Obra de misterio y suspense

Ficción y temas afines / Obra de misterio y suspense (26436)

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  • Ghostwatch
    Brandon Rolfe
    Egypt launches a surprise attack against Israel in October, ’73, on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, occurring on the 10th day of Islamic holy month of Ramadan, with the initial objective being to seize a foothold on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal, and subsequently employ this strategic gain to negotiate the return of the rest of the Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsular. Fie...

    19,14 €

  • Paradox
    PJ Humphreys
    As the modern-day Knights Templar continue their quest to protect and serve amongst us all. Are there more questions that need answering?Does a small wooden cross with a rose within a crown of thorns hold the answers, or is it just another piece of the puzzle?Why 700 years ago did Jacques de Molay, a Grand Master, tell a young novice friar to undertake a treacherous journey acr...

    10,62 €

  • Brujas a la orden. La Justicia no está en el menú
    Erik Mendez
    En pleno siglo XXI las brujas han formando nuevos clanes con los que pretenden gobernar este mundo desde la sombras. Se esconden entre nosotros fingiendo ser mujeres comunes y corrientes, con trabajos cotidianos. Pero las hemos aprendido a identificar y ahora, un grupo de valientes hombres deberá arriesgarlo todo para acabar de una vez y por todas con la peste y la maldición. B...

    11,44 €

  • The White Light Within
    Mary Martz / Thomas Martz
    Tom and Mary celebrate by taking a trip to Paris, France, where they rent an apartment owned by a Russian woman named Evalina. Evalina also has an art gallery called 'iSpy Gallery'. Renting this apartment throws Tom and Mary into the heart of an international political spy thriller. The couple only become aware of the danger they are in after the apartment is broken into and a ...

    14,89 €

  • The White Light Within
    Mary Martz / Thomas Martz
     Tom and Mary celebrate by taking a trip to Paris, France, where they rent an apartment owned by a Russian woman named Evalina. Evalina also has an art gallery called 'iSpy Gallery'. Renting this apartment throws Tom and Mary into the heart of an international political spy thriller. The couple only become aware of the danger they are in after the apartment is broken into and a...

    25,76 €

  • Decrypted
    William H. D. Coleman
    'Decrypted: Satoshi Nakamoto’s Private Key Hidden In Plain Sight' is an adrenaline-fuelled ride through the cryptic depths of the crypto world, blending international espionage with a thrilling chase for the ultimate Bitcoin secret.As the lone custodian of this explosive truth, the fate of the world rests on Adrian’s shoulders. Join him on this nail-biting journey through the i...

    16,41 €

  • Nordestinand@s Encantad@s
    Cleide Ribeiro Bezerra
    Este livro é uma coletânea de contos que abordam temas da atualidade, de forma lúdica e com linguagem coloquial. O objetivo é confrontar o leitor e a leitora acerca da característica conservadora da sociedade brasileira, questionando as atitudes e as opiniões das pessoas frente ao mundo digital, que é dinâmico. Nesse mundo tudo se processa de forma rápida e pouco tempo sobra pa...

    9,21 €

  • The Polar Protocol
    Willie Hirsh
    The world teeters on the brink of disaster as a rogue hypersonic missile launched from a B-2 bomber threatens the delicate balance of global peace.CIA Director Patrick Stevenson and his team race against the clock on an intense classified mission to Antarctica, where they must face-off the Russian intelligence agencies looking to find the deadly weapon before it’s too late.As t...

    15,46 €

  • Haunted Soul
    Dr. Louis Bernard Antoine
    Immigrants are like dream-chasers. When Jacques decided to migrate to America, all he wanted was to get the opportunity to pursue his education and embrace the profession of his dream. Little did he know that he would be facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. First, he is afflicted with seizures quickly labeled as intractable by the best experts in the field. Then he start...

    13,25 €

  • The House Kat
    Hugh A Russel
    An assassin’s campaign of revenge against the unwitting Kat Fernando, shocks Europe and the western world as members of a recent coalition of European government representatives are being brutally murdered. Apparently, there is no doubt about assassin’s identity because she makes sure that everyone knows she is the infamous Anita Franco. In fact the assassin is Hedda Jäger, and...

