Psicología popular

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular (21629)

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  • Diary of a Black Woman in Information Technology Self Empowerment
    Camillia Whiteside
    The book talks about life experiences in the field of Information Technology. ...

    12,42 €

  • 365 Quotes to Overcome Adversity Every Day of the Year
    Dessi McEntee
    Arm yourself with inspiration to battle hardship and work towards success everyday with 365 Quotes for Overcoming Adversity Every Day of the Year. Providing a quote for any given day in any given year, this book is a timeless resource for becoming your most epic self. Leave mediocrity behind and start walking the path of achievement. ...

    29,28 €

  • Thoughts are Things
    Prentice Mulford
    Prentice Mulford was one of the leaders of the New Thought Movement. Thoughts are Things will help you to use the power of your thoughts to improve your life and to bring yourself the peace of mind you’ve always wished for.Learn how to think in a way that will help you succeed and make you happier in every aspect of your life! ...

    11,66 €

  • Memory
    It is true that the success of the individual in his every‑day business, profession, trade or other occupation depends very materially upon the possession of a good memory. His value in any walk in life depends to a great extent upon the degree of memory he may have developed. His memory of faces, names, facts, events, circumstances and other things concerning his every‑day wor...

    12,17 €

  • Pericardium
    Allison Swenson
    In anatomy, the pericardium is the protective sac that surrounds and anchors the human heart. In your hands, it is the cover of this book.Inspired by the structure and physiology of the heart, Pericardium is a collection of poems and vignettes about strength, security, and perseverance. Divided into four parts corresponding to the four chambers of the heart, Pericardium follows...

    16,48 €

  • A Chave Do Sucesso
    Jean Bandeira
    Bem-vindo ao livro A importância das ferramentas da Qualidade na vida pessoal: A chave para o sucesso!Neste guia completo, vamos explorar como as ferramentas da Qualidade, originalmente desenvolvidas para aprimorar processos e produtos, podem ser aplicadas de maneira efetiva e transformadora em nossa vida pessoal.Neste livro, mergulharemos nas ferramentas da Qualidade mais util...

    15,38 €

  • How to Become a Young Billionaire
    Do you dream of becoming a young billionaire? Do you want to learn the secrets of success from the world’s richest and most influential people? Do you want to transform your passion, talent, and vision into a profitable business empire?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. HOW TO BECOME A YOUNG BILLIONAIRE: THE COMPLETE MANUAL FOR SUCCESS is ...

    20,83 €

  • The Mystical House
    DeiAdra NiCoLe
    In this fictitious short story, we will unravel the mystery surrounding an abandoned home and its occupants. The abandoned home was built in the 1970’s on the outskirts of a tiny Polish village. The home is known as 'The Mystical House' for its bazaar activities. The home is the center of the town’s debate, as if has the town in an uproar. The home is either known to bring fort...

    32,60 €

  • Quotes Masterpiece
    Mirembe Allan
    This book will help you in your success journey through rough and smooth times and inspire you to reach your goals. ...

    11,65 €

  • A Happy Driver’s Tales
    Marshall J. Crawford
    'A Happy Driver’s Tales - Onward Towards the Golden Sun' is a captivating narrative that follows the adventures of a joyful driver on a journey filled with optimism and excitement. Through a collection of heartwarming stories and encounters, the reader is taken on a ride of inspiration and discovery. As the driver moves onward, each tale unfolds new experiences and lessons...

    20,11 €

  • Briller à nouveau
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    Même lorsque les défis et les incertitudes assombrissent nos horizons, il existe en nous un pouvoir incroyable, celui de nous relever.Le livre Briller à nouveau : Un guide pour les femmes résilientes sera votre compagnon inébranlable dans les moments difficiles, une lumière qui éclairera votre chemin dans les moments les plus sombres et vous aidera à naviguer dans la mer tumult...

    22,74 €

  • Sii la tua musa personale
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    Esprimi il tuo potenziale femminile con Sii la tua musa personaleIn un mondo in cui social media e aspettative sociali la fanno da padrone, l’idea che la felicità dipenda da una relazione o dall’approvazione di qualcun altro è profondamente radicata. Ma se ci fosse un’altra strada per la realizzazione personale, che inizia con l’abbracciare la propria femminilità e la propria f...

