Matemáticas y ciencia

Matemáticas y ciencia (110957)

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Ibrahim Sifi
    This book is intended for students preparing a Biochemistry License, Fundamental Biochemistry License. It covers the essential aspects of biochemistry and metabolic regulation which we have classified into four chapters bringing together general concepts on the endocrine glands, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism and protein metabolism. We followed each chapter by the mo...

    96,19 €

  • Síntese Catalisada por Ácido de Lewis de Derivados da Cinolina
    Prasanta Gogoi
    É descrita uma síntese eficiente de 4-benzilcinolinas a partir de arilfenilalilideno hidrazona. Neste relatório, o cloreto estanoso é utilizado como catalisador de ácido de Lewis e são utilizados solventes polares e não polares para a síntese. Espera-se que este método seja mais vantajoso do que os outros métodos relatados de síntese dos anéis de cinolina devido ao seu baixo cu...

    49,74 €

  • Синтез производных циннолина, катализируемый кислотой Льюиса
    Прасанта Гогои
    Описан эффективный синтез 4-бензилциннолинов из арилфенил-аллилиденгидразона. В качестве катализатора используется хлорид станола в качестве кислоты Льюиса, а для синтеза применяются как полярные, так и неполярные растворители. Ожидается, что этот метод будет более выгодным по сравнению с другими описанными методами синтеза циннолиновых колец благодаря низкой стоимости, лучшему...

    49,74 €

  • Introduction à l’évolution
    Diriba Shanko
    L’objectif de ce livre est de rétablir la compréhension correcte de la véritable signification de l’évolution de manière simple. Le sujet de l’évolution est au cœur de l’interprétation et de l’utilisation des connaissances biologiques. Il est hautement multidisciplinaire puisqu’il trouve ses fondements dans de nombreuses disciplines, notamment la biologie cellulaire, la botaniq...

    69,85 €

    Ibrahim Sifi
    Questo libro è destinato agli studenti che stanno preparando una licenza di biochimica, licenza di biochimica fondamentale. Copre gli aspetti essenziali della biochimica e della regolazione metabolica che abbiamo classificato in quattro capitoli che riuniscono concetti generali sulle ghiandole endocrine, sul metabolismo dei carboidrati, sul metabolismo dei lipidi e sul metaboli...

    96,16 €

  • Introduzione all’evoluzione
    Diriba Shanko
    L’obiettivo di questo libro è quello di ristabilire la corretta comprensione del vero significato dell’evoluzione in modo semplice. Il tema dell’evoluzione è un cuore nell’interpretazione e nell’uso delle conoscenze biologiche. È altamente multidisciplinare, poiché ha le sue basi in molte discipline tra cui la biologia cellulare, la botanica, la genetica delle popolazioni, la b...

    69,72 €

  • Introdução à evolução
    Diriba Shanko
    O objetivo deste livro é restabelecer a compreensão correcta do verdadeiro significado de evolução de uma forma simples. O tema da evolução é um coração na interpretação e utilização do conhecimento biológico. É altamente multidisciplinar, uma vez que tem os seus fundamentos em muitas disciplinas, incluindo a biologia celular, a botânica, a genética populacional, a bioquímica, ...

    69,78 €

  • Введение в эволюцию
    Дириба Шанко
    Цель этой книги - восстановить правильное понимание истинного смысла эволюции в простой форме. Тема эволюции - это сердцевина интерпретации и использования биологических знаний. Она очень мультидисциплинарна, поскольку имеет свои основы во многих дисциплинах, включая клеточную биологию, ботанику, популяционную генетику, биохимию, молекулярную биологию, генетику и химию. Поэтому...

    69,85 €

    Ibrahim Sifi
    Este livro é destinado a alunos que preparam uma Licença de Bioquímica, Licença de Bioquímica Fundamental. Abrange os aspectos essenciais da bioquímica e da regulação metabólica que classificamos em quatro capítulos que reúnem conceitos gerais sobre as glândulas endócrinas, metabolismo de carboidratos, metabolismo lipídico e metabolismo proteico. Seguimos cada capítulo pelo mod...

    96,16 €

    Ибрахим СИФИ
    Эта книга предназначена для студентов, готовящих лицензию по биохимии и лицензию по фундаментальной биохимии. Он охватывает основные аспекты биохимии и регуляции обмена веществ, которые мы разделили на четыре главы, объединяющие общие понятия о железах внутренней секреции, углеводном обмене, липидном обмене и белковом обмене. Мы проследили каждую главу по способу регуляции и ме...

