Otras ramas de la medicina

Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina (22858)

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  • Développement de la formulation et de la technologie du gel vaginal à base de plantes
    Nkazana Malambo
    Les pilules amères appartiennent au passé, ce livre présente un traitement naturel possible et une voie d’administration efficace. Chaque composant actif utilisé dans la formulation de ce gel a des effets bénéfiques sur les parties du corps qui doivent être traitées.Puisque les femmes de cette société moderne veulent vivre une vie vibrante et meilleure, il est impératif que nou...

    50,19 €

  • Entwicklung der Formulierung und Technologie eines pflanzlichen Vaginalgels
    Nkazana Malambo
    Bittere Pillen gehören der Vergangenheit an, dieses Buch stellt eine mögliche natürliche Behandlung und einen wirksamen Verabreichungsweg vor. Da Frauen in dieser modernen Gesellschaft ein lebendiges und besseres Leben führen wollen, ist es für uns unerlässlich zu lernen, wie wir geschlechts- und alterstypische Infektionen behandeln können. Die verschiedenen Kapitel befassen si...

    48,94 €

  • Issue 16
    Connor Whiteley
    Psychologists apply theory to real world problems. Psychologists manage to improve lives, save people and achieve incredible things by applying psychology to the world.But how?This engaging, passionate and fascinating book explains the psychological theory behind a wide range of interesting areas and how psychologists apply the theory to problems to create impressive solutions....

    21,90 €

  • Manuale teorico e pratico per la notifica di malattie e patologie
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    Il Manuale teorico e pratico di segnalazione delle malattie e degli effetti avversi è un libro che descrive tutti i punti fondamentali della segnalazione sanitaria in Brasile. La stesura di questo libro è iniziata nel 2023 e ciò che mi ha ispirato a scrivere su questo argomento sono stati i numerosi errori/fallimenti nella segnalazione di malattie ed effetti avversi. Oltre a nu...

    60,70 €

  • Theoretical and practical manual for notifying diseases and illnesses
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    The Theoretical and Practical Manual of Disease and Illness Reporting is a book that describes all the fundamental points of health reporting in Brazil. This book began to be developed in 2023, and what inspired me to write about this topic were the many errors/failures in the reporting of diseases and adverse effects. In addition to countless reporting errors that I identified...

    60,70 €

  • Теоретическое и практическое руководство по оповещению о болезнях и заболеваниях
    Марцелло Хен Да Силва
    Теоретическое и практическое руководство по отчетности о заболеваниях и недугах - это книга, в которой описаны все основополагающие моменты отчетности о здравоохранении в Бразилии. Работа над этой книгой началась в 2023 году, а вдохновили меня на написание этой темы многочисленные ошибки/недостатки в отчетности о заболеваниях и неблагоприятных эффектах. Помимо многочисленных ош...

    60,83 €

  • Manuel théorique et pratique de notification des maladies et affections
    Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva
    The Theoretical and Practical Manual of Disease and Illness Reporting est un ouvrage qui décrit tous les points fondamentaux de la déclaration des maladies au Brésil. Ce livre a commencé à être élaboré en 2023, et ce qui m’a incité à écrire sur ce sujet, ce sont les nombreuses erreurs/échecs dans la déclaration des maladies et des effets indésirables. En outre, j’ai identifié d...

    60,77 €

    Vaishali Dave / Yash Bafna
    Smartphone applications offer a myriad of possibilities to enhance efficiency, communication, and patient care within the field of dentistry. These applications can serve as valuable tools for both dental professionals and patients alike. For practitioners, applications can assist in managing appointments, organizing patient records, and accessing reference materials such as tr...

    92,29 €

    Three-dimensional (3-D) printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has revolutionized dentistry by enabling the creation of precise anatomical models and personalized dental interventions. From intricate surgical planning to the production of patient-specific implants, 3D printing technology offers numerous benefits across various dental specialties. While its integration ...

    96,11 €

    Fershina J.J / Jaish Lal / Mithra Swornappan
    This textbook emphasizes the applications of Animal studies in the field of dentistry. Animal studies play a crucial role in advancing various fields of science, including dentistry. In dentistry, animal studies are conducted primarily to investigate the efficacy and safety of new dental materials such as dental implants, bone grafts, and restorative materials, its techniques, ...

