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Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular (21908)

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  • Manicure De Elite
    Avante Editorial
    Apesar de todos os DESAFIOS que vemos ENFRENTANDO devido às crises econômica e sanitária, um dos MERCADOS que menos sofre é o da a beleza e a cosmetologia. Mulheres, que sempre DOMINARAM como grandes consumidoras de beleza, continuam encontrando maneiras de seguir seus procedimentos estéticos usuais. No entanto, nos últimos anos, os homens também estão mais INTERESSADOS. Hoje, ...

    14,25 €

  • Como Venci A Fibromialgia
    Cristal Braga
    EmComo Venci a FibromialgiaCristal Braga, diagnósticada com fibromialgia traz sua experiência e pesquisa sobre estudos cientificos e teses de inúmeros profissionais da saúde, longe de ser uma autobiografia, ela trata sobre as possíveis causas, entretanto, esclarecendo o que é de fato, a fibromialgia e como se livrar dela. As prováveis causas que desencadeiam essa condição; os d...

    11,69 €

  • The Mouse Who Would Be King
    Melvina Hawkins Patterson
    A heroic mouse named Adolphus wants so badly to rule a kingdom. That he finds himself caught in a heated web of danger. A duel has been arranged between two brave knights, to settle a score, and to win the Queen’s daughter’s paw in marriage. For the one who kisses the sleeping princess, slays the evil dragon, destroys a wicked witch, and fights to the death. Wins and becomes Ki...

    23,95 €

  • The Key To Successful Manifestation - How to Live your Life Dreams in Abundance and Prosperity
    Sorens Book
    Why are people living in lack, striving, and even for the smallest things? Whether the wish improves this circumstance or only is the desires in each other. This book will be the answer for you. In this book, we will look at the principles necessary to connect to the power within us that gives us the ability to manifest our heart’s deepest longings. The natural laws of the univ...

    11,18 €

  • The Secret to be Happy and Start Living in Abundance
    Sorens Books
    Do you want to achieve everything you really desire? Do you want to be super healthy, truly happy, loved and free in every sense? Do you want to live in abundance? If you dream of living 100% and to a hundred, this book is for you. It is wise to think your life and values through. The better we know ourselves, the easier it is to make choices in life and determine one’s sched...

    9,42 €

  • 365 Wisdom Whispers For The Soul
    Amanda Nabors
    '365 Wisdom Whispers For The Soul' by Amanda Nabors is an enriching collection of daily inspirations designed to offer guidance, comfort, and a deeper understanding of life’s journey. Each day of the year is graced with a unique quote or saying, thoughtfully curated to ignite reflection and foster personal growth.This book is a treasure trove of insights, ideal for morning medi...

    22,88 €

  • The Little Book of Introverted Thoughts - Volume 3
    Talisha A Matheson
    Welcome to Volume 3, the final installment of The Little Book of Introverted Thoughts series. This book is a collection of random thoughts, encouragements, reflection, and, of course, inspiration. So, turn the page, find a quote that speaks to you and let its message permeate the corners of your mind to start and keep the conversations going. Be Inspired! ...

    4,26 €

  • Code of Conduct
    Scott Freidheim
    2024 Nonfiction Book Awards Silver MedalistStart developing your own code of conduct for the modern world!Discover the transformative power of Code of Conduct by Scott Freidheim. This captivating and insightful recollection of life events, whether it’s sprinting out of the World Financial Center on 9/11, navigating business in the Gulf during Arab Spring, engaging with Michael ...

    14,54 €

  • The Queen that is Within You
    Barbara Fuller
    The Queen that is Within You is a book not only to inspire women to become queens, but to inspire women to tap into the queen that is within themselves. Know who you are and the power that within you. Don’t drown in the sea of everyday life take one day at a time by understanding with growth may bring about trials and tribulations; That will mold and shape you into the queen th...