    22,71 €

  • Sé tu propia musa
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    Expresa tu potencial femenino con Sé tu Propia MusaEn un mundo de redes sociales y expectativas sociales, la idea de que la felicidad depende de una relación o de la aprobación de otra persona está profundamente arraigada. Pero, ¿y si hubiera otro camino hacia la realización personal, uno que empezara por abrazar la propia feminidad y la fuerza interior?Sé tu Propia Musa: este ...

    22,70 €

  • Soyez votre propre muse
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    Exprimez votre potentiel féminin avec 'Soyez votre propre muse'Dans un monde de médias sociaux et d’attentes sociales, l’idée que le bonheur dépend d’une relation ou de l’approbation de quelqu’un d’autre est profondément ancrée. Et s’il existait une autre voie vers l’épanouissement personnel, qui commence par l’acceptation de sa féminité et de sa force intérieure ?Soyez votre p...

    22,70 €

  • Adotta una mentalità positiva
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    La vita è un viaggio pieno di colpi di scena e, a volte, ci può sembrare di navigare in un labirinto di incertezze.Adotta una mentalità positiva: Una guida al femminile verso l’ottimismo e il benessere vuole essere la tua guida in questo percorso di crescita alla scoperta di sé, verso una vita piena di gioia e soddisfazione.Tra le pagine di questo libro di auto-aiuto, potrai sc...

    22,73 €

  • Adopta una Mentalidad Positiva
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    La vida es un viaje lleno de giros y vueltas, y a veces puede parecer que navegamos por un laberinto de incertidumbres. Adopta una Mentalidad Positiva: Una guía femenina para el optimismo y el bienestar pretende ser tu guía en este viaje de autodescubrimiento, hacia una vida llena de alegría y satisfacción.En las páginas de este libro de autoayuda descubrirás las claves para su...

    22,73 €

  • Adoptez un état d’esprit positif
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    La vie est un voyage plein de rebondissements, et nous avons parfois l’impression de naviguer dans un labyrinthe d’incertitudes. Adoptez un état d’esprit positif : un guide de la pensée positive pour les femmes est destiné à vous guider dans ce voyage de découverte de soi, vers une vie pleine de joie et de satisfaction.Au fil des pages de ce livre de développement personnel, vo...

    22,73 €

  • Torna a splendere
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    Anche quando le sfide e le incertezze offuscano i nostri orizzonti, dentro di noi c’è un potere incredibile: il potere di rialzarci.Il libro Torna a splendere: Una guida per reagire alle difficoltà della vita e rialzarsi più forti di prima sarà il tuo incrollabile compagno nei momenti di difficoltà, una luce guida che illuminerà il tuo cammino attraverso i momenti più bui e ti ...

    22,78 €

  • Vuelve a Brillar
    Nina Madsen / Special Art Development
    Incluso cuando los retos y las incertidumbres nublan nuestros horizontes, existe un poder increíble dentro de nosotras: el poder de volver a levantarnos. El libro Vuelve a Brillar: Una guía para salir fortalecida de cada dificultad y levantarse más fuerte que antes Antes será tu compañero inquebrantable en tiempos difíciles, una luz guía que iluminará tu camino en los momentos ...

    22,78 €

  • Contos E Lendas Arturianas
    Geraldo Spacassassi
    Os Contos e Lendas Arturianas, narrativas que orbitam em torno da figura do Rei Arthur, constituem-se não só no arcabouço máximo da mitologia da Grã-Bretanha, como, seguramente, da própria cultura ocidental.Na saga do Rei Arthur a história e a lenda coexistem harmoniosamente num mesmo relato, criando dessa forma as condições para que o personagem mítico viesse a sobrepujar inte...

    18,42 €

  • Unstoppable Stories
    Geraldine McGrath
    'Unstoppable: Where Grit Meets Inner Fulfilment and Compassion, Shaping Barriers into Bridges.'Geraldine McGrath - Award Winning Podcast Host of Radiate RealnessWithin each of us lies hidden gifts and an unstoppable power waiting to be discovered and unleashed into the world.'Unstoppable Stories' reveals how pain transforms into purpose, the power of storytelling, and its world...