    60,32 €

  • Formulazione e valutazione di microsfere caricate con quercetina
    Payal Deepak / Praveen Kumar
    Le perle idrogel di chitosano caricate con quercetina sono state preparate mediante gelificazione ionotropica utilizzando il tripolifosfato di sodio (TPP) come controione gelificante. Le perle idrogel di chitosano, a diverse concentrazioni di soluzione di chitosano, sono state preparate sciogliendo la massa desiderata di chitosano nell’1% (v/v) di acido acetico. Le formulazioni...

    48,63 €

  • Formulierung und Bewertung von mit Quercetin beladenen Mikroperlen
    Payal Deepak / Praveen Kumar
    Mit Quercetin beladene Chitosan-Hydrogelkügelchen wurden durch ionotrope Gelierung unter Verwendung von Natriumtripolyphosphat (TPP) als gelierendes Gegenion hergestellt. Die Chitosan-Hydrogelkügelchen wurden durch Auflösen der gewünschten Chitosanmenge in 1 % (v/v) Essigsäure hergestellt. Die vorbereiteten Formulierungen wurden verschiedenen physiochemischen Bewertungstests un...

    48,69 €

  • Formulation et évaluation de microbilles chargées de quercétine
    Payal Deepak / Praveen Kumar
    Des billes d’hydrogel de chitosane chargées de quercétine ont été préparées par gélification ionotropique en utilisant le tripolyphosphate de sodium (TPP) comme contre-ion gélifiant. Des billes d’hydrogel de chitosane, différentes concentrations de solution de chitosane ont été préparées en dissolvant la masse désirée de chitosane dans de l’acide acétique à 1% (v/v). Les formul...

    48,69 €

  • Создание и оценка микробисерных шариков с добавлением кверцетина
    Паял Дипак / Правин Кумар
    Гидрогелевые бусины из хитозана, нагруженные кверцетином, были приготовлены методом ионотропного гелеобразования с использованием триполифосфата натрия (ТПП) в качестве противоиона для гелеобразования. Гидрогелевые бусины из хитозана с различной концентрацией раствора хитозана были приготовлены путем растворения желаемой массы хитозана в 1% (v/v) уксусной кислоте. Приготовленны...

    48,69 €

  • Formulação e avaliação de microesferas carregadas com quercetina
    Payal Deepak / Praveen Kumar
    As esferas de hidrogel de quitosano carregadas com quercetina foram preparadas através de gelificação ionotrópica utilizando tripolifosfato de sódio (TPP) como contra-ion de gelificação. As esferas de hidrogel de quitosano, diferentes concentrações de solução de quitosano foram preparadas dissolvendo a massa desejada de quitosano em ácido acético a 1% (v/v). As formulações prep...

    48,69 €

  • Manual de terapia de aceptación y compromiso para disfunciones sexuales
    Miguel Ángel del Pino Jiménez
    Las disfunciones sexuales representan un problema creciente en una sociedad que enfatiza excesivamente el rendimiento en las relaciones íntimas. Rompiendo con los enfoques tradicionales que predominan en la actualidad, este manual plantea un tratamiento del sufrimiento humano vinculado a este tipo de problemáticas desde una perspectiva diferente. El autor introduce un enfoque d...

    24,93 €

  • Doing psychiatry in postwar Europe
    Looking closely at practices that contributed to reshape the psychiatric field in the second half of the 20th century, Doing psychiatry offers new insights into a mental health assistance in transformation after World War II. Through richly documented case studies across Europe, this book sheds light on marginal experiences and everyday practices. ...

    42,45 €

  • Natural Polymers
    Balaji Sopanrao Wakure / Mohini A. Salunke (Wakure)
    Natural polymers, derived from renewable sources like plants, animals, and microorganisms, have been used by humans for centuries due to their unique properties and sustainability. These polymers, which include cellulose, starch, proteins, and others, are integral to numerous industrial applications due to their biodegradability, biocompatibility, and environmentally friendly n...

    116,75 €

  • Simon’s Diary Volume Two - Ideologies and Beliefs
    Simon Mark Smith
    More laughter, tears, and psychological and philosophical insights from the author of Simon’s Diary Volume One - Love Hate and Knowledge. This volume continues Simon’s story as he prepares to leave school and home. Simon of the 2010s and 20s also makes an appearance with significant issues. As in Volume One, we also discover the fate of his relatives during World War Two, revea...

    46,33 €

  • Lo que ignoramos los psicólogos
    Alexandra Peña
    A través de las páginas de este libro se busca aportar contenido de valor a los psicólogos que quieran emprender pero no cuenten con las bases necesarias para hacerlo. El objetivo no es solamente motivarlos a recorrer este camino, sino también facilitar que encuentren de manera consolidada la información pertinente para dar los primeros pasos hacia el emprendimiento.Este libro ...