    14,16 €

  • How to Have a Happy Birthday
    Tamar Hurwitz-Fleming
    'Recommended self-help reading for those seeking a happy birthday and a happy life.' - Kirkus ReviewsYour birthday is a major holiday. Discover a new approach to transform your experience into one that is more satisfying and delightful.Birthdays are supposed to be happy, yet sometimes aren’t. Or they’re festive-but not fulfilling. Whether you enjoy celebrating your birthdays or...

    18,99 €

  • How to Have a Happy Birthday
    Tamar Hurwitz-Fleming
    'Recommended self-help reading for those seeking a happy birthday and a happy life.' - Kirkus ReviewsYour birthday is a major holiday. Discover a new approach to transform your experience into one that is more satisfying and delightful.Birthdays are supposed to be happy, yet sometimes aren’t. Or they’re festive-but not fulfilling. Whether you enjoy celebrating your birthdays or...

    16,81 €

  • From My Heart to Yours
    Said Al Azri
    A Parent’s and Children’s Guide to Growing Up Together.'From My Heart to Yours: Messages of Love and Learning for My Child' is a heartfelt compilation of letters from a father to his child, offering a unique blend of love, wisdom, and guidance. Crafted with simplicity and clarity, it’s a treasure trove of life lessons, shared experiences, and nurturing advice that transcends th...

    20,10 €

  • Rise Again
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Develpment
    When challenges and uncertainties cloud our horizons, there lies within you an incredible power-the power to rise again. Rise Again: A Guide for Resilient Women in Chaotic Times serves as your unwavering companion, a guiding light that illuminates your path through the darkest moments and helps you navigate the tumultuous seas of change.In the quiet depths of your being, there ...

    22,78 €

  • Shifting to the Positive
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Develpment
    Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and at times, it can feel like we’re navigating through a maze of uncertainties. Shifting to the Positive: A Woman’s Guide to Positive Thinking is your compassionate guide on this enriching voyage toward embracing a life filled with positivity and self-discovery.Within the pages of this empowering self-help book, you’ll unlock the...

    22,72 €

  • Be Your Own Muse
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Develpment
    Unleash Your True Feminine Power with Be Your Own MuseIn a world filled with social media standards and societal expectations, the notion that happiness depends on a relationship or external validation is deeply ingrained. But what if there’s a different path to fulfillment-one that starts with embracing your own femininity and inner strength?Be Your Own Muse: Daily Exercises t...

    22,71 €

    Hayde Miller
    Fearless Femininity: Embracing Your Power Unapologetically' is a transformative book that invites women on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In a world that often imposes limitations and expectations on femininity, this book serves as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging women to break free from societal constraints and embrace their innate strength with unapologetic...

    19,83 €

  • Biografia De Uma Mulher Comum
    Gizele Jones
    Nem ela sabia que já era escritora desde os 8 anos, e que tantos cadernos e diários guardados seriam seu próprio material de estudo e trabalho. Quando todos lhe diziam para jogar fora suas velharias, alguma rebeldia lhe impedia de fazer ela só parecia obediente aos olhos desatentos.Nessa produção, que revisita as escritas originais de um diário de aniversários, a autora compar...

    12,62 €

  • Philosophical Leadership
    Barbara Asimakopoulou
    'An incredible source of leadership.' Dr Marshall Goldsmith'Much more than a typical book on coaching or leadership. ' Dave WondraEmbrace the wisdom of the ages to become an exceptional leader. Within these pages lies the path to understanding your true potential and creating a lasting legacy of greatness.The Internationally renowned coach of Greek Origin, Barbara Asimakopoulou...

    23,06 €

  • Beyond the Next Horizon
    Tahir Shah
    One of the most prolific writers of his generation, Tahir Shah has published scores of books in a wide range of genres - including fiction and non-fiction, fantasy, humour, belles-lettres, research, and the humanities.Through a life devoted to considering the societies in which we live, Shah has amassed a series of aphorisms, many of which originate from his own thinking, with ...

    15,00 €

  • Poesias De Um Jovem Disperso I
    Orpheus Noah
    Esse livro de maneira separada, é desabafo diário, ao longo do ano fui aprendendo e desenvolvendo minha escrita, de tal maneira a começar a escrever poesia. Desde já aviso, que essa obra contém palavras erradas de alguém confuso, e de maneira hedionda, traduz seus sentimentos em versos exagerados. ...