    15,87 €

  • Mitos Nórdicos
    Geraldo Spacassassi
    Embarque nesta aventura! Você se surpreenderá com os Mitos Nórdicos!Nesta jornada, você participará de uma experiência única e fascinante..., um retorno à Era Viking, que engloba, resumidamente, o seguinte roteiro:Cosmogonia e o Panteão Nórdico; Contos, Sagas e Lendas Nórdicas; Ragnarok/Crepúsculo dos Deuses; Saga dos Volsungs; As Runas; Lenda de Beowulf.Não obstante algumas na...

    19,26 €

  • Corazón abundante: Los siete principios fundamentales de la abundancia
    Adrián Eduardo Gómez Aristizábal
    El corazón abundante es un estado de ser en el que nos conectamos con la esencia misma de la vida, con la esencia misma de nuestro verdadero ser, y en el que reconocemos la inmensidad de nuestras propias capacidades y potenciales: el don divino que reside en el corazón de cada quien. Es un lugar en el que encontramos plenitud en cada experiencia, independientemente de las circu...

    10,40 €

  • Common Sense by Raul Cantu
    Raul Cantu
    As editor in chief, I was honored when asked to write the editorial for this one. When I read this book, I knew I was reading something profoundly special. From the first page to the last, this book grips your soul and takes it on a voyage like no other. From the start of all creation, some 13.5 billion years ago, to the birth of our earth, Cantu reminds us that our souls have ...

    24,82 €

  • Soul Farmer
    Dena Jansen
    Every strong woman deals with uncertainty-find the courage to grow and embrace change by combining your spirit with natureAs an ambitious woman, you’ve accomplished many things through your life experiences. Yet, you wouldn’t be the first smart, successful woman who found herself saying, 'I no longer feel like I used to.' Many women share a fear of the unknown or anxiety about ...

    16,38 €

  • Hope, Hurdles and Heart
    Sam Shosanya
    In 'Hope, Hurdles and Heart', Sam Shosanya shares his inspiring journey from the challenges of South London to personal triumph, offering readers a practical guide to unlocking their potential. This book goes well beyond a memoir, providing more than 20 tools for growth and overcoming life’s obstacles while emphasising the importance of core values.Through his own experiences, ...

    10,51 €

  • Common Sense by Raul Cantu
    Raul Cantu
    As editor in chief, I was honored when asked to write the editorial for this one. When I read this book, I knew I was reading something profoundly special. From the first page to the last, this book grips your soul and takes it on a voyage like no other. From the start of all creation, some 13.5 billion years ago, to the birth of our earth, Cantu reminds us that our souls have ...

    13,83 €

  • As a Man Thinketh
    James Allen
    Eminently quotable and full of practical advice for individuals who want to better themselves, As a Man Thinketh is an essential little volume published in 1902 which explains and promotes the direct connection between our thoughts and our happiness. Do you believe in the power of positive thinking - yet remain unclear as to how that power can be harnessed in your life? James A...

    10,93 €

  • O Patrão Nosso De Cada Dia
    A.r. Cruvinel
    UM CHOQUE DE REALIDADE, MAS COM MUITO HUMOR!Por que vivenciamos hoje a tragédia da super-rotatividade de mão de obra nas empresas? Por que está acontecendo, na (bizarra) justiça do trabalho, uma judicialização das relações de emprego (que alimenta a besta gorda da indústria dos acordinhos, e quebra empresas, por lhes matar o ânimo)? Será por causa da disseminação global da visã...

    19,62 €

  • A Fulfilled Life
    Sorens Books
    YOU DESERVE A FULFILLED LIFE! Fulfillment come from being satisfied with your life. It means you are satisfied with your ability utilization. God deposited certain valuables in you. You were not created to be useless. You are an asset. You have a purpose to fulfill on earth. In fact, the whole world is waiting for your manifestation. But unfortunately, many are wasting away....

    10,06 €