    96,13 €

  • Porcine Models of Neurotrauma and Neurological Disorders
    The translation of therapeutics from the lab to the clinic has a dismal record in the fields of neurotrauma and neurological disorders. This is due, in part, to the challenging heterogeneity of the clinical population common to all translational research, but it is also due to the unique challenges of recreating the mechanisms and manifestations of human neurological injury/dis...

    79,48 €

  • Additive Manufacturing
    Muhannad Ahmed Obeidi
    Additive Manufacturing (AM), often known as 3D printing, is a vast discipline with a wide range of applications and approaches, all of which provide unique contributions to the development of this rapidly evolving field. This Special Issue, a carefully chosen selection of twelve articles, provides an in-depth examination of AM, highlighting its numerous applications in a variet...

    88,94 €

  • Napatree Point
    Daniel T Cole / Dr. Peter August / Janice Sassi
    Ecology and Stewardship of a Pristine Coastal New England EcosystemThe Napatree Point Conservation Area is an 86-acre nature preserve on the southwestern tip of Rhode Island. Designated a Globally Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society because of its importance as a migratory stopover, Napatree is a breeding and foraging site for a number of endangered species incl...

    62,52 €

  • Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series
    The use of synthetic chemical products, both organic and inorganic, has been important since the mid-20th century. The effects of these compounds and elements on organisms, their behavior in different environments such as aquatic systems, and the description of new disruptive technologies that mitigate their impacts are described in this work.This Special Issue demonstrates the...

    79,64 €

  • List Anti Rootkit and AntiVirus For Ubuntu, Linux and BSD (Edition 2018)
    Muhammad Vandestra
    All computer systems can suffer from malware, ransomware, rootkit and viruses, including Linux and BSD OS. Thankfully, very few viruses exist for Linux, so users typically do not install antivirus software. It is still recommended that Linux users have antivirus software installed on Linux systems that are on a network or that have files being transferred to the device. Some us...

    14,29 €

  • The Wonder Book of Chemistry
    Jean-Henri Fabre
    Translated from the French by Florence Constable Bicknell. A wondrous introduction to the world of chemistry, designed specifically for younger readers with the intention of arousing their interest in science. Using everyday objects found around the house or in the local store, this book is set as a storyline in which an 'Uncle Paul' teaches his two nephews the secrets behind b...

    25,27 €

  • The Wonder Book of Chemistry
    Jean-Henri Fabre
    Translated by Florence Constable Bicknell.A wondrous introduction to the world of chemistry, designed specifically for younger readers with the intention of arousing their interest in science. Using everyday objects found around the house or in the local store, this book is set as a storyline in which an 'Uncle Paul' teaches his two nephews the secrets behind building an artifi...

    42,37 €

  • Designing of a PV/Wind/Diesel Hybrid Energy System
    Ali Mubarak
    PV/Wind/Diesel Hybrid Energy Systems are used for energy supply in remote areas. Depending on the geographical and meteorological situation as well as on the load profile specific hybrid energy system designs are the best and most cost efficient solution. Typically, these systems are used in regions where the costs for a grid connection are too high due to the remote necessarie...

    57,20 €

  • The Etiquette of Eating and Personal Hygiene from Islamic Perspective
    Muhammad Vandestra
    The religion of Islam is a holistic way of life. It is not separated into physical, emotional and spiritual areas; rather it teaches that all aspects of life combine to fulfil one purpose. What is that purpose and is it possible to understand the meaning of life? Yes it is! Islam makes it very clear that the purpose of life is to worship our Creator, the One True God. What ...

    13,46 €

  • Free Antivirus And Antimalware Software For Ubuntu And Linux Mint
    Cyber Jannah Studio
    Complete list free antivirus and free antimalware software availabe for ubuntu and linux mint.Linux malware includes viruses, Trojans, worms and other types of malware that affect the Linux operating system. Linux, Unix and other Unix-like computer operating systems are generally regarded as very well-protected against, but not immune to, computer viruses.There has not been a s...

    14,37 €

  • Ibadah Shalat Tahajud Sebagai Terapi Peyembuhan Penyakit Kanker Dan Stress
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Ibadah Shalat Tahajud mengandung aspek meditasi dan relaksasi. Kita tahu bahwa tahajud merupakan suatu ibadah yang dikerjakan di keheningan malam, di saat semua orang mengistirahatkan tubuhnya dari kelelahan aktivitasnya, sehingga membuat hati kita semakin dekat dengan Allah. Hati yang dekat dengan Tuhannya adalah hati yang damai dan tenang, sehingga dapat meningkatkan daya tah...

