Carlos Pena

73,36 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
Propiedad y bienes raíces
73,36 €
IVA incluido
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If You Can Add, Subtract, Divide, and Multiply, You Too Can Broker Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Loans and Earn a Six-Figure Income is a book created to help those who want to learn the skills necessary to break into the commercial real estate mortgage brokering business. I have started many businesses and endured many hardships in my life, but one thing has driven me through the successes and failures: making a positive impact in the lives of others. In this book, I have compiled information and insight that has taken me many years to learn, and now I want to share it all with you! Possibly the most prominent misconceptions I have encountered in the commercial real estate loan brokering business is just how complex it is to understand and how difficult it is to get into, requiring an arbitrary high barrier of entry. As you read through this book, you will not only come to realize that the commercial real estate loan brokerage industry is not only much easier to understand than you think, but can be done with the simple math skills of addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. I am not classically educated and learned life’s lesson from the school of hard knocks, so if I can do it, than so can you! Inside this book, you will find the following: Easy-to-understand instructions, definitions, and concepts· No industry jargon-just straight talk· Helpful quizzes and practice scenarios to hone your skills· Realistic projections for the commercial real estate market in a good and bad economy. Solid resources to help you get started brokering commercial real estate mortgage loans.

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