel Foucault in Storia della sessualità: Volontà di sapere (1976) Marcos Rocha non solo ha dedotto, in questo libro, che il potere disciplinare, in modo immanente, si è costituito come nuovo luogo storico del potere sovrano, all’interno della modernità, ma anche che il razzism...

    79,12 €

  • L’Aliéniste, de Machado de Assis
    Marcos Matias
    En dialoguant avec ces questions instigatrices relatives au biopouvoir disciplinaire, développées par Michel Foucault dans L’histoire de la sexualité : Will to Know (1976), Marcos Rocha a non seulement déduit, dans ce livre, que le pouvoir disciplinaire s’est constitué, de manière immanente, comme le nouveau lieu historique du pouvoir souverain, au sein de la modernité, mais au...

    79,19 €

  • O Suave E O Brusco
    Lino Porto
    Décimo livro do autor, os poemas aqui reunidos compreendem os anos de 1993 a 1999, época de aparente estabilidade econômica e emocional do poeta, tendo como pano de fundo o Brasil, do fim da era Collor ao apogeu da era FHC, com o Plano Real estabilizando a economia, permitindo algum planejamento familiar. Também o mundo, com o fim da URSS e o processo de liberalização global, a...

    6,83 €

  • Modelling Between Digital and Humanities
    Arianna Ciula / Cristina Marras / Øyvind Eide
    This volume presents an exploration of Digital Humanities (DH), a field focused on the reciprocal transformation of digital technologies and humanities scholarship. Central to DH research is the practice of modelling, which involves translating intricate knowledge systems into computational models. This book addresses a fundamental query: How can an effective language be develo...

    59,45 €

  • Modelling Between Digital and Humanities
    Arianna Ciula / Cristina Marras / Øyvind Eide
    This volume presents an exploration of Digital Humanities (DH), a field focused on the reciprocal transformation of digital technologies and humanities scholarship. Central to DH research is the practice of modelling, which involves translating intricate knowledge systems into computational models. This book addresses a fundamental query: How can an effective language be develo...

    41,20 €

  • Conversations of Windows
    Dr. Durga Madiraju
    The conversations have been gathered, and narrated as an artist by the author. The author takes an abstract perspective of a conversation to assemble conversation essays. Conversation essays help to enhance reading, sharing, learning and presenting abilities of a person in any setting. The author associates abstract topics and relates these topics to conversations that are simi...

    14,34 €

  • Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms
    This book explores the ways in which transcultural pedagogies can support learning and literacies in critical, creative and socially just ways, highlighting research initiatives from across the globe. Chapters present innovative perspectives for language/literacy education focusing on Indigenous, plurilingual and digital literacies, among others. ...

    60,30 €

  • Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms
    This book explores the ways in which transcultural pedagogies can support learning and literacies in critical, creative and socially just ways, highlighting research initiatives from across the globe. Chapters present innovative perspectives for language/literacy education focusing on Indigenous, plurilingual and digital literacies, among others. ...

    181,92 €

  • Theoretischer Ansatz zur Identifizierung von Strukturen
    Laura Arribas González
    Das Verb 'sein' ist als Beziehungselement zwischen zwei Ausdrücken an der Bildung von drei Arten von Strukturen beteiligt: askriptive, identifizierende und betonende Strukturen. Diese drei Strukturen dienen unterschiedlichen Zwecken: askriptive Strukturen weisen dem Subjekt eine Eigenschaft zu (Peter ist klug), identifizierende Strukturen identifizieren eine Entität (Peter ist ...

    54,90 €

  • Theoretical approach to identifying structures
    Laura Arribas González
    The verb 'to be', as an element of relation between two expressions, intervenes in the formation of three types of structures: ascriptive, identifying and emphasising. These three structures have different purposes: ascriptive structures assign a property to the subject (Peter is clever), identifying structures identify an entity (Peter is the doctor) and emphasising structures...

    54,90 €

  • Approche théorique de l’identification des structures
    Laura Arribas González
    Le verbe 'être', en tant qu’élément de relation entre deux expressions, intervient dans la formation de trois types de structures : ascriptive, identifiante et accentuante. Ces trois structures ont des objectifs différents : les structures ascriptives attribuent une propriété au sujet (Pierre est intelligent), les structures identificatives identifient une entité (Pierre est le...

    54,90 €

  • Approccio teorico all’identificazione delle strutture
    Laura Arribas González
    Il verbo 'essere', come elemento di relazione tra due espressioni, interviene nella formazione di tre tipi di strutture: ascrittiva, identificativa ed enfatizzante. Queste tre strutture hanno scopi diversi: le strutture ascrittive assegnano una proprietà al soggetto (Peter è intelligente), le strutture identificative identificano un’entità (Peter è il dottore) e le strutture en...

    54,90 €

  • Abordagem teórica da identificação das estruturas
    Laura Arribas González
    O verbo 'ser', como elemento de relação entre duas expressões, intervém na formação de três tipos de estruturas: ascritivas, identificativas e acentuais. Estas três estruturas têm objectivos diferentes: as estruturas descritivas atribuem uma propriedade ao sujeito (o Pedro é esperto), as estruturas identificativas identificam uma entidade (o Pedro é o médico) e as estruturas ac...

    54,90 €

  • Теоретический подход к выявлению структур
    Лау Аррибас Гонсалес
    Глагол 'быть', являясь элементом связи между двумя выражениями, участвует в образовании трех типов структур: аскриптивной, идентифицирующей и акцентирующей. Эти три структуры имеют разные цели: аскриптивные структуры присваивают субъекту какое-либо свойство (Peter is clever), идентифицирующие структуры идентифицируют объект (Peter is the doctor), а акцентирующие структуры выдел...

    54,90 €

  • The Future of Storytelling
    Charles Eugene Anderson
    Can AI truly fathom literary artistry or emotion? Is there space for machine-human partnership expanding creative frontiers? As artificial intelligence permeates our world, intriguing questions arise around its role in the arts.In The Future of Storytelling: AI and the Art of Flash Fiction, writer Charles Eugene Anderson chronicles his adventures on the frontier of AI-assisted ...

    13,42 €

  • Languages of the World
    Asya Pereltsvaig

    58,31 €

  • The Essentials of Public Speaking
    Professional SKZ Publishing
    Unlock Your Inner Speaker and Deliver Unforgettable Speeches, No Matter How Nervous You Feel Today!Has stress kept you from pitching that incredible idea to your boss or even potential investors?Does the idea of giving a toast to friends make you want to avoid get-togethers altogether?Delivering a speech can be nerve-wracking, especially when you don’t do it frequently. The pou...

    18,00 €

  • Lecciones sobre espinosa medrano
    Luis Jaime Cisneros Vizquerra
    La obra de Juan de Espinosa Medrano, apodado en su tiempo «El Lunarejo» (c. 1629-1688), fue uno de los mayores focos de interés académico de Luis Jaime Cisneros (1921-2011). En 1980 aparecieron sus primeros trabajos dedicados a estudiar los textos capitales de Espinosa Medrano (el Apologético en favor de don Luis de Góngora, la Panegírica declamación por la protección de las ci...

    20,07 €

  • Empowering Minds
    Definition of literacy in the context of special educationLiteracy is the set of skills that a person needs to understand and communicate with the world around them. It typically includes reading, writing, and mathematics.For students with special educational needs (SWD), literacy is a more complex concept. It also includes social and emotional skills, as well as all the skills...

    26,80 €