    19,73 €

  • Three Crows East of Empty
    Baer Charlton
    Night jumps are scary.Finding bodies is scarier.But finding you’re in a bombing range with unexploded bombs...When a hot shot crew, practicing high altitude/low opening parachute jumps in the desert, lands on two chest freezers, it’s just an interesting surprise. Until one of the crew discovers the Air Force accidentally dropped them in the boom-boom section of an active bombin...

    20,10 €

  • Burkes Gamble, auf Deutsch
    William F Brown
    SPANNENDE NEUE ÜBERSETZUNG! Kugeln, Bomben und Chaos! Bob Burke ist zurück! 'Der amerikanische Scharfschütze' „Der Pate', Runde 2, oder Bob Lee Swagger nimmt es mit dem New Yorker Mob auf. 4.5 Sterne auf 873 US Reader-Bewertungen! Als einer von Burkes alten NCOs aus dem Fenster im fünften Stock eines Kasinos in Atlantic City geworfen wird, legt er sich mit den berüchtigten Geno...

    21,30 €

    James Hockenberry
    At the start of So Beware, the final book in award-winning Hockenberry’s World War I Intrigue Series, the Great War has ended, but the perils continue. War has taken a new form. Martin now leads security for the U.S. Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference while Shannon Keller becomes one of its translators. Keller becomes a spy for Allen Dulles’s infant agency, infiltrating t...

    14,94 €

  • El tubo
    Álvaro Pérez Capiello
    Timothy Albright es un joven gay, prometedor administrador con posgrado en EUA. Tras su regreso a Caracas, como único beneficiario de la herencia de Hortensia Castiglioni, recibe un terreno con la vieja mansión familiar en una de las urbanizaciones más cotizadas de la capital, donde se levantará un exclusivo conjunto residencial. La propiedad, empero, guarda un terrible secreto...

    17,00 €

  • Rituales de sangre
    A.J. Soifer / Alejandro Soifer
    Cuando un antiguo mito se vuelva realidad, la búsqueda de respuestas dejará un rastro de sangre.Viernes por la noche, cuando la primera estrella ilumina el cielo, una familia judía ortodoxa se reúne para celebrar la llegada del Shabat. Pero esta noche, las cosas serán diferentes. En un incomprensible acto de violencia, el patriarca de la familia asesinará brutalmente a sus hijo...

    14,26 €

  • The Proposal
    Angela E Hunt
    The Proposal is a pulse-pounding thriller about a rarely discussed women’s medical issue from one of America’s most prolific novelists. It begins with a foolish error. While attending a writers’ conference in Washington, D.C., Theodora Russell gets a call from an editor who wants to discuss her book proposal. During their meeting, however, Theo quickly discovers that the editor...

    14,68 €

  • Millionnaire malgré lui
    Paul d’Ivoi
    Dans le pénitencier russe de l’île Sakhaline, une Française, connue de ses infortunées collègues sous le numéro 1313, va mourir après avoir supporté patiemment, pendant vingt-cinq ans, des souffrances sans nom.Sur son lit de mort, elle appelle un jeune homme à son chevet, pour lui dire ses dernières volontés. Elle lui dévoile son passé, ce qu’elle attend de lui quand il quitter...

    20,20 €

  • Marabá
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    As história verdadeiras, embora com roupagem fantástica, têm sido repetidas de avô para neto. Os protagonistas juram que viram.As narrativas têm uma característica mística, reflete mistério, incute medo e enche de encantamento.A identidade da cidade de Marabá nasceu de um processo cultural com mitos e lendas, sobre deuses, espíritos, monstros, entidades e quimeras.Este livro en...

    13,55 €

  • La camisa de Franklin
    Gabriel Wegman
    ¿La pasión afecta el discernimiento? ¿O el deseo requiere un coraje especial que permita atraparlo allí dónde la cobardía lo mantiene cautivo?Quizás sin saberlo Olaya, una policía recta y eficiente, se enfrenta con estas preguntas profundamente humanas en un contexto plagado de dudas acerca del deber, la lealtad y, sobre todo, respecto de sí misma y su propio destino.En un reco...

    18,67 €

  • The Plotters
    Alan Caillou
    The first in the Mike Benasque thriller novel series!THE PLOTTERS: A whirlwind novel of chase and daring about a down-on-his-luck newspaperman who gets caught in the crossfire of a South American revolution. A high government official falls ill with a terrible and dreaded disease. An American citizen vanishes without a trace from a lonely railroad station. A parachutist drops t...