    9,31 €

  • Warriors of the Mind
    Dr. Dave Ferruolo
    Warriors of the Mind is meticulous in its presentation, weaving together a multidisciplinary perspective that incorporates medical, psychological, spiritual, and philosophical insights. It argues for a paradigm shift in the treatment of combat veterans, advocating for an approach that is not only empathetic and scientifically grounded but also open to the unconventional pathwa...

    19,45 €

  • O Tempo De Nos Abraçarmos Uns Aos Outros
    Cláudio Vicente Da Silva
    O Tempo de Abraçarmos Uns aos Outrosnarra a jornada emocional e mental de Juliana Inês, uma mulher de 36 anos que lutou contra a depressão e tentativas de suicídio. Nesta narrativa, somos apresentados à sua história de luta, marcada por momentos de profunda angústia e desespero, mas também por resiliência e esperança. Ao logo da páginas, acompanhamos Juliana em sua jornada de s...

    8,68 €

  • Pharmaceutical Pollution
    Dr. Nidhi Singal / Prof. (Dr.) Simerjit Kaur
    Pharmacological contamination puts conventional approaches to managing water quality to the test, necessitating the development of innovative wastewater treatment technology as well as behavioural adjustments in industry and healthcare sectors. The need for governmental intervention to lower dangers to people and the environment grows along with improvements in the identificati...

    84,54 €

  • Transdermal Drug Delivery System
    Rupali Ghule / Sayali Shinde
    Drugs are applied topically using transdermal drug delivery methods. Pharmaceutical preparations called transdermal patches come in different sizes and are designed to be placed to intact skin to transfer active ingredients to the systemic circulation after they have passed through the skin’s barriers and prevent first pass effect. A transdermal drug delivery patch offers a con...

    60,64 €

    Amit Kumar Sen / Kapil Kumar
    Topical formulations encompass a wide variety of formulations intended for cosmetic or dermatological application, to healthy as well as diseased skin. These formulations range in physicochemical nature from solid through semi solid to liquid. Drug substances are infrequently administered alone, but rather as part of a formulation, in combination with one or more non-medicated ...

    60,32 €

  • Jugo Desigual
    Euclyd’s January
    Neste livro, intitulado Jugo Desigual, a doutora Jackalyne conta a história do seu retorno da Europa, onde teve formação primorosa em medicina, especializando-se em psicanálise com o doutor Freud, com quem também se tratou de traumas da juventude. Ao desembarcar do trem é sequestrada por um bando de assaltantes, que a fazem refém, e é resgatada por um foragido da justiça que a ...

    14,59 €

  • Clinical Psychology Reflections Volume 4
    Connor Whiteley
    Clinical psychology applies psychological knowledge and theory to mental health conditions. But psychology students and professionals know information in textbooks and lecture theatres miss real-world issues sometimes.Can we fix this?Join bestselling psychology author Connor Whiteley reflecting on outstanding, critical topics, problems and more facing clinical psychology in thi...

    12,03 €

  • Flores E Fúrias
    Tiago M. B.
    VENCEDOR PRÊMIO WATTYS O mundo pode ser um lugar extremamente problemático. Principalmente quando esse mundo existe na mente de Renato, um jovem solitário obcecado por quadrinhos e grafite. No rigoroso inverno de 1975 em Curitiba, uma série de mortes e atentados insolúveis tem consequências desastrosas em sua vida. Diante da ausência de seu pai (um importante cientista nuclear,...

    26,48 €

  • Júpiter E O Poço Vazio
    Junior Malinowski
    Esta é uma história sobre um menino e sobre um poço vazio, mas não somente sobre ambos. Esta é uma história sobre o vazio e o que nós, seres humanos, fazemos com ele. Júpiter e o Poço Vazio faz um convite à reflexões durante a história e a se questionar sobre o direcionamento do nosso olhar ao caminhar pelo jardim da existência, e para onde direcionamos nossa escuta quando se o...

    6,83 €

  • Narrative Medicine
    MD Arthur Lazarus
    Discover the profound impact of storytelling and narrative in the medical field with, Narrative Medicine: The Fifth Vital Sign, by Arthur Lazarus, MD, MBA. The book is divided into two sections: Section 1: InstructionSection 2: InspirationThrough this intriguing collection of essays - the author’s third in a trilogy - clinicians, patients and caregivers will learn about the hea...

    19,75 €