    13,46 €

  • Psikologi Islami Teori dan Penelitian
    Saktiyono B. Purwoko S Psi / Saktiyono BPurwoko S Psi
    Buku ini merupakan revisi dan pengembangan dari skripsi yang berjudul 'Suatu Tinjauan Pemikiran An-Nabhani Tentang Kepribadian', yang telah di sahkan pada bulan Mei 2007 di Fakultas Psikologi UNISBA. Tujuan penulisan tersebut untuk mendeskripsikan pemikiran Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani tentang kepribadian, dalam upaya menempatkannya sebagai kajian ilmiah di psikologi Islami. Yaitu, ...

    13,24 €

    Carlos Paulo
    Pour praticiens de la santé, esthéticiennes, SPA ou pour tous ... Livre pratique et accessible avec des schémas. Technique simple et efficace. Ce livre n’est pas basé sur la médecine chinoise. Basé sur la connaissance anatomique des muscles et des concepts de lifting. Procure de nombreux soulagement. La première partie insiste sur le drainage lymphatique. Partie autonome et pra...

    23,88 €

  • Panduan Kesehatan Untuk Wanita Muslimah Edisi Bahasa Indonesia Standar Version
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Panduan Kesehatan Untuk Wanita Muslimah Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Standar Version. Tentang Berbagai Masalah Kesehatan Seperti Haid, Nifas, Air Susu Ibu (ASI) Dan Kehamilan. Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran, Al-Hadist Dan Penelitian Ahli Kedokteran Islam. ...

    17,80 €

  • Buah Dan Sayuran Yang Berkhasiat Untuk Menghilangkan Stres Dan Depresi
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Apakah ada makanan yang menyembuhkan stres dan depresi? Meskipun makanan tidak bisa menyembuhkan depresi sepenuhnya, sebuah studi baru menunjukkan bahwa makanan tertentu dapat bertindak seperti anti-depresan. Beberapa jenis buah-buahan dan sayur mayur seperti timun, coklat, daun seledri, jahe, jeruk dan buah kiwi ternyata memiliki manfaat untuk mengurangi dan menghilangkan stre...

    16,37 €

  • Panduan Kesehatan Untuk Wanita Muslimah Edisi Bahasa Indonesia
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Panduan Kesehatan Untuk Wanita Muslimah Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Tentang Berbagai Masalah Kesehatan Seperti Haid, Nifas, ASI Dan Kehamilan. Bersumberkan Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran, Al-Hadist Dan Penelitian Ahli Kedokteran Islam. ...

    15,62 €

  • Agenda dell’ Operatore Socio Sanitario
    Agende Biancaluna
    L’ Agenda per l’ Operatore Socio Sanitario OSS.Contenuto: Dati personali; Calendario annuale; 12 Tabelle mensili delle spese del mese; 12 Tabelle mensili libere; 12 spazi 'Altre informazioni per questo mese'; 2 pagine per le note; 100 schede utente giornaliere con: Data, Nome utente, Turno/orari/colleghi, Trattamenti, Note di lavoro. ...

    18,05 €

  • Food Log
    Gabriel Bachheimer
    This 6' x 9' comprehensive vintage design Food Journal is the perfect place to record every detail, including meals, sugar levels, food fat, calories, proteins, fiber, carbs and feeling.Take your health and goals to the next level!It includes:Customizable dates for 6 months / 181 days;Daily tracker for weight and feeling for 6 months;Best vintage design and intuitive appearance...

    16,00 €

  • Buchanan’s Journal of Man, Vol. I, No. 3
    Joseph R. Buchanan / Joseph RBuchanan
    Joseph Rodes Buchanan (1814 in Frankfort, Kentucky - 1899) was an American physician and professor of physiology at the Eclectic Medical Institute in Covington, Kentucky. Buchanan proposed the terms Psychometry and Sarcognomy. Buchanan came to prominence in the 1840s when mesmerism and spiritualism were popularized. He is given credit for coining the term 'Psychometry' (soul-me...

    18,28 €

  • The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones (Esprios Classics)
    John Mastin
    'What constitutes a precious stone is the question which, at the onset, rises in the mind, and this question, simple as it seems, is one by no means easy to answer, since what may be considered precious at one time, may cease to be so at another.There are, however, certain minerals which possess distinctive features in their qualities of hardness, colour, transparency, refracta...

    19,60 €