    13,11 €

  • A Taste of Vengeance
    Clarke Mayer
    Hank Brandt has received information no spy chief ever wants to hear: one of his operatives has disappeared, and with him, valuable intelligence about a Nazi rocket program. This threat grows more dangerous by the day as Brandt rushes to gain information about its operations and hopefully, its weaknesses. But he can’t put the pieces of the failed operation back together alone, ...

    24,78 €

  • A Taste of Vengeance
    Clarke Mayer
    Hank Brandt has received information no spy chief ever wants to hear: one of his operatives has disappeared, and with him, valuable intelligence about a Nazi rocket program. This threat grows more dangerous by the day as Brandt rushes to gain information about its operations and hopefully, its weaknesses. But he can’t put the pieces of the failed operation back together alone, ...

    15,83 €

  • La conjura de noviembre
    Sergio Mayo
    James Debbler es un cínico y descreído detective de la policía de Los Ángeles adicto a los clubs de alterne. Su vida cambia radicalmente cuando atiende el aviso de un asesinato en una armería al sur de la ciudad. A medida que avanza en su investigación, James descubre los ocultos e inquietantes vínculos de su caso con el impactante suceso que acaba de golpear a la sociedad nort...

    18,00 €

  • Team Basilisk Ltd.
    Raleigh Minard
    Team Basilisk Ltd is a thrilling ride through a world of high-tech espionage and daring missions. The story follows Don, a man of many talents and resources, who embarks on a daring plan to free a young man named Jimmy Ko from a detention center. Assembling a team of unique individuals, including a martial artist, a computer whiz, and a mechanic, they navigate through a series ...

    29,98 €

  • O Brasil Não É Para Amadores
    Wilson Caetano
    Brasil Não é para Amadoresé uma história inspiradora sobre coragem, determinação e luta contra a corrupção. O livro segue a jornada de Jack, um empresário americano que foi contratado para liderar uma empresa no Brasil. Ele logo se depara com os problemas sociais do país, incluindo corrupção generalizada, tráfico de drogas e exploração sexual. Ele decide fazer algo a respeito e...

    12,45 €

  • No tuve opción
    Delfina Martínez Poyato
    Tras la muerte repentina de Iria, su nieta Blanca hereda «Villa Flavia», la casa familiar. Allí encontrará el diario de la abuela que le desvelará la incógnita de la desaparición del abuelo Ramón, sucedida el día en el que su madre cumplió trece años. Un secreto que han mantenido oculto Iria y Aida, su fiel ama de llaves, que la acompaña desde su boda con Ramón. Con diecisiete ...

    21,47 €

  • The Twin Behind the Curtain
    Carl Scholz
    A group led by American Alan Mackenzie daringly escaped from communist Hungary during the brutal Soviet repression of the popular uprising of 1956. Twelve years later, at the height of the Cold War, Alan and two of the Hungarian participants, Frank and Maria, are reunited to help organize the defection of a high-ranking East German official who can identify communist moles in t...

    13,26 €

  • The Twin Behind the Curtain
    Carl Scholz
    A group led by American Alan Mackenzie daringly escaped from communist Hungary during the brutal Soviet repression of the popular uprising of 1956. Twelve years later, at the height of the Cold War, Alan and two of the Hungarian participants, Frank and Maria, are reunited to help organize the defection of a high-ranking East German official who can identify communist moles in t...

    24,59 €

  • Uerj: A Verdade Revelada Sobre Os Assassinatos, Suicídios E A Criatura
    Daniel Matos
    Acompanhe a investigação de um detetive de polícia a partir de um artigo escrito por um universitário assassinado, que buscava revelar toda a verdade sobre os assassinatos, suicídios e as aparições de uma terrível criatura na Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, UERJ. Uma investigação que não só revelará os segredos macabros da universidade, como também da própria história ...

    12,71 €

  • Entre Deuses E Homens
    Adriano M Dos Reis
    Há milênios, uma antiga civilização celestial conhecida como Anunnakis emergiu de além do nosso mundo, deixando um legado enigmático que ecoa até os dias de hoje. Em Entre Deuses e Homens: A Saga dos Anunnakis, embarque em uma jornada épica para desvendar os mistérios desse povo divino e sua influência na história da humanidade.Explore as lendas e mitos que cercam os Anunnakis,...

    9,03 €