    22,13 €

  • Felicidade
    Alex Wizzenberg
    A busca da felicidade é tão antiga quanto o próprio homem.Procuramos por ela desde que nascemos.Tão cedo quanto ainda bebê, você já buscava motivos para sorrir.Ao crescer, passou a sonhar com a felicidade.Achou que ela estaria nas coisas externas, ou que alguém a traria para você.Como tantos descobriram, isso não é verdade.Muitos decidiram então que felicidade é algo impossível...

    21,91 €

  • Como Empreender Com Deus
    Dayane De Souza
    Uma obra que aborda situações de fracasso e de sucesso em empreendimentos. ...

    12,82 €

  • The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ibs Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    'The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Management' is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals navigating the complexities of IBS. Beginning with a thorough understanding of IBS, the book explores its spectrum, symptoms, triggers, and the profound impact on daily life. Dispelling misconceptions,...

    11,75 €

  • Life Coaching That Works
    Charles Sanderfur
    Apply the simple principles in this book and reach your greatest dreams, change your life and the lives of those you coach. Some great athletes you recognize instantly have superior size, strength, and ability. Even without great coaching they were destined for greatness. Yet some athletes, with average size, and average strength, became well known professionals as well. But wi...

    24,28 €

  • Identidade Serva De Deus
    Marisa Melo Silva
    Deus escolheu as coisas loucas deste mundo, para confundir as sábias e as coisas fracas deste mundo, para confundir as fortes, e as coisas vis, desprezíveis e as que não são; para que nenhuma carne se glorie perante ele.I Coríntios 1: 27, 29Deus precisa de servos e servas que digam e preguem a verdade, em tempo e fora de tempo, porque é assim que demonstramos o amor dele para o...

    12,34 €

  • Suas Na Prática
    Cleyton Ferreira Lima
    SUAS na Prática: Desafios e Soluções da Assistência Social em Nível MunicipalA obra aborda os seguintes temas:A estrutura e o funcionamento do SUAS;Os desafios enfrentados pelos municípios na implementação do SUAS;As soluções encontradas para superar esses desafios;Os resultados alcançados com a implementação do SUAS.O livro é voltado para gestores, trabalhadores e estudantes d...

    11,18 €

  • Gestão De Pessoas E Liderança
    Cleiton Lopes Da Cunha
    Esta obra traz uma abordagem geral e ao mesmo tempo bem objetivo sobre Gestão de Pessoas e Liderança de Equipes multidisciplinares. Abordando estilos de liderança, valores, inteligência emocional aplicada a Liderança, numa abordagem bastante atual e prática. ...

    9,90 €

  • Inspirational Quotes
    Redgeee Shhh
    Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: Unearth Timeless Wisdom to Transform Life’s Challenges into Triumphs. Embark on an intimate journey through the words of Redgeee Shhh in Inspirational Quotes: A Cumulation of Inspirational Quotes to Motivate. Each quote captures moments of reflection, lessons learned, and the undying spirit of hope. As you turn each page, let the words res...

    28,08 €

  • Inspirational Quotes
    Redgeee Shhh
    Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery: Unearth Timeless Wisdom to Transform Life’s Challenges into Triumphs. Embark on an intimate journey through the words of Redgeee Shhh in Inspirational Quotes: A Cumulation of Inspirational Quotes to Motivate. Each quote captures moments of reflection, lessons learned, and the undying spirit of hope. As you turn each page, let the words res...

    20,29 €

  • God Inspired
    Benjamin R. Dever
    Experience a Journey from Darkness to Light: Unearth the Power of Divine Transformation.When life pushes us into the deepest pits of despair, where do we find the strength to climb out? How do we discover purpose in the midst of chaos? Dive into God Inspired: A Life Worth Living, a stirring memoir by Benjamin R. Dever, and uncover the answers.In a world rife with uncertainty, B...

    